cant think of a user name said:
Not down there. On your head.
I was reading about how some guys trim their own hair because the barbers always mess it up or don't know their hair as well as they do. Plus they can save $15 a month on haircuts (or, if you like, up to $95).
I found a
link but it doesn't seem to give much info on how to trim your sides and back properly.
So has anyone done this before? With decent results?
I've been cutting my own hair for years now. It saves me a lot of money, and besides it's nice because I can do it any time I want/need to.
The first few times you will mess up and look like a fool, but that's okay, because knowing how to do it later is great. It's not just the only takes me 30min to do it, so it saves time running to and from the barber shop, and time is money...and so is money for gasoline.
I have a basic haircut kit, and just use the different 'blades' or whatever you call them. The things you put on the trimmer have different sizes. For example...1" , 1/2" , 3/4" , 3/8" , 1/4"
What I do is, when it's that time of month that I need a haircut, I first take the 1" ...or the biggest one. This will not cut much, but leaves the most hair on my head. I take this and just "comb" it through my hair in the direction of my hair, as if using a comb.
Then, I'll take the "3/4" inch one and go against the direction of my hair, going down to up, on the back of my neck and the sides. Leaves less hair on the sides, and more on top. Then I repeat this with the "1/2" inch, but don't go as far up.
Then you just use the plain trimmer without any extension piece to even the back and sides.
By the way, the way I do all of this is by holding a mirror in my left hand and the trimmer in my right, and I stand with my back to the bathroom mirror, so that when I look in the mirror held in my left hand, I can easily see what I am doing on the back of my head.
Btw, picard, good Barbers should be able to cut their own hair. I'm skilled enough now that I give haircuts to other people occasionally. I must be Houdini, lol, because when I give myself a haircut I usually even get comments on how good it looks.
I'm starting to notice a receding hairline...which has tempted me to shave my head military style a few times...which would be a lot easier. I won't do it though until my hair is visibly balding. I think by then I'll be pretty bulked up so my hair will be the last thing girls would be staring at.