Top 5 things i hate about a women


Master Don Juan
Sep 13, 2005
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entering the 4th quarter....
:box: :woo: :rock: :box: :woo: :rock: just to start off this is not a bash on women just some sh%t that has really been getting at me lately...o well might as well just post it right?! everyone drop down the top 5 things you don't like about women (rather it was said be4 or not) and why...

1.I'm HOTT = girls who are ugly even think there hb10's very not hott

2. One-sided= this is when you have to ask a million questions and she all she says is "yup...uh huh...that's right" excpects you to do everything..

3. mean = girls who are only nice to guys they find attractive...ex
BM: Hey do you know what time it is??
hb20: Go **** yourself
bm: DAMN??!!?!!

4. passive = you have to make up her mind for her ALL THE TIME..she can't think for herself because she's too busy trying to look cute for you (i hate that)

5. STUpid= jus dumb ass girls...who can't speak can't keep an intelligent convo with you can't look you in the eye because she's too stupid to know what those are.

too bad women can't be more like us...we're simple creatures


Master Don Juan
Jun 18, 2006
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I agree with #5....

im gettin really annoyed with stupid bvtches. Especially ones that dont get the point, or how the whole game of attraction works, or wtf flirting is.

Its getting pretty hard to find reall interesting chill girls.


Senior Don Juan
Apr 3, 2006
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Bro don't worry about giving the "not-a-woman-bashing-thread" disclaimer-- girls bash good guys all the time without remorse so why should we have to apologize ahead of time. I gott say that I agree with all 5 of what you just wrote.

But I'd like to expand on #1 if I may:

1) I fu(king hate fat ugly *****es that think they're hb10's and go around saying how this guy/that guy is not good enough for them. Not only that, I've known too many ugly hoes that actually bash real hb8-10's by saying nonsense like "oh she's so fake/she's such slut/ she's got no class" etc.



Master Don Juan
Jun 18, 2006
Reaction score
ooo boy ive seen a lot of those chicks.

but think about it, they know they're ugly and that no one wants else are they going to make them selves feel good besides bash on ppl that have it better.

ppl have gone astray from what life is really about


Senior Don Juan
Apr 3, 2006
Reaction score
# 6 Fat c0ck-blocking hoes.

Remember in High School how everytime a guy tried to talk to a real hb9 and her fat friend would always interupt, then grab her hand and haul her off the girls bathroom. Yeah, I hate those hoes.

T Money

Senior Don Juan
Feb 9, 2006
Reaction score
Here's a few:

+ I fvcking hate girls who flake because they're so full of themselves. They think "Oh, I won't call him back, i'll just keep him guessing because i'm a slut and i'm going to call another guy who's got a nicer car and more money."

+ Or how about 300 pound b!tches who walk around with their stomach hanging out over their damn belt. ugh...

+ I hate it when girls never actually say what's on their mind. They SAY that they're saying what's on their mind, but really there's sh!t being left unsaid.

+ I hate when girls give up hella easy, or they want you to feel sympathy for them for something they did that they think is a huge deal but it's really nothing. Other day I walk into the coffee shop here in town and there's my brother's girlfriend working behind the counter. I was like "Hey, what's up?"

"I quit my job yesterday" she said, smiling. I'm like...WTF? What really happened was she got pissed and walked out for 10 minutes. Blowing **** out of porportion.

+ Gold-diggers!


Master Don Juan
Jan 5, 2005
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Somewherez in USofA
I think the biggest one for me is leading you on thinking they are into you but only for attention. Or better yet, they act like they're single and when you ask them to go out they avoid the subject alltogether because they have a boyfriend, which of course they don't tell you.


Don Juan
Jun 10, 2006
Reaction score
I'd say one annoying trait is not sticking to ones guns. Hell it's basic curriculum for any would be man.


Don Juan
Oct 19, 2005
Reaction score
London (currently in Sydney)
The_flying_dutchman said:
# 6 Fat c0ck-blocking hoes.

