This is a somewhat lengthy post, so for your convenience in case you're short on time, I've written the key points in bold and blue, so you can skip everything else and still get the message.
Hey guys, I'm using a new alias because at least one girl I know has started reading these forums, but I've been in the community for a while. Anyway, I'm up for meeting some cool new wingmen and have seen a number of posts from others saying the same, so I figured that we should all get together and grab a coffee or drinks and then go find some hotties. Also, I don't mean to sound condescending, but having sarged with a lot of people in the past I've come to realize that good wingmen are few and far between, so if you wanna hang out please post here if you meet the following criteria, which apply to myself and any of my friends who'll also come out with us.
- you're a genuinely good person and honest and trustworthy friend. "Bros before hoes" isn't just a saying - it's in your blood: if you run into Kim Kardashian in a club and she gives your friend a dirty look, you tell her to fvck off and walk away without a second thought.
- you've got stories to tell and have a cool lifestyle and personality, are witty, intelligent and interesting to talk to. You've got awesome hobbies and keeping your wingmen and women interested, entertained and in a good vibe is effortless.
- you've got money and can take care of yourself. Sorry, I don't mean to sound rude but if you don't have this taken care of then you might want to focus on improving your life first before you go out wasting your precious time on women - that's just common sense, is it not? You need to be able to take care of yourself before you can take care of a woman. Yes, we too have done the "don't spend a dollar and still fvck the hottie" thing and yes it's great and yes it does work just fine, but everything gets boring after a while and since we've got money to spend now, partying is as good a way to spend it as any other! Also, on a more practical note, you literally "need" to have money to hang out with us: we go to clubs with the highest covers that require you to wear expensive clothes, because this is where the hottest women go. Also a lot of our hobbies require money, i.e.: taking our sports cars and bikes to the track, throwing parties, travelling abroad, etc. Once again, sorry I don't mean to brag but I'm just being honest: if we wanna go somewhere and you can't even afford the cover, let alone good food and drinks and a limo if it's a special occasion, then how will you go? You don't have to be "rich" per se, but you should be comfortable paying cover, buying drinks and going out for some tasty food after the club with the boys/girls.
- you've got a cool and interesting look and style; you're in shape and take good care of yourself. It doesn't matter if you're a businessman or a rocker - what matters is that you're awesome at whatever it is that you do. Remember that we're after the absolute top tier women, and they don't look twice (or even once) at average and uninteresting guys.
- you've got high standards. If we go to an upscale place and are looking to hook up with models, and are then seen socializing with a bunch of 7's, then we might as well just go home right then and there, know what I mean? Personally, I'd only approach an 8 if I'm looking to do a throwaway approach or just for the sake of being social - I would never call her, let alone date her. Out of necessity I only date 9's and 10's (I have an extremely busy life and only have time for maybe 2 women at a time, if that, so I have no choice but to make sure that they're "as good as I can do" lol) , but some of my wings date 8's as well so if you do too that it's perfectly fine - they're cute and easy and those are two awesome qualities, but for the love of god no 7's - solid 8 is a bare, bare minimum! Again: sorry, please don't hate me for bragging because I'm just trying to save you some time: if our crew is after models and you prefer 7's, then you won't like the places we go to or the people and women we chill with.
- you're fearless or damn well near! See, if you've got all of the above and then some, it does you or the rest of the world absolutely no good if you don't have the balls to use it. Yes sir, we now come to the one reason why most wingmen fail: fear. If you haven't yet mastered fear of approaching, go do some beginner missions and expand your comfort zone and then call us. Yes, we all remember the day when we were scared shltless to say hi to a girl, and if you still have to get comfortable with that then that's cool, but if you go out with us you're wasting your time unless you're able to approach: no excuses, period! Personally, if I like a girl enough, there's nothing short of divine intervention that'll stop me from approaching her: I've approached girls by having to stop my car and block traffic and run after them (and yes it works sometimes lol), girls holding hands with their boyfriends, girls with 4 or 5 guys, girls in cars when I'm walking, girls in groups or lineups, girls at workplaces surrounded by large groups of co-workers, etc: you name it, I've done it. Call me crazy, call me a prick, but I GET RESULTS. And yes, sometimes you can approach a girl with her boyfriend only to get into an argument, but other times you can tell them you're "in the business" (perhaps you're in modeling or film or personal coaching or fashion or fitness or marketing or whatever) and give her your card and she'll call you. And yes, sometimes you can drive by a girl on the street and say hi out of your window and get ignored, but other times she'll stop and talk to you and get in. The point is that I give my 100% best to every opportunity and if I fail, then at least I have no regrets. Now, you don't have to be this crazy - if you're not comfortable with approaching a girl with her parents or with a guy then that's ok, but at the very least you have to be 100% comfortable and willing to do regular day and night game approaches - I don't think that's too much to ask.
Ok I think that about wraps it up. Sorry if I came off as arrogant or whatever, but I'm a straight shooter and like to say it how it is. If you're a cool, genuine guy with an interesting lifestyle and a taste for adventure and gorgeous women, then you might find your home with me and my friends, and I with you and yours. If what you read doesn't apply to you or appeal to you then hey, it's all good and to each his own - live and let live man! Keep working on your life and keep practicing and who knows, perhaps someday you'll be dating even prettier women than me and all my friends combined - good luck to you, thanks for reading and much love!
