Master Don Juan
Alright guys, I'm on vacation, I've been here for a month and I've got another month to go. Two days ago, I talked to this girl, we were at some internet store where we get to use the internet.
The connection cut off. So we were both sitting there and i noticed she was speaking english, so I decided to talk to her to see where she was from, she was from america. She moved here 2 years ago. So the convo was going pretty good, here I was speaking to a girl thats from the same place that i'm from, she also told me that she has some family that came over from America for vacation, I was thinking to myself, " this is the greatest thing that has ever happened to me, I could get with her and hook up my brothers with some of her friends"
So I decided to ask her for her e-mail, since over here most girls cant give out their numbers........
So I got her e-mail address and i sent her an email yesterday telling her that I dont got an email address(i'm using my "cousin's email address") so that i can give her my number and that she can call me, I believe that this would be better for the both of us and more fun, so i can use some charm or gas her head up or whatever. I told her to give me a call thursday.
My email exactly,
Whats up? It's me, this is my cousin's email address. If you dont mind, I want to give you my number for you to call me, I'd like talking to you on the phone rather then through e-mails.
Give me a call some time on thursday. #*******
ttyl U BETTA CALL =)~
And this was her e-mail,
Well listen umm.. i dont know how to say this but, im sorry i can't call u.
First of all im not the type of girl that would just take ur number and call u, which i dont even know u to begin with. Second of all i know u dont mean anything by it but, i have a boyfriend. Third of all if u wanna talk to me u can, get an emial, and then send me emails. U dont give me ur cousins email. And last thing dont take this against me or anything, i really would like to get to know u2, u seem like a nice guy. Plz no efence of any kind, also dont take this personaly but , im just not that type of girl.
Anyways feel free to email me when ever u want from ur own email. Ttyl bye take care .
P.s i wont be calling u thursday SORRY
i know u said u'd like to talk me on the phone rather than emails. Well im sorry i dont even know u to call u. I think we should stick to the emails.
Ok first of all, I got a month left, I'm definitely going to try to talk to as many girls as possible..... So theres no point in moving on, this is a girl I want to work on.
I know she was feeling me, I just had this feeling when i was talkin to her.
secondly, Girls over here dont want to be seen as h*e$, thats
the most important thing for them.
I think shes just saying this to try to sound hard to get, who the ****kkkkk thinks a phone is a bad way to get to know someone you dont know, duhhhhhhh thats how 90- whatever percent of the world comunicates.
Another thing is, yes she said she has a boyfriend, honestly I DONT GIVE A ****. I'm not looking to marry her, i just want some of her before i leave this place and I know for sure I'm never going to see this girl again for the rest of my life, Should i tell her that?
She tells me repeatidly that shes not that type of girl.........
She also tells me not to take any offense, which I'm not.
I know i look good and I'm not saying this to try to sound ****y, but shes not better then me, I look too good for her. Once again I'm not saying this in a bitter way.
So now guys, I want some of that ass and i've got a month to get it, if not less.
How should i respond to this email? should i listen to her and get my own email address...... Build her trust up so that i can get her to call me? sounds like a good idea but it will take alot of time......
PLEASEEEEEE SOME ONE GIVE ME A WAY TO RESPOND TO THIS EMAIL. what should i say? and please dont give me that forget about her talk.
for some reason, i can always get a girls number (or email) but i can never reel them in. This is about the 8th time I've had a girl give me her number or email and I've had trouble with breaking the ice with them.
Alright guys, I'm on vacation, I've been here for a month and I've got another month to go. Two days ago, I talked to this girl, we were at some internet store where we get to use the internet.
The connection cut off. So we were both sitting there and i noticed she was speaking english, so I decided to talk to her to see where she was from, she was from america. She moved here 2 years ago. So the convo was going pretty good, here I was speaking to a girl thats from the same place that i'm from, she also told me that she has some family that came over from America for vacation, I was thinking to myself, " this is the greatest thing that has ever happened to me, I could get with her and hook up my brothers with some of her friends"
So I decided to ask her for her e-mail, since over here most girls cant give out their numbers........
So I got her e-mail address and i sent her an email yesterday telling her that I dont got an email address(i'm using my "cousin's email address") so that i can give her my number and that she can call me, I believe that this would be better for the both of us and more fun, so i can use some charm or gas her head up or whatever. I told her to give me a call thursday.
My email exactly,
Whats up? It's me, this is my cousin's email address. If you dont mind, I want to give you my number for you to call me, I'd like talking to you on the phone rather then through e-mails.
Give me a call some time on thursday. #*******
ttyl U BETTA CALL =)~
And this was her e-mail,
Well listen umm.. i dont know how to say this but, im sorry i can't call u.
First of all im not the type of girl that would just take ur number and call u, which i dont even know u to begin with. Second of all i know u dont mean anything by it but, i have a boyfriend. Third of all if u wanna talk to me u can, get an emial, and then send me emails. U dont give me ur cousins email. And last thing dont take this against me or anything, i really would like to get to know u2, u seem like a nice guy. Plz no efence of any kind, also dont take this personaly but , im just not that type of girl.
Anyways feel free to email me when ever u want from ur own email. Ttyl bye take care .
P.s i wont be calling u thursday SORRY
i know u said u'd like to talk me on the phone rather than emails. Well im sorry i dont even know u to call u. I think we should stick to the emails.
Ok first of all, I got a month left, I'm definitely going to try to talk to as many girls as possible..... So theres no point in moving on, this is a girl I want to work on.
I know she was feeling me, I just had this feeling when i was talkin to her.
secondly, Girls over here dont want to be seen as h*e$, thats
the most important thing for them.
I think shes just saying this to try to sound hard to get, who the ****kkkkk thinks a phone is a bad way to get to know someone you dont know, duhhhhhhh thats how 90- whatever percent of the world comunicates.
Another thing is, yes she said she has a boyfriend, honestly I DONT GIVE A ****. I'm not looking to marry her, i just want some of her before i leave this place and I know for sure I'm never going to see this girl again for the rest of my life, Should i tell her that?
She tells me repeatidly that shes not that type of girl.........
She also tells me not to take any offense, which I'm not.
I know i look good and I'm not saying this to try to sound ****y, but shes not better then me, I look too good for her. Once again I'm not saying this in a bitter way.
So now guys, I want some of that ass and i've got a month to get it, if not less.
How should i respond to this email? should i listen to her and get my own email address...... Build her trust up so that i can get her to call me? sounds like a good idea but it will take alot of time......
PLEASEEEEEE SOME ONE GIVE ME A WAY TO RESPOND TO THIS EMAIL. what should i say? and please dont give me that forget about her talk.
for some reason, i can always get a girls number (or email) but i can never reel them in. This is about the 8th time I've had a girl give me her number or email and I've had trouble with breaking the ice with them.