True or False?


Master Don Juan
Aug 6, 2009
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As I've said, I sometimes read the RSD forums for a different perspective, although I don't participate. Something Tyler Durden said in one of his posts got me thinking. He said:

If you're a young man and you're not having sex, you're basically a loser in life. That's harsh, but that's the way it is.

That's paraphrased, but it's pretty close. I don't remember the exact quote.
Do you think that is true or false?

I tend to think it's true but then I think maybe it puts too much emphasis on sex. It also kind of butts up against the philosophy here that women should not be the focus, you should not need women to be happy, women only compliment your life, etc.

So what do you think, true or false?


Master Don Juan
Nov 28, 2004
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Not necessarily a loser, but just not complete.


Master Don Juan
Apr 24, 2002
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monrovia, CA
not only is it not true it's one of the stupidest things i have ever heard in my entire life

It places way too much emphasis sex.

In fact, It's my belief most young men would be better served to forgo sex for self improvement for a few years, though i know that would fall on death ears

As pook says in one of his posts, i think it's the 15 lessons posts, getting the girl is not the success bec uase that would mean not having sex would be a failure.

You have created this entire sub culture, that just feeds off this ****. I can see how it manifests. If you have been an overweight video game playing nerd your entire life, trying to cake up to any thing resembling the opposite sex for attentoin, and you hit your 20's and get in shape and now you want to make up for lost time.. you have these guys that just, eat, breathe, live for sex. sex sex sex. the same dudes that live by the HB code and judge you not on how smart you are or how good of a person you are, but solely on the calibur of women on the HB scale you can pull and how many times you can pull said number.

I mean make no mistake I like sex just as much as the next guy though my posts might not seem that way at times, I really do lol. I promise you I like sex, but the **** isn't that serious to the point that "if you aren't having sex you are a loser". I've gone years without sex in my early 20's, and i am the 1% per say and i'm not 30.

I would even go so far as to say if you are in your 2-0's and the only thing you car about is "having sex" you are a loser. Sex is not that ****ing important.

If you aren't having sex, there are only 2 possible reasons why you aren't having sex.

1. you aren't chasing sex or even interested in sex. This was me in my early 20's. not to say I wasn't interested i just knew it wasn't on the agenda for a while. I had bigger priorities.

2. you are chasing sex, but not finding success.

The only person I would honestly call a loser, is a person who wishes to have sex, and isn't actively trying to get sex or better himself or his situation to get sex. It's not the result that makes a person a loser or not, it's the effort.
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Don Juan
Jun 10, 2006
Reaction score

See, this is a ridiculous contention.

All men desire to have sex. That is our basic desire. But to be a loser, you have to not be able to find someone who is willing to have sex with you.

I say it even goes deeper than that. I say that if you lie to yourself about sex, your own attractiveness and your own ability to find a mate, then you are a loser. If you are the guy who says "I'm not like that, I don't need to improve myself, I will just wait until my soulmate comes and have sex with her." (subsequently masturbating 15 times a day), then I would say you are pretty close to a loser.

However, someone like me. I don't care to have sex with girls at clubs or bars. That doesn't meet my standard of sex. I have learned to control my desire for sex in order to use it to improve my energy levels, clarity and focus. So I don't have sex because the girls that would have sex with me on any given night wouldn't be girls I would want my *** anywhere near.

See, I only want to have sex with the top women. How is this not centering your life and your very value as a human being on what women think of you? That is the exact problem with so many men. If you aren't having sex, you aren't a loser. Your only a loser if you CAN'T have sex and you desperately want to.

I chose backbreaker's advice. Focus on self-improvement and then get the top women when they realize that they aren't 24 and the obsession of almost every horny young adult male in the world.

So no, if you aren't having sex you aren't a loser. In fact, if you aren't having sex because you are chosing to spend your energy on yourself and can't be bothered to waste your time chasnig sex, then you are going to be a winner.

I say go ahead, have sex with 100 women by the time your 30, then come to me looking for a job because I'll have all the money, success and empire that you couldn't have dreamed of building because you were too busy getting laid. Then from 30+, I'll get laid like my **** is made out of diamonds. Except the girls I'll be ****ing can be any age. I can **** 20 year olds or 40 year olds depending on whatever I want.

I mean ****, I'd **** a dime right now but what dime is going to cut the ****? None that I meet. Because they are young and guys will chase them to the end of the earth just to get laid. I don't have time for that. I have money to make.


Master Don Juan
Apr 24, 2002
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monrovia, CA
Actually, a person wo thinks like that, and I know this first hand dealing with mjy very own father, a person that tries to equate sex with winning, is actually a person with very low self worth.

I'm going to outline to a T how this person thinks, again, beucase i've dealt with it my entire life.

this is a person who realizes early on in life, that success in life, is either 1. out of his grasp or 2. too much work for him to put any effort into.

I look at the human physque and I draw a funny but true parrall to college football recruiting. WTF you might say but hear me out lol. Every school at the end of the day, is going to try to paint their college recruiting class as exactly what they need and they are one step closer to whatever their goal may be. while the alabama's and lsu's of the world might be fighting it out for the top class in the country, a team like arkansas for isntance,takes a bunch of long rangy athletes with upside that have not played alot of football, that's petrinos recruiting philsopy. so even though we never have a GREAT recruiting class by rivals standards, we feel good about our class based off what we get.

you go a notch lower and look at a class like, mississippi state. they are content with beating out the instate schools (souther miss and ole miss) for recruits. at the end of the day they might only have a top 40 class, but they signed 11 out of the top 20 in state, they are happy and like the directoin the school is going

you go a notch lower to say, arknasas state. while they might not have a top 100 class, if they can sign all the in state players that the major schools could not sign and maybe a fringe player or two from in state, they are very happy with the direction of their school.

my point being that, everyone at the end of the day wants to feel gooda bout themselves. that's the point.

"sex man" gets this "good feeling" or learns early on, he can have status and feel good about himself by racking up notches on the bed post.

you will often find that a guy like this, is extremely conservative in other matters. they usually have a pretty mudane yet secure job. They won't go broke anytime soon but they won't be running a company any time soon. not because they aren't smart but because they don't want to take the risk or because they don't feel they are up to par. The more effort you put into bettering your career, the more notches on the bed post.

My dad and I just started speaking again after like 5 years, he took it too far. he tried to **** a girlfriend of mine.. lol, twice. and he was marred.

I know enough now, it had nothing to do with her being hot (she was). he ****s hot women all the time. He doesn't like the fact that his son is more successful then him. so he figures he's going to try to prove to himself that he's still a catch by ****ing my GF. That's how guys like this think. it's all about women because that's the only way they can measure

but the thing is, when you go down this path, you are putting a limit on the quality of woman you can get for quantity. There is nothing wrong my step mom. she's actually quite pretty, she's a RN, she's not stupid, etc... but she probably would be no more than a back up plate in a different world if I met her.. she's way too materialistic, too mainstream, doesn't think for herself, etc, and she had a daughter already when she met my dad. My wife wouldn't' give my dad the time of day although she "sees where i get my looks from"

My point being, is more times than not when people equate sex in a binary fashion like this, they are usually overcompensating for something else and that something else. The last time I spoke with dad.. my dad has been going to the race track all his life and in less than 10 years i take it up as a full time job and i can run circles aroud him. that has to ****ing suck lol. I had just b ought a new car, business is going great, about to get married... and he's talking about and showing pictures of women he's ****ed recently. woop dee ****ing doo dad.

it's actually quite sad.


Master Don Juan
Apr 20, 2006
Reaction score
well said backbreaker, i knew a guy that was just as you described, basically had nothing going for him but always broke out stories about this girl he f*cked or that other one he f*cked, problem is eventually he started telling the same stories over and over. lol.