Hey guys, I'm using a new alias because at least one girl I know has started reading these forums, but I've been in the community for a while. Anyway, I'm up for meeting some cool new wingmen and have seen a number of posts from others saying the same, so I figured that we should all get together and grab a coffee or drinks and then go find some hotties. Also, I don't mean to sound condescending, but having sarged with a lot of people in the past I've come to realize that good wingmen are few and far between, so if you wanna hang out please post here if you meet the following criteria, which apply to myself and any of my friends who'll also come out with us.
- you're a genuinely good person and honest and trustworthy friend. "Bros before hoes" isn't just a saying - it's in your blood: if you run into Kim Kardashian in a club and she gives your friend a dirty look, you tell her to fvck off and walk away without a second thought.
- you've got stories to tell and have a cool lifestyle and personality, are witty, intelligent and interesting to talk to. You've got awesome hobbies and keeping your wingmen and women interested, entertained and in a good vibe is effortless.
- you've got money and can take care of yourself. Sorry, I don't mean to sound rude but if you don't have this taken care of then you might want to focus on improving your life first before you go out wasting your precious time on women - that's just common sense, is it not? You need to be able to take care of yourself before you can take care of a woman. Yes, we too have done the "don't spend a dollar and still fvck the hottie" thing and yes it's great and yes it does work just fine, but everything gets boring after a while and since we've got money to spend now, partying is as good a way to spend it as any other! Also, on a more practical note, you literally "need" to have money to hang out with us: we go to clubs with the highest covers that require you to wear expensive clothes, because this is where the hottest women go. Also a lot of our hobbies require money, i.e.: taking our sports cars and bikes to the track, throwing parties, travelling abroad, etc. Once again, sorry I don't mean to brag but I'm just being honest: if we wanna go somewhere and you can't even afford the cover, let alone good food and drinks and a limo if it's a special occasion, then how will you go? You don't have to be "rich" per se, but you should be comfortable paying cover, buying drinks and going out for some tasty food after the club with the boys/girls.
- you've got a cool and interesting look and style; you're in shape and take good care of yourself. It doesn't matter if you're a businessman or a rocker - what matters is that you're awesome at whatever it is that you do. Remember that we're after the absolute top tier women, and they don't look twice (or even once) at average and uninteresting guys.
- you've got high standards. If we go to an upscale place and are looking to hook up with models, and are then seen socializing with a bunch of 7's, then we might as well just go home right then and there, know what I mean? Personally, I'd only approach an 8 if I'm looking to do a throwaway approach or just for the sake of being social - I would never call her, let alone date her. Out of necessity I only date 9's and 10's (I have an extremely busy life and only have time for maybe 2 women at a time, if that, so I have no choice but to make sure that they're "as good as I can do" lol) , but some of my wings date 8's as well so if you do too that it's perfectly fine - they're cute and easy and those are two awesome qualities, but for the love of god no 7's - solid 8 is a bare, bare minimum! Again: sorry, please don't hate me for bragging because I'm just trying to save you some time: if our crew is after models and you prefer 7's, then you won't like the places we go to or the people and women we chill with.
- you're fearless or damn well near! See, if you've got all of the above and then some, it does you or the rest of the world absolutely no good if you don't have the balls to use it. Yes sir, we now come to the one reason why most wingmen fail: fear. If you haven't yet mastered fear of approaching, go do some beginner missions and expand your comfort zone and then call us. Yes, we all remember the day when we were scared shltless to say hi to a girl, and if you still have to get comfortable with that then that's cool, but if you go out with us you're wasting your time unless you're able to approach: no excuses, period! Personally, if I like a girl enough, there's nothing short of divine intervention that'll stop me from approaching her: I've approached girls by having to stop my car and block traffic and run after them (and yes it works sometimes lol), girls holding hands with their boyfriends, girls with 4 or 5 guys, girls in cars when I'm walking, girls in groups or lineups, girls at workplaces surrounded by large groups of co-workers, etc: you name it, I've done it. Call me crazy, call me a prick, but I GET RESULTS. And yes, sometimes you can approach a girl with her boyfriend only to get into an argument, but other times you can tell them you're "in the business" (perhaps you're in modeling or film or personal coaching or fashion or fitness or marketing or whatever) and give her your card and she'll call you. And yes, sometimes you can drive by a girl on the street and say hi out of your window and get ignored, but other times she'll stop and talk to you and get in. The point is that I give my 100% best to every opportunity and if I fail, then at least I have no regrets. Now, you don't have to be this crazy - if you're not comfortable with approaching a girl with her parents or with a guy then that's ok, but at the very least you have to be 100% comfortable and willing to do regular day and night game approaches - I don't think that's too much to ask.
Ok I think that about wraps it up. Sorry if I came off as arrogant or whatever, but I'm a straight shooter and like to say it how it is. If you're a cool, genuine guy with an interesting lifestyle and a taste for adventure and gorgeous women, then you might find your home with me and my friends, and I with you and yours. If what you read doesn't apply to you or appeal to you then hey, it's all good and to each his own - live and let live man! Keep working on your life and keep practicing and who knows, perhaps someday you'll be dating even prettier women than me and all my friends combined - good luck to you, thanks for reading and much love!
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