Truths and Realisations


Master Don Juan
Apr 22, 2017
Reaction score
"Dark, what do you mean by truths?"

Truths which might sound distasteful to you. Truths which you've been running away and living your life as a lie.

"But Dark, I am an alpha and I've had many girls. I get laid all the time. Check out my new model girlfriend. I know all these truths"

Shh, you fool, if you'd been waking up in a bed full of beautiful women everyday, you wouldn't be reading this.

"Okay I get your point. What are these truths?"

Fools rush in where angels fear to tread.
Have patience, padawan.

When was the last time you cleared your mind, let go of your past and future and observed anything infront of you with all your five senses in the current moment without judging it as good or bad?

"What's with all this sh!t bro, get to the point, I really want to know"

How can you observe when all your life you've been watching life go by on autopilot, mindlessly believing anything anyone told you?

Before I get to it, I want you to analyse what I say before accepting or rejecting them mindlessly.

Root yourself in the moment and avoid reacting emotionally to what I say, because it might sting.

"Okay Dark"

Just like we seek women for their replication value ie. their abilities to rear healthy children measured primarily by their beauty, proportions, symmetry etc.

Women seek men for our survival value.

"What do you mean by survival value?"

Fool, survival value simply means the measure of your ability to survive in the world.

"Sure, I have a ton of money, I can't possibly run out of food to eat"

You might have a ton of money but your body is fat/skinny and genetically you are predisposed to diseases.

"Sure, I'm fit and have a lot of money"

That's great, but you lack confidence interacting with other people in social situations which will hinder your alignment with other people of high survival value.

"I'm going to put myself out there and I'm learning game"

Awesome you seem to be on the right track.

"I don't need money, looks or status. I have verbal game"

Spitting ONLY verbal game works well in the beginning but if it compensates for the essential value of your survival, you are deceiving women and sooner than later they will find out because they have evolved to weed out such losers.

"Aren't women selfish bad people if they just want my money, looks or status?"

Are you a bad sex crazed rapist to want to have sex with many women?

Women are the way they are to ensure their optimal survival in the world, just like you are the way you are to ensure maximum replication of your genes.

They will spit out long term friendships and relationships to align with a guy with high survival value.

All women in layman's terms are equivalent to "prostitutes" who trade their replication value for your survival value.

Essentially, professional prostitutes are women who are overtly truthful about the dynamics of the world and are shamed.

"How dare you call women prostitutes, they aren't "*****s". Don't you have a mother you assh*le?"

You say it like prostitutes are inferior and low-life scums. Just because most working girls are looked down upon by society, which is conditioned by women, doesn't mean they should be. They have embraced the truth.

They reduce the essential dynamic between a man and woman as an overt transaction of survival and replication, which it really is.

"Dark, cut to the chase, tell me how can I get women?"

You can only keep a women with high replication value, ie. beautiful healthy feminine fertile women with high symmetry and proportion if you can match her replication value by your survival value.

"How do I increase my survival value?"

You can increase your survival value by
- Increasing your overall value - looks, money, status
- Destroying your competitors value

I firmly support that an alpha doesn't destroy people's value as he understands he doesn't need to, but this strategy works.

My method to increase your survival value in quantifiable terms is:

1) Improve your financial status
2) Improve your looks and aesthetics
3) Improve your social skills and game

"Dark, but I'm fat, but I'm broke, but I come from a poor family, but I was abused as a child, but I'm skinny, but I'm short, but I'm socially nervous..."

Quit making more excuses than a pregnant nun. Take a decision. Plan. Take massive action. You aren't that special and just a little dot in the billions of dots in the world, let the chips fall as they may. Why not pursue what you want? Your time here is limited and insignificant to the thousands of years in human history.

"Okay I'm ready. Help me"

I can only show you the path, you are the one who has to walk on it.

Compartmentalise these three factors, looks, money and status and work on each one of them diligently everyday by taking action.

Looks and aesthetics

1) Work on acquiring a V shaped muscular lean body - Bulk up if skinny, cut down if fat
2) Diligently focus on strict nutrition and workouts. Study bodybuilding and take it seriously.
3) Groom yourself and take care of hygiene everyday
4) Buy clothes which fit and are as stylish as you can afford
5) Buy one or two accessories which provide style, utility and make a statement
6) Invest in a decent haircut
7) Invest in a high end perfume
8) Take care of your skin and acne

Money and resources

1) Study about savings, investments, compound interest and how time works in your favour.
2) Build a career not a job
3) Study passive income and work in acquiring them
4) Apply for that job which you've always wanted. Prepare yourself to do what you want
5) Owning a small business is better than having a job at a big firm
6) Focus on financial freedom than more money
7) Debts can be useful if they are used to invest in acquiring more income. Avoid acquiring debts on depreciating assets
8) Invest your time in education, these days there are a plethora of MOOCs to learn.
9) Focus on retiring early. Retirement and leisure isn't supposed to happen when you are too old and physically incapable to enjoy.

