Too good?


Master Don Juan
Feb 16, 2005
Reaction score
Davie, FL
Do any of you guys believe in that theory? I would say I'm about a 8 face with a 3 body (extremely skinny).

Ok, so lately I've been DJing 5s and 6s just to brush up. I do everything: kino, C&F, walk at 3/4 pace with shoulders back, everything the Bible tells me. The only problem is that they all don't like me. One of the girls whose my best friend's girlfriend's friend literally showed no interest at all. I spent the whole time just trying to get her to at least show some affection towards me. Everytime I pulled, she pushed. Everytime I tried to get her, she tried that much more to get away. I did everything I could. She's not even that pretty, but she was older than me so I figured I'd try. So when my best friend's girlfriend brought up the fact that she went out with some total AFC, we talked about him. She said she went out with him because he was "nice".... and the only thing I can think the kid has over me was that he had a nicer body than me (and it wasn't anything). I guess I'm actually crushing on this girl because she doesn't ****ing want me, and that pisses me off.

My question is, do you guys believe in the "too good for a women that she can't believe you like her so therefore she can't like you"? Maybe she just doesn't like me because I'm not the AFC she usually has to like to go out with? I'm too good for her?


Master Don Juan
Apr 6, 2005
Reaction score
yes girls can be in denial of a manly man liking her because she is used to the afc.
there are alot of afcs in todays society(id say around 80% of the population today are afcs).


Master Don Juan
Aug 5, 2003
Reaction score
Somewhere between the cities of Lost and Found
My question is, do you guys believe in the "too good for a women that she can't believe you like her so therefore she can't like you"?
No...because that's every woman's fairy tale...;)


Don Juan
Oct 24, 2004
Reaction score
Would you think a girl with a three body is too good for you?

Craig Reeves

Master Don Juan
Oct 18, 2003
Reaction score
Texas, USA
OK, I want to go over something right quick....

The problem that you are having is that you are an AFC attempting to use DJ tactics. I'm not saying this to be mean, I'm simply telling you this to help you become aware of what's going on.

The thing about being a DJ is this: If you master all of the techniques and tactics yet you don't have the DJ MINDSET, you will not get any use out of the techniques and tactics no matter HOW well you master them simply because you don't truly believe in the person that is USING the techniques.

You need to gain the mindset that you are NATURALLY attractive to women FIRST.

I can tell that you have an AFC mindset because you don't even see what's going on when you are using the techniques you've learned. Your AFC mind is PREVENTING you from being able to use these techniques congruently. And let me tell matter how much you learn and "fake" it, your self-defeating AFC mind will be keeping you from reaping the benefits, or even SEEING them when they're RIGHT IN FRONT OF YOU. When you believe something, your mind will automatically do everything it can to find PROOF of what you believe. And right now, your belief is that women don't want you, so therefore your mind is doing everything that it can to show you proof that women don't want you. No kind of techniques will do anything but make things worse, because you're going to keep trying to use them and your AFC mind will keep REMINDING you of the fact that you are not attractive.

Your outer game and techniques may be solid, but you must stop trying to use them for now until you start changing your beliefs and start seeing things differently.

I truly believe that the key difference between a DJ and an AFC is NOT how women react to them, but how they PERCIEVE the reaction and how they FEEL about the reaction at a deep level. Let me show you an example:

You're about to approach an attractive woman:

DJ Mindset: I'm going to walk up to her and she's CERTAINLY going to want to be with me. I'm going to use my techniques to exude the excellent qualities that I naturually have.

AFC Mindset: I'm going to walk up to her and she is NOT going to want to have anything to do with me by default, so I'm going to have to use techniques and tactics to CHANGE HER OPINION OF ME.

Do you get the key difference here?

Now who do you think is going to wind getting a date with the girl?


Don Juan
May 29, 2004
Reaction score
Originally posted by Bling
3 body (extremely skinny).
i would say 5 is extremely skinny 6 is skinny, 7-8 is normal, 9-10 is good looking body.

getting below 5 is being fat


Master Don Juