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trouble getting past getting the number


Master Don Juan
Sep 2, 2000
Reaction score

Alright guys, I'm on vacation, I've been here for a month and I've got another month to go. Two days ago, I talked to this girl, we were at some internet store where we get to use the internet.
The connection cut off. So we were both sitting there and i noticed she was speaking english, so I decided to talk to her to see where she was from, she was from america. She moved here 2 years ago. So the convo was going pretty good, here I was speaking to a girl thats from the same place that i'm from, she also told me that she has some family that came over from America for vacation, I was thinking to myself, " this is the greatest thing that has ever happened to me, I could get with her and hook up my brothers with some of her friends"
So I decided to ask her for her e-mail, since over here most girls cant give out their numbers........
So I got her e-mail address and i sent her an email yesterday telling her that I dont got an email address(i'm using my "cousin's email address") so that i can give her my number and that she can call me, I believe that this would be better for the both of us and more fun, so i can use some charm or gas her head up or whatever. I told her to give me a call thursday.

My email exactly,
Whats up? It's me, this is my cousin's email address. If you dont mind, I want to give you my number for you to call me, I'd like talking to you on the phone rather then through e-mails.
Give me a call some time on thursday. #*******
ttyl U BETTA CALL =)~

And this was her e-mail,

Well listen umm.. i dont know how to say this but, im sorry i can't call u.
First of all im not the type of girl that would just take ur number and call u, which i dont even know u to begin with. Second of all i know u dont mean anything by it but, i have a boyfriend. Third of all if u wanna talk to me u can, get an emial, and then send me emails. U dont give me ur cousins email. And last thing dont take this against me or anything, i really would like to get to know u2, u seem like a nice guy. Plz no efence of any kind, also dont take this personaly but , im just not that type of girl.
Anyways feel free to email me when ever u want from ur own email. Ttyl bye take care .
P.s i wont be calling u thursday SORRY :)..
i know u said u'd like to talk me on the phone rather than emails. Well im sorry i dont even know u to call u. I think we should stick to the emails.


Ok first of all, I got a month left, I'm definitely going to try to talk to as many girls as possible..... So theres no point in moving on, this is a girl I want to work on.

I know she was feeling me, I just had this feeling when i was talkin to her.

secondly, Girls over here dont want to be seen as h*e$, thats
the most important thing for them.
I think shes just saying this to try to sound hard to get, who the ****kkkkk thinks a phone is a bad way to get to know someone you dont know, duhhhhhhh thats how 90- whatever percent of the world comunicates.

Another thing is, yes she said she has a boyfriend, honestly I DONT GIVE A ****. I'm not looking to marry her, i just want some of her before i leave this place and I know for sure I'm never going to see this girl again for the rest of my life, Should i tell her that?

She tells me repeatidly that shes not that type of girl.........
She also tells me not to take any offense, which I'm not.
I know i look good and I'm not saying this to try to sound ****y, but shes not better then me, I look too good for her. Once again I'm not saying this in a bitter way.

So now guys, I want some of that ass and i've got a month to get it, if not less.
How should i respond to this email? should i listen to her and get my own email address...... Build her trust up so that i can get her to call me? sounds like a good idea but it will take alot of time......

PLEASEEEEEE SOME ONE GIVE ME A WAY TO RESPOND TO THIS EMAIL. what should i say? and please dont give me that forget about her talk.

for some reason, i can always get a girls number (or email) but i can never reel them in. This is about the 8th time I've had a girl give me her number or email and I've had trouble with breaking the ice with them.


Master Don Juan
Sep 2, 2000
Reaction score
i read that over and damnn that got me mad............
Guys, I want to **** the **** outa here so that the rest of her life, she walks around knowing that shes the hoe that me and her both know she is....... I hate these stupid girls with rules and morals..........

ahhhh that felt good, sorry


Master Don Juan
Jul 29, 2003
Reaction score
I wasn't there so I can't possibly really know what she was feeling. So if I'm way off base I apologize. I don't mean to offend you AT ALL, but I get the feeling she just wasn't really into you and she probably does have a boyfriend. A lot of time girls feel bad saying "no" when a guy asks for her number or email or whatever, but it's a lot easier to say no later on. It's totally ****ed up I know, I'm not like that, but a lot of chicks are.