Master Don Juan
Apr 24, 2002
Reaction score
monrovia, CA
st_99 said:
well said backbreaker, i knew a guy that was just as you described, basically had nothing going for him but always broke out stories about this girl he f*cked or that other one he f*cked, problem is eventually he started telling the same stories over and over. lol.
dude! lol

my dad was actually quite the basketball player as well. no exaggeration one of the best little rock has ever produced. very very good. you can't guard him. even now at 50 something you can't really guard him.

so for my entire life i've heard 2 things, 1. just how good of a basketball player he was and 2. how many woman he has ****ed

i've heard every story there is at least 50 times.

dad has game though. i have a cousin that plays professional ball overseas, played for the razorbacks (mike jones, my dad's sisters son) and even though my dad is a full foot shorter than him and about 25 years older, still abused him when we went to play pickup ball last christmas.

that kinda plays into my dad's self image as well. he was very very good and had he taken it more seriously could have played ball somewhere. I've seen him with my own two eyes abuse kim cooksey who played with the dallas mavericks in the late 80's.. just chasing women. women crazy.

that and then trying to make all his sons become him. I mean I wasn't a bad ball player at all, played HS ball, but i wasn't him nor did I particularly want to be him. he has done that with all three of us (though from the looks of it i think he finally is going to get his wish with my youngest brother braylon who is 10 and he's a leftie, can dribble better than I ever could and I was a HS starting point guard). Honestly I really never really LOVED basketball, i played it because i didn't suck at it and women liked it. but the second I got out of HS I really stopped following it.


Master Don Juan
Feb 28, 2011
Reaction score
To a CAR SALESMAN a man without a car is a loser.

He wants to shame you into BUYING.

A real man is complete rich or poor, harem no harem, empire no empire..if his first empire falls he knows in due time he will build a new one.


Master Don Juan
Apr 22, 2008
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zekko said:
As I've said, I sometimes read the RSD forums for a different perspective, although I don't participate. Something Tyler Durden said in one of his posts got me thinking. He said:

If you're a young man and you're not having sex, you're basically a loser in life. That's harsh, but that's the way it is.

That's paraphrased, but it's pretty close. I don't remember the exact quote.
Do you think that is true or false?

I tend to think it's true but then I think maybe it puts too much emphasis on sex. It also kind of butts up against the philosophy here that women should not be the focus, you should not need women to be happy, women only compliment your life, etc.

So what do you think, true or false?
Hmm. Do you have the context of the quote? I don't think Tyler would say something so blatant as that, even if he was trying to make some sales. He's a marketer through and through, but the pieces of his I've read seem a bit more evolved that that.

It certainly isn't true, unless you view life to be a race to get laid as much as possible (probably some PUAs do). Most normal, well-adjusted people have dreams and aspirations besides getting laid, and the fact that a person will forego a night of chasing tail to create a work of art, or solve a scientific mystery, or design a skyscraper, does not a "loser" make. Using the same logic, married men are also "losers," because they are only having sex with one women- one that will eventually age and become less attractive.

The point is that people have PRIORITIES, and having sex is not always a highest priority. It may be for young guys that lack sexual experience, sure- but at some point in time in normal adult development, you come to view it as a rather insignificant act and shift your focus to your career, your family, or your community. I would think that Tyler would tend to agree, now that he has a kid. On the other hand, Tyler has been known to contradict himself quite often.


Master Don Juan
Aug 6, 2009
Reaction score
Jeffst1980 said:
It certainly isn't true, unless you view life to be a race to get laid as much as possible (probably some PUAs do). Most normal, well-adjusted people have dreams and aspirations besides getting laid, and the fact that a person will forego a night of chasing tail to create a work of art, or solve a scientific mystery, or design a skyscraper, does not a "loser" make.
I don't think he meant that you had to be having sex all the time, or that you had to be having it with as many partners as you could. I think he was just saying you should have sex in your life. And he did specifically say as a young man, not as an older man.

I found the actual quote, and that is followed by the link to the thread.
Tyler's post is the sixth one down:

The OP is talking about bypassing physical pleasures and going directly to spiritual sources to obtain bliss. Tyler objects to this, and he does seem pretty blunt:

"Then I think it can get a lil cheesy and whatnot to lose sight of the fact that you're a young man and NEED to have sex, and that if you do not have sex you are basically a loser in life.

That sounds harsh and you can "spiritually reframe it" the end of the day it is what it is."


Master Don Juan
Apr 24, 2002
Reaction score
monrovia, CA
it's very funny, well not funny at all but ironic this happened today, and proves my point

I just found out about 1 hour ago my grandmother has passed away, my dad's mother. she was 79 years old, very loving woman who was god fearing, and family loving. she died peacefully, though I am going to miss her (was easily my fav grandparent) at least her pain is over.

