Tried somthing new today


Senior Don Juan
Aug 30, 2003
Reaction score
I got bored in class today and tried something I never really thought of..........mirroring.

There is this girl who sits about two seats from me diagonaly. She use to sit at the other side of the room, but moved over to where I'm at. Now I bust on this girl every chance I get, and act like a little ****y bastard. She responds to it very well, and I find her staring at me out of the coner of her eye during lectures trying to see what Iam going to do next. Now she is very attarctive, smart, kinda of shy, nice, but if you push her buttons she can let some meanness out on you. Before you think this is another AFC post askin "Do I ask her out" read the following. Yeah to some she seems like the prefect girl, but she has a on and off boy friend(warning sing) and her parents a very strict and religious(nothing wrong with being either one, but a combination of the two, whooaaa look out). So Iam just fine being friends with her and just like to hang with her. Now to today.

Iam notrious for screwing around with people. What can I say, I enjoy what I do. Anyway I got bored, so I started mirroring this broad's posture. Either she picked up on it, or just decided to change posture and pose so I quickly followed. I know after a few times of going back and fourth with her she started to picked up on what I was doing, and I start to really get into the whole mirroring act. Also by this time I start to worry if anybody eles is picking up on this, but eh "I say screw it "and go full steam ahead. So anyway, she starts to look out the corner of her eye trying to see just what the hell was going on. I ignore, and use my good perifial(sp?) vison to watch her , but at the same time make it look like I was paying attetion to the lecturer. After a while of this I get this wierd feeling in my freakin body( don't ask me, wasn't pain, just freakin wierd)and at that moment she gets a little uneasy and starts squriming, till she gets up and goes the teacher for something. By the end of class she picks up her stuff and darts outta class like she was set a asunder(love that word) by a flame thrower. Only other time I have seen a person move so fast, was during the L.A. riots of 68 and 92. Lol

Now I don't know if mirroring had a postive or negative or effect today, but man it was fun. Kinda like that game you use to play when you were little when you imated everyone to annoy them, but this time I looked serious as hell and didn't even say sh!t to her.

Can any Dj's elborate or tell of their stories?


Senior Don Juan
Oct 24, 2002
Reaction score
San Diego East County Mountains
"Only other time I have seen a person move so fast, was during the L.A. riots of 68..."

You are old enough to remember the '68 riots?


Senior Don Juan
Sep 3, 2002
Reaction score
Originally posted by On_the_Top
and her parents a very strict and religious
I think a religious parent is necessarily strict while a strict parent doesn't have to be religious...

Now about your story, you probably either scared the **** out of her, or she just had some business to attend, an appointment or something, and didn't really pay attention to your act, or just found it funny.


Senior Don Juan
Aug 30, 2003
Reaction score
Originally posted by Good_ol_boy
"Only other time I have seen a person move so fast, was during the L.A. riots of 68..."

You are old enough to remember the '68 riots?

no, I was just trying to avoid a cliche.
Jul 22, 2003
Reaction score
did she look at you as she ran out. She might have gotten excited, so excited she needed to, um, relieve herself. With parents like that, she might have had alot built up in her. She wouldn't stare at you if she wasn't interested. Unless you had something really weard about you.


Don Juan
Oct 11, 2003
Reaction score
Dallas Texas
Geeeeezzzzz So maybe mirroring may not be a good idea? I wanted to try this tommorow at work to see what happens, but I don't want to creep anybody out.