Social status and game
1) Learn social dynamics and apply then wherever you go.
2) Study dominant body language, vocal aesthetics and speech
3) Practice humour and observe renowned comedians and their delivery
4) Learn the art to influence people and study how attraction, comfort, rapport and deep diving work. Learn studied carelessness or sprezzatura.
5) Dominate and lead men and understand social hierarchy
6) Align yourself with people with a purpose
7) Understand preselection and competitive anxiety.

"Okay dark, many of these things I'm already doing, how do I get women?

Your mission should revolve around increasing your survival value at ALL times, disregarding whether it will get you women or not.

Realise the difference between wanting a woman and needing one.

True value lies in absolute freedom, the more you are needed and depended on, the more freedom you have.

As you become fitter, muscular, leaner, wealthier, fun to be around socially with a varied and interesting lifestyle with many high valued friends, you will have multiple opportunities to interact with females, take them throughout this journey.

If you give them even some time of your day, they will flock to you, then it will come down to how you maintain your purpose and game them without losing it.

"Tell me more such truths, Dark"

As you stay on your purpose with congruent alpha actions, women might preemptively leave you.

They do not care about you but only what they can exploit from you. A true alpha realises that women don't care about him so he doesn't allow himself to be exploited for sexual access.

Underneath their beauty, childishness, and a nurturing image lurks pure and crude selfishness.

They are master manipulators and will absolve themselves of all responsibilities, playing the victim and blaming all the way.

"Dark, who is alpha?"

Alpha is not a muscular, rich guy sleeping with a lot of woman.

Alpha is not a person, Alpha is a mindset.

If you have looks, money and status, you have definite advantages, but don't make the mistake of considering that being alpha.

Have fixed principles. Focus on your purpose and increasing your survival value. Do not let your resources be exploited. Understand and accept that women don't care about you. Stop seeking female approval as her validation has no value as she reacts to what you can give her or what she can exploit from you. Learn to walk away from people who don't align to your interests. Learn to say NO.

"Dark, I have a situation with my girlfriend, listen and help me out how to text her."



Edit: Feel free to add your methods to improve looks, finance and social status. I'm open to book recommendations, action plans and links to articles

Thanks for reading.


Master Don Juan
Dec 28, 2013
Reaction score
"Dark, what do you mean by truths?"

Thanks for reading.
Good read, brah.

I disagree with what you said about women evolving. Women, when thinking logically, care about money fame looks etc. These are the things that society tells her is what she should want. Women are herd creatures. If a woman is thinking logically and measuring your assets and body, she has isn't attracted to you on a deep level.

Women in deep love do not think logically whatsoever. College grads become mindless stuttering school girls around a guy that they are in love or very attracted to. They forget ****. They can't get a sentence out when making direct eye contact. They lose their train of thought.

The things you described are things that make a man a better man for himself. These things don't matter at all when dealing with women on a deep level.

If you are interested, I can tell you some real dark truths that most here wont agree with


Master Don Juan
Jun 20, 2013
Reaction score
I need help RETAINING INFORMATION when I read BOOKS, drop links


Master Don Juan
Aug 1, 2013
Reaction score
I have a very simple question..

Can the above be achieved at the age 42 lol

I'm in good shape, very fit and healthy.. I have good dress sense..

I'm confident enough to talk to woman..

Now the negatives in my Life...

01. My job is not great and does not pay well

02. I have lots of debt, that I am getting closer to clearing off

03. My social status is not great.. I have a few good friends, but I need to do much much better.
May 25, 2017
Reaction score
Florida, USA
Underneath their beauty, childishness, and a nurturing image lurks pure and crude selfishness.
This is possibly the best quote on this whole forum. And it doesn't necessarily stop at just "selfishness." They could be downright psychotic.

Feminism has given them too many rights and too much power. And it's never going to get any better.

It's almost as if they are evil.


Master Don Juan
Sep 13, 2016
Reaction score
Disagree, this is Great Depression era advice. Girls chase the exact opposite. Girls want some good looking guy in a statusy job with a flashy car and house, not some roosh v mofo living on self sustaining income in some trailer bragging about early retirement in his beat up Camry.


Master Don Juan
Apr 22, 2017
Reaction score
Good read, brah.

I disagree with what you said about women evolving. Women, when thinking logically, care about money fame looks etc. These are the things that society tells her is what she should want. Women are herd creatures. If a woman is thinking logically and measuring your assets and body, she has isn't attracted to you on a deep level.

Women in deep love do not think logically whatsoever. College grads become mindless stuttering school girls around a guy that they are in love or very attracted to. They forget ****. They can't get a sentence out when making direct eye contact. They lose their train of thought.

The things you described are things that make a man a better man for himself. These things don't matter at all when dealing with women on a deep level.

If you are interested, I can tell you some real dark truths that most here wont agree with
In simple terms, women are looking to satisfy their hypergamic impulses just like men are looking to maintain their polygamous nature.

The quickest ways to get laid is social proof and preselection.

