Men are the sameExactly, one of the first things you read in the Bible is about toxic women manipulation! Women have always been manipulative and coercive because they are physically weaker than men. Any person with a little sister or sisters knows that they are groomed to be like this from birth by society.
If a guy is weak he will either accept the defeat either he will develop skills to manipulate the stronger ones
A$$ licking is done by both men and women, and is maybe one of the most used manipulation method ( oldest too )
I remember when I firstly got promoted to a management position, people that were reporting to me were always like “ your arms are bigger, you started going to the gym? “ , “ you are so well dressed “ , etc etc
Initially I was blind and liked these type of compliments ( mainly because I was telling to myself that I made it and I am just picking up the spoils of war ) . But after I just start seeing it for what it was
Guys do the same to manipulate women. They promise the world to them, they bang her and then they start treating her like plate
Women do the same, they give guys plenty of sex and they are like “ you are such a great man. So lucky to found you “ , then in the moment the guy commits she started being colder and gets even sh1ttier as things progress ( marriage, children, etc )
This has nothing to do with blue or red pill, it is just how people function. If the woman is not truly lustful for the guy, she is just running her protocol and everything is just a transactional relationship. No one can not really do anything about it, is just nature
What happens if you are in a transactional relationship ( like most of the guys ) and you try to show her who is boss ? You think she will be hurt or get it ? Not really she will just pay it back to you
Have you guys ever noticed that if the relationship is not going well, if she leaves you she will be fine but if you live first she will be mentally destroyed but still if you get back together she will pay it back to you tend fold?
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