Treat her like a Freind: my theorys oppinions/ your oppinions

Good Idea or No "Im going to make a new freind" mindset for conversations

  • Great Idea to Shake the Unconfidence

    Votes: 0 0.0%

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Don Juan
Oct 8, 2013
Reaction score
-Hey you all so as of late ive been at a college though I'm a high school student. I wont bother to explain why as that can be found in my High School kid in college posts in the high school section. But as of late ive been noticing a pattern
-Ive been a bit frustrated to be honest lately. Girls will seem interested at first but than quickly have become... well... not. Its been sort of getting under my skin so I said "you know what f*** it one day, screw trying to "Get Girls" Im just going to go in under the mindset of I'm bored today I'm going to make some friends. If there females great im not expecting anything." So I chatted up a girl in the mindset of ljbf. Id say she was a 6 maybe 7 totally didn't care if she liked me or not. But then after a while she was being not very much but just a tad flirty. I did maybe 1 or 2 neg hits, without really thinking about it. Then she had asked my age to witch i was totally oblivious up untill this point that she actually may be have considered me for a dating opportunity. Unfortunately not going to lie here so I told her my real age, and alas shes 20 me 16 but I sort of realized something that day.
-When you go into a conversation with a girl under the Mindset of "im going to be making a new friend today", It takes a lot of pressure off. Instead of making a whole bunch of fears both subconsciously and consciously, your mind quite litteratley doesn't care. Your there to be happy and enjoy yourself talking with this other person the same way you would talk to a female friend (not to be mistaken with being the one freind zoned, rather you freindzoned the girl) or guy friend. There is no doubt about it, Women likes a happy guy thats having fun. If your over-analyzing your every move, and your totally worried about it, than that's what shes going to see subconsciously. But if your mind quite simply doesnt give a flying f*** if your worried that they wont like you than the Alpha Male shines through easier without you really knowing what your doing. All you have to remember is have fun and enjoy talking with her. That way she sees that your a fun person
-And come to think of it in the past This has worked, just I never really used it to my advantage. Girls that were below my standards I would usually try and give out a friend zoning type of vibe, the shy ones would go away, the normal ones it seems would try even a bit harder, relatively without making it uber obvious. Now it wasnt super in your face but they would definatley try and make efforts for me to flirt back.
-PS dont be totally clueless Either, if a girls flirting maybe resist a little but flirt back.
-Any who whats your guys opinion on this mindset going into a conversation??? Bad Idea, Or great idea on how to not freak yourself out. Leave your opinions BELOW


Don Juan
Aug 25, 2013
Reaction score
Jacksonville, FL
This is questionable as a poll, especially the way you worded it.

NO, this doesn't help. You are still outcome-dependent. Therefore, she can still reject you. Treat her like a random chick you are trying to evaluate for sexual/intimacy purposes...


Don Juan
Oct 8, 2013
Reaction score
Good Point!!!

You make a good point with the outcome dependence. The overall goal is to get in a mindset where you don't care about the outcome of the interaction. Maybe this is a poor way to go about the whole conquering the nervous guy thing, but for me ,when I tried it anyways it sort of banished the whole over analyzing thing I was doing, witch I found to be inhibiting me. Granted that's not to say that once you get talking with her to totally ignore flirting type of things, but rather instead of monitoring things like body language your body language, making sure you enact kino, pupils, ETC... you are rather focused with enjoying yourself in the conversation, that way it feels more natural as opposed to the guy who is thinking about everything, and trying keep a :cool: face on the outside. And in reality I just found this mindset is what sort of banished that over analyzing in my head, maybe its different for others. All I know is that its seemed to help me in the past. And maybe a better definition of the mindset may be in order as well. "The game is a numbers game so don't freak out if the girl isn't interested in you," Now i think the key is internalizing that message rather than just thinking about it
-About the Poll: Reason I submitted the poll is so others can quickly agree, sorta agree, or disagree with the idea, rather than write a reply witch takes a bit longer. Also I was curios as to how the poll function works as I haven't really ever used the poll function before. So that's why I tried it out, don't expect a lot of "polls from me" I just wanted to see how it worked.