Everything I laid out, looks money and status/game will improve your odds to establish social proof and attract women and improve you life which is ultimately what it's all about.

I need help RETAINING INFORMATION when I read BOOKS, drop links
Sure, you can PM me your email, I'd personally mail you each of my posts separately.
I have a very simple question..

Can the above be achieved at the age 42 lol

I'm in good shape, very fit and healthy.. I have good dress sense..

I'm confident enough to talk to woman..

Now the negatives in my Life...

01. My job is not great and does not pay well

02. I have lots of debt, that I am getting closer to clearing off

03. My social status is not great.. I have a few good friends, but I need to do much much better.
Well, I'm not a coach here, but it's great that you know your strengths and weaknesses.

If you don't like your job, search and prepare to get another

If you have huge debts, become financially intelligent, I'd recommend the book millionaire fast lane.

If your social status isn't great, learn better social skills. I'd recommend applying how to win friends and influence people. Also we are all friends here. PM me whenever you want.

This is possibly the best quote on this whole forum. And it doesn't necessarily stop at just "selfishness." They could be downright psychotic.

Feminism has given them too many rights and too much power. And it's never going to get any better.

It's almost as if they are evil.
I sense a hint of generalised anger and hatred towards women in many of your posts. Well, it's okay in the beginning when you understand the red pill, don't let it linger too long, because believe me or not, you are angry at your own short comings. Women are how they are because that's what makes them women.

Accept it.
Understand the system. Beat the system.
Disagree, this is Great Depression era advice. Girls chase the exact opposite. Girls want some good looking guy in a statusy job with a flashy car and house, not some roosh v mofo living on self sustaining income in some trailer bragging about early retirement in his beat up Camry.
My focus isn't on women or what they want, it is on myself.

Instead of focusing on me and assuming things about me, I'd recommend you to stop doing that, and focus on yourself.

If you still can't get your head off me, prove my ideas wrong than whine like a b!tch.


Oct 20, 2006
Reaction score
"Unlike her more ethical sisters, the street prostitutes, who deal in honest transactions, the average woman trades sex (or promises of sex) for gifts and entertainment and lifestyle. Her body is simply a tool to get what she wants.

- Matthew Fitzgerald in Sex-Ploytation


Master Don Juan
Nov 15, 2005
Reaction score
I sense a hint of generalised anger and hatred towards women in many of your posts. Well, it's okay in the beginning when you understand the red pill, don't let it linger too long, because believe me or not, you are angry at your own short comings. Women are how they are because that's what makes them women. Accept it. Understand the system. Beat the system.
Well said and excellent insight.

As they say, "don't get bitter, get better."

"When you start losing the girl or losing in life generally, it's like losing your hand at the poker table – You don’t double down. I.e. you don’t try to challenge or convince a girl otherwise when she’s lost interest and then become bitter when it doesn't work out. You don’t stay and beg and try and win again. You walk. The better men run."​


Master Don Juan
Sep 13, 2016
Reaction score
I can just walk outside my house and see this post get debunked. People here are aware of the old school pua philosophies that were used to trick us when we were novices. However, some members on this site still hold these reactionary views. You just sound like one of those renegade internet warriors.


Master Don Juan
Sep 8, 2016
Reaction score
"Unlike her more ethical sisters, the street prostitutes, who deal in honest transactions, the average woman trades sex (or promises of sex) for gifts and entertainment and lifestyle. Her body is simply a tool to get what she wants.

- Matthew Fitzgerald in Sex-Ploytation
Sure, but this criticism of the 'commodification of sex' is only limited to the bourgeois middle-class view of things. There is more in heaven and earth than is dreamt of in that philosophy. To 'buy' into it reflects the same limitation.


Master Don Juan
Apr 22, 2017
Reaction score
I can just walk outside my house and see this post get debunked. People here are aware of the old school pua philosophies that were used to trick us when we were novices. However, some members on this site still hold these reactionary views. You just sound like one of those renegade internet warriors.
Whatever floats your boat mate.

You sound like you aren't a "novice", good for you, well I'll always be a novice for life, so if you are such an expert, enlighten us.

If you haven't noticed, I have nothing against women. I love them as they are.

Anyone who deviates from forced social conditioning is considered archaic. That's why I don't discuss these views even with people close to me, they would react just like you did and I don't have the energy to convince them.

I write on this forum for the sole reason to behaviourally condition myself.

Take it or leave it.

Well said and excellent insight.

As they say, "don't get bitter, get better."

"When you start losing the girl or losing in life generally, it's like losing your hand at the poker table – You don’t double down. I.e. you don’t try to challenge or convince a girl otherwise when she’s lost interest and then become bitter when it doesn't work out. You don’t stay and beg and try and win again. You walk. The better men run."​

They say life is like a game of poker, game is a skill that increases your odds of getting more of what you want at the cost of short term losses.

Fold and live to fold again.

In the long run, you'll be forced to leave your ego behind and develop nerves of steel.
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