Triggatrey - How i went from AFC to a player in HS PART 1


New Member
Jul 12, 2011
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Man thnx everyone for reading this i may change your life you never know.
im 17 and of south african decent born in australia. A few months ago i used to be a big AFC even tho i had the looks and everything i was effin DEAD shy. I couldnt even look at a girl in her eyes without turning my eyes to the floor like a effin 5 yr old. I used roam around this board for hours and read like every seduction book their is to read without any avail
I literally gave up left this fourm and said in my mind man **** this just do whatever . i started going to parties with friends dressed like a pimp and acted all top **** BAMM I GRABBED GIRLS INTREST
I had a winniers mentality in my brain i convinced my self im a winner ididnt give fuxx about anyone else. I knew that night i found what was missing all along i had the wrong mentality in my mind: I had the afc mentality, i scored tons of chicks that night by just acting like a player smooth talking making them laugh JUst being me i wasnt scared of what to say next, or what she may think i basically didnt care. Easy huH
Fast forward months later ive got a **** buddy,and two girlfriends who are casually dating me ( i smash both too)
Life is good right now Guys are jelouse of me LoL ladies love me and to think just a few months ago i was the biggest AFC of all AFC and now i score chicks left and right haha. Crazii.

Take my tips this is how i did it fuxx that other bull****.
1. Have the right mentality always dress good and convince your brain your tha man and trust u will be.
2. Be a fb warrior talk to girls on fb and get their number and if theirs a event in your town or if yoy want to catch a movie ask them out
3. Talk to random chicks like you dont give a **** ur a player remember
4. Dress good man ALWAYs dress good This is like 50 percent of attraction
5. THE BIGGEST tip of ALL : go out every night and just talk to people effin get out OF your house stop Sitting infront of the computer and wasting your time reading bull**** like its a magic pill ITS ALL ABOUT THE MENTALITY IF U THINK AFC YOU WILL ALWAYS BE AFC. Think like a winner, think like player, act like a player HS girls a bull**** they like that badboy so go give them the badboy in you.
I could write a whole book any feedback will be appreciated nd also ask me any topic from convincing them 2 havin sex to what to say when talking to girls goodluk ppl onelove