Remember in High School how everytime a guy tried to talk to a real hb9 and her fat friend would always interupt, then grab her hand and haul her off the girls bathroom. Yeah, I hate those hoes.

Haha yeh man they are the worst, a girl i met the other night in this club had 4 mates with her - all ugly and you can just sense how jealous they are and how it's like they'll do anything to piss you off & try and make you screw it up with their mate.

I smoke when i drink and i'm on the way to quitting but when i went to get a kebab after the club i bumped into the girl & her mates again & the fat one's are like "Eww you a smoke" I'm like "Yeh when i drink" and they are like "So you're a smoker then" and i'm like "Yeh", the girl i pulled was even blowing the smoke away from her face but as soon as i finished she was all over me, kissing, etc... (yeh pretty gross as i don't even like kissing a girl whose just had a ciggie without some gum after) much to the dismay of her mates - f**k off **** blockers and go play with your dildo

Man Of Adventure

Master Don Juan
May 21, 2001
Reaction score
Illinois USA
You know what I ate the most: The fat ugly chicks that try to stalk you whenever you go to a bar on a consistant basis and they but in while you are talking to a really hot female. Then they expect to get your phone number and make plans the very next day
Mar 25, 2006
Reaction score
It seems like you guys hate everything about girls because I barely see any positive threads on how many women you guys are fvckng around here, just whiny azz threads like these, lol. If you hate a certain woman's qualitiles, just go to the next one........oh but i forgot, you got to actually be in the field to do that.


Senior Don Juan
Aug 21, 2005
Reaction score
New York City
Lately something I have been noticing that really bugs me is that girls don't know how to say YES or fukking NO. examples:

Buck: Are you single?
HB: I have a boyfriend (not the same as no because we all know some girls cheat on their man)
Buck: yes or fukking no!

Buck: Do you like me? (I know it's a lame question but I like to see what they say. I know they'll never say no...........heaven forbid)
HB: I don't know you (yeah, you could go out with me for six months and still not "know" me)
Follow up question:
Buck: Well, do you find me attractive?
HB: I don't know (How can you not fukking know) or You are cute (still not a yes, cute and attractive are two different things, kittens are cute)
Buck: yes or fukking no!

Buck: Would you like to hang out sometime?
HB: Well, maybe but blah blah blah
Buck: Yes or fukking no!

Buck: So are we on for Saturday?
HB: Uh, I'll let you know I gotta blah blah blah
Buck: yes or fukking no!

I know some of it sounds petty but these are just some samples I've been noticing. How come women don't know how to say YES or fukking NO. Cause God forbid they say YES and boost your ego a little. Or God forbid they say NO so you can know for sure that they are not interested and can move on to the next chick. But nooooooooooooooooo everything always has to be some shade of grey so they can have 10 admirers floating around boosting their egos. You can never get a concrete answer one way or the other from a woman. It's just so dam aggravating.


Master Don Juan
Jun 8, 2006
Reaction score
I like this thread negative but so what it is time men realized women are not all that, raise the standard's and lets see what we dis-like about the fairer race.

1. Gold diggers, women who will only date you or entertain you when she founds out how much you earn, i.e if your average and not in a well paid job or earn a certain pay packet they aint intrested.
(incidently this stupid ideal has guys with nice cars and jobs screwing these lack of integrety girls and they dont have that a hard a time at doing it either) so the girl dates em looking for a social proof BF whislt the guy sees another material influenced girl (her eyes light up, when the flash car is mentioned) and they screw with her and not the other way around and tbh good on em! I bow to all the men who use women this way since in truth the women is actually trying to use you, first, it was you money she found attractive. My number 1 hate for women is this you see it everywhere!

2. Fat ugly chick Co*k blockers as someone else posted, they are not only happy co** blocking sometimes they need to come out with a little verbal abuse to make them feel superior, since there fat ugly gut and UG face can bring them no pleasure. They hate to see there attractive friend pull and this is the real reason they co** block! They are usually macho more then femanine and are the top girl in the group!

3. totally thick women, that come out with totally idiotic sh** but that is not a bad thing, it is when you disagree with them she decide's to use it as a means to deny sex or some other physical thing, so you feel you have to agree with what ever BS is coming out of her mouth, since to not agree is counter productive to getting some. I dont mean in a wimp way i mean a girl who is so into herself she gets piss* at anything that is not in her world of thinking!

4 Girls with tons of male friends.
And i dont mean the normal theory of male friend i mean the wimp ass guy who wants some and is sticking around her like fly on sh**. Is it the guys fault no, it is the girl, why does she keep em around. So she feels attractive to all the potential looser suiters. You date her and share her with all these sad pri*** you blame them but in truth it is the women that is the core and not the guys, flys are attractive to sh** after all:crazy:

Thats all for now :up:

Dam hard to find a decent women believe me!
So we focus on sex we spin the plates and this to me is the important thing, women are not great you have to dig through a hell of a lot of sh** to find a gem in there.


Senior Don Juan
Jun 1, 2004
Reaction score
South Florida
Sure, sometimes women can be a pain, but seriously guys, stop being whiney little b!tches. Negativity does no good.


Master Don Juan
Mar 23, 2006
Reaction score
Loss Vaygus, NV
BuckwildNYC said:
Lately something I have been noticing that really bugs me is that girls don't know how to say YES or fukking NO. examples:

Buck: Are you single?
HB: I have a boyfriend (not the same as no because we all know some girls cheat on their man)
Buck: yes or fukking no!

Buck: Do you like me? (I know it's a lame question but I like to see what they say. I know they'll never say no...........heaven forbid)
HB: I don't know you (yeah, you could go out with me for six months and still not "know" me)
Follow up question:
Buck: Well, do you find me attractive?
HB: I don't know (How can you not fukking know) or You are cute (still not a yes, cute and attractive are two different things, kittens are cute)
Buck: yes or fukking no!

Buck: Would you like to hang out sometime?
HB: Well, maybe but blah blah blah
Buck: Yes or fukking no!

Buck: So are we on for Saturday?
HB: Uh, I'll let you know I gotta blah blah blah
Buck: yes or fukking no!

I know some of it sounds petty but these are just some samples I've been noticing. How come women don't know how to say YES or fukking NO. Cause God forbid they say YES and boost your ego a little. Or God forbid they say NO so you can know for sure that they are not interested and can move on to the next chick. But nooooooooooooooooo everything always has to be some shade of grey so they can have 10 admirers floating around boosting their egos. You can never get a concrete answer one way or the other from a woman. It's just so dam aggravating.
I think that's deserving of a solid field report. For a week, go out and approach every girl you can, and anytime they get wishy-washy, just say "yes or fcuking no?!?" Report results.


Senior Don Juan
Aug 19, 2005
Reaction score
The_flying_dutchman said:
Bro don't worry about giving the "not-a-woman-bashing-thread" disclaimer-- girls bash good guys all the time without remorse so why should we have to apologize ahead of time.
Dude that is so true. :up:
They talk indirect to avoid saying yes or no. They go on date not being interested in you. ( Thats great, more gold diggers )


Jan 14, 2006
Reaction score
DonJuanForever said:
It seems like you guys hate everything about girls because I barely see any positive threads on how many women you guys are fvckng around here, just whiny azz threads like these, lol. If you hate a certain woman's qualitiles, just go to the next one........oh but i forgot, you got to actually be in the field to do that.

lol EXCELLENT point there....personally im used to women and their behaviors, and every single bad atittude trait can be battled using sosuave techniques.....ONCE U APPLY raelly, the thing bout women that REALLY pisses me off is when im all makin out with her and gettin clothes off, and THEN she proclaims IM SORRY I HAVE MY PERIOD...........thats a blue ball peice of crap rite there, its happened to me prob like 20 times!

no sosuave technique can help with that 1, esp when u wanna just FVCK her.......can someone get a thread going on how to get a chick to wanna take it up her azz while shes on her period?

LOL (im kinda serious about someone starting that thread)