But that's not why i am posting.

you would think, my dad woul call me and tell me that my grandmother has passed. No. this is how ****ed up my dad and I relationship is. he has to call his ex wife, mjy mom, to tell her to tell his son that her grandmother has passed.

the man refuses to speak me. I guess he doesn't know how to do the whole emotions thing or let out emotions but he refuses to speak to me about anything whatsover that does not invovle horse racing, football or getting laid.

I just so happened to be going to little rock friday anyway for the football game on saturday so I will go to the funeral on monday while I'm down there, but this is going to be very odd.

this is what "being a winner" gets you in Durdens point of view. a 52 year old man who can't even talk to his 28 year old son


Master Don Juan
Apr 20, 2006
Reaction score
samspade said:
You could argue that in the sexual marketplace, a man without takers is like a store without customers.

Does that make him a loser, through-and-through? Not sure about that.
the vast majority of business struggle for customers in the first few years, some cross a threshold, others dont. :)


Master Don Juan
Oct 8, 2008
Reaction score
Those guys are on some other sh!t. I'm not sure who they're helping...


Master Don Juan
Mar 25, 2008
Reaction score
Niether true nor false. Sex is just a natural behavior. Now if he would have said that "if you have hang ups about sex, and deny your sexual nature, you need help" that would be a more 'true" statement. Sex is easy to get when you don't have major hang ups. Put a normal male and normal female who find each other attractive together and sex is what happens.

My best friend felt God called him to preach and change lives. He struggled to remain pure and fight temptation. He remained a virgin until his marriage in his late 20s. He has his own ministry and serves in the military. Is he a loser? His wife and two kids don't think so.

I was virgin until I was 19. I had a girlfriend and never felt like a loser with women. In fact, I've hardly ever have felt like a loser with women. I know there are always women out there who want me. Some are hot, some aren't.

No I think the loser is the guy who defines himself by women and women alone and then who STILL fails to get women. That has to suck.


Master Don Juan
Feb 14, 2005
Reaction score
I could have sex every day without hardly trying if i didn't care about the quality.

I'd much much much rather not have sex at all than touch a non-thin, non-young girl. It's just not that important. At all.


Master Don Juan
Oct 22, 2007
Reaction score
Eastern Time Zone where it's always really late
I'm not disagreeing with anything in this thread really.

But I think a guy should learn game very early on so he can get the p*ssy chasing out of his system as EARLY as possible. (Of course, the risk is he never "gets it out of his system" and does so for many years.)

For me, it was 10x worse because women literally wouldn't give me the right time of day. I never had one date in high school or college. (To be fair, I still struggle.) I knew none of this stuff at the time so I had no clue why. Nobody I knew had the answer either.

Finally at 28, I lost my virginity with a chubby chick. Having missed out on so much, I became obsessed with learning game during what should have been very important career/business years.

With game, I was finally able score here and there, though not frequently or consistently. I then became this guy backbreaker mentioned.

"sex man" gets this "good feeling" or learns early on, he can have status and feel good about himself by racking up notches on the bed post.

you will often find that a guy like this, is extremely conservative in other matters. they usually have a pretty mudane yet secure job. They won't go broke anytime soon but they won't be running a company any time soon.
But to be fair, it was kind of too late to get into "gaming." But seeing myself getting older made it worse because I knew I'd never have that cute 20something girlfriend that guys take for granted when they were in their 20s, because that window had closed. (I don't mean 9s or 10s either. I mean even just 7s.)

I do take responsibility for what happened and understand that women shouldn't be the focus your life.

But if a guy CAN'T get women, he needs help with that as early as possible or it can destroy his self-esteem and thus hurt his career as well. The ability to get women shouldn't matter much, but to most guys it does.

The stereotype is that the frat boy that gets laid a lot in college becomes a loser later in life (in his career). The nerd who can't get laid because rich and successful.

I don't know if I agree with that. A lot of times, the frat boy that gets laid a lot DOES become very successful in business later because he got the p&ssy getting out of his system and built confidence and superior social networking skills.

The nerd, while very smart, had his self-esteem take a beating when he was young because of all the rejections. Unless he can overcome that, he probably won't beat the former frat boy in the career world, despite his intelligence and potential. Of course, this is a generalization. There are always exceptions.