Anyway, I don't know WHAT THE **** she's talking about saying "I'm not the type of girl who calls guys"... that sounds like one of two things... she's BSing you or she's uptight... I mean, you asked her to give you a call, it's like you said, you didn't ask her to ****ing marry you or anything. She needs to relax.

I say, don't even waste your time on her, it's going nowhere. If she's not even willing to talk to you on the phone, what do you think is going to come of this? Are you looking for a new email-pen pal or what? You said she probably doesn't want to look like a hoe... well if she thinks calling a guy is hoish, then you're definitely not getting any of that.

If you really feel the need to respond to that I'd say tell her flat out (not rudely though), that you're not trying to get in her pants (ha) or marry her or anything... It's just easier to talk on the phone. She says she doesn't even know you, well, what better way to get to know you than by talking on the phone? (I mean, how else are you supposed to get to know new people?) You could come up with some bull**** about how its so great to meet someone from home.

I don't know. I'm feeling kind of *****y, :mad: so you might want to screen this advice before you actually use it.

Helter Skelter

Master Don Juan
Jun 15, 2003
Reaction score
East coast
I had a girl recently give me her e-mail an then never responded, when I wrote her.

It would be a great world if we could have every girl we wanted.

That's not the way it is, however.

I'd say move on and hopefully meet someone more available.


Master Don Juan
Sep 2, 2000
Reaction score
Once upon a time ( in a month it'll be about 3 years) there was this kid who was having trouble getting a girl, he still hadn't even gotten his first kiss yet. What a shame............. He was depressed and needed help...... So one night he had a dream about going to, and so he did. Since then I've not only had my first kiss, I've ****ed a couple of times........... =)

Now i dont believe this site is supposed to be about getting girls that you could normally get without this site.
Isn't or shouldn't this site be about getting the woman you usually wouldnt be able to get?
I know kids who get rejected about 3 times by the same girl and some how get her in the end.
I dont know if all you guys suffer from some sort of self esteem problem that once a girl gives you anyyyyyy signs that you dont like, she is all of a sudden not interested...............

Or wait, maybe you guys think I'm some sort of ugly duffus that walks around tripping over his own feet? naaa man

Now i would really appreciate some tips about how to be able to get this girl, I dont like given up on what I want and ever since i can remmember, everytime i post up a topic about something like this, the response I ALWAYS get is forget her.
I had a girl a couple of months back that was really feeling me, I got her number, she went around telling all her friends she was inlove with me (and damn she looked good too) and as soon as we started talkin on the phone, it all fell apart.
I wanna know why?
I dont want girls numbers or emails to ****en talk to them, wtf do i want to talk to them for and about what? what girbirs baby food she liked the best as an inphant?

I ask them to hang out right away, before we even get to know eachother and usually there answer is, I dont even know you, wtf man i dont look like a rapist.

So can anyyyyyybody, any real don tell me what i should do.


Master Don Juan
Sep 2, 2000
Reaction score
this is what i wrote back, tell me what you guys think

ok.... I'm not taking any offense to that, I didnt think I was coming on too strong, you just seemed like a fun girl to talk to and usually talking to some one on the phone doesnt make you "that type of girl"
I just thought it would be more fun to talk to you on the phone. I dont know, maybe thats the way things are here. Another thing is you seemed like a nice girl, you are from America and I aint going to lie, you are cute. I have less then a month left here, and after that we're never going to see eachother again for the rest of our lives. So I was just thinking to myself, maybe i could make myself a good friendship with someone before i leave. Maybe we could get to know eachother and hang out sometime, i know you said you have a bf. But I'm sorry if i see this as a great opportunity to get to know a girl that seems like a great person and if you would get to know me too you would see that i'm a great person. So if you change your mind about calling me, then call me, it'll be more fun and alot better then talking through emails =)
take care ;)


Master Don Juan
Sep 2, 2000
Reaction score
you dildos, heres what she repsonded

Well i understand where ur coming from, u2 seem like a nice guy. And i would like to talk on the phone and get to know u2. I'll Give u a call soon maybe on monday, bcz im buzy this weekend. My brother is leaving 2 the states, after that i would be free. Plus maybe I'll c u that day bcz im going out with my friends or on thursday im not sure. We'll talk and c. Anywayz ttyl take care. And I'm sorry for over reacting. But around here u have to be like that.

BTW ur good at convincing ppl lool ;0)