TOO much negative crap here people!


Don Juan
Nov 30, 2005
Reaction score
United Kingdom
How are you going to become the person you want to become with all those negative thoughts in your head?.
It's pretty much proven that negative emotions have a great effect on the human what exstent is unknown...but we DO KNOW it has a very bad effect.

I've found that instead of telling myself "i'm ugly,underweight or have acne"...and reverse them to "You have 100% CLEAR skin and your the RIGHT weight and are AMAZING looking"....i get the job done.

it's all about telling yourself your AMAZING and not telling yourself your a joke...stop telling yourself you can't do something when you haven't even tryed?...half the time people say they can't do or become something....even though they have NOTHING to base that feeling on.

just have a positive mindset people, and everything else that you want will come.
you want to have confidence?, then fake it till you make it....or keep telling yourself you are confident and it WILL HAPPEN.


Don Juan
Nov 2, 2005
Reaction score
Malachi said:
How are you going to become the person you want to become with all those negative thoughts in your head?.
It's pretty much proven that negative emotions have a great effect on the human what exstent is unknown...but we DO KNOW it has a very bad effect.

I've found that instead of telling myself "i'm ugly,underweight or have acne"...and reverse them to "You have 100% CLEAR skin and your the RIGHT weight and are AMAZING looking"....i get the job done.

it's all about telling yourself your AMAZING and not telling yourself your a joke...stop telling yourself you can't do something when you haven't even tryed?...half the time people say they can't do or become something....even though they have NOTHING to base that feeling on.

just have a positive mindset people, and everything else that you want will come.
you want to have confidence?, then fake it till you make it....or keep telling yourself you are confident and it WILL HAPPEN.
Agreed. Even though, if you have acne, do what you can to make it go away. Always try and improve yourself, and don't use any energy on things you cannot change. Do things that will make you feel better. When things are going sluggish, tell yourself "I'm doing it for myself". And so on.
Do it for yourself.


Don Juan
Nov 30, 2005
Reaction score
United Kingdom
NoNickname said:
Agreed. Even though, if you have acne, do what you can to make it go away. Always try and improve yourself, and don't use any energy on things you cannot change. Do things that will make you feel better. When things are going sluggish, tell yourself "I'm doing it for myself". And so on.
Do it for yourself.
That's right, i use to programme myself to come out with the WORST scenaries when i had a problem.
But now i just get on with it and come out with the BEST scenaries and what rewards i can get out of it.

I'm going out downtown within the it's my chance to shine again, walk like a king, talk like a king...and act like a GOD!....yes some of you think this is abit "Up your own ass" but it's diffrent than's about self belief and being happy in your own skin!.


Master Don Juan
Jan 2, 2006
Reaction score
Out of the box
Ignorance is not a virtue, and ignorance of the law is still criminal.

Why do people who come to this site preach negative philosophies without weighing the consequences of their actions? The true DJ's that everybody looks up to with awe and wonder condone being an ******* without the negative qualities, they don't say be an *******, they say "be a man!"

I keep looking at these threads and the responses of the completely closed off mind sets, there is no room for improvement, because simply they will not allow it to settle.

All in all when I stop and think about these people with thousands of posts and still preaching people to stop doing certain things and do others they are telling people to stop being themselves. They don't tell people to stop doing things a certain way that consistently fails and instead to do it in a constructive manner, they tell them to quit, and take on a completely different path.

When have one of you true pickup artists(you should know who you are) ever faked a situation, lost complete control of it, and decided that it was garbage and since you failed so will everybody else? When do you go off insulting people and telling them their way is absolutely wrong and will never amount to anything?


Don Juan
Nov 30, 2005
Reaction score
United Kingdom
ethnomethodologist said:
Ignorance is not a virtue, and ignorance of the law is still criminal.

Why do people who come to this site preach negative philosophies without weighing the consequences of their actions? The true DJ's that everybody looks up to with awe and wonder condone being an ******* without the negative qualities, they don't say be an *******, they say "be a man!"

I keep looking at these threads and the responses of the completely closed off mind sets, there is no room for improvement, because simply they will not allow it to settle.

All in all when I stop and think about these people with thousands of posts and still preaching people to stop doing certain things and do others they are telling people to stop being themselves. They don't tell people to stop doing things a certain way that consistently fails and instead to do it in a constructive manner, they tell them to quit, and take on a completely different path.

When have one of you true pickup artists(you should know who you are) ever faked a situation, lost complete control of it, and decided that it was garbage and since you failed so will everybody else? When do you go off insulting people and telling them their way is absolutely wrong and will never amount to anything?

Not really sure if your actually having a go at me, as i've had a few...and so...anyway.

But i'm just passing on information and a mindset that has helped ME, whether people choose to adopt this attitude is their choice, and their choice alone.

I don't wish to cause any problems for anyone, i just wanted to help people...this attitude has helped me in ALL areas of i thought i would do the good thing and try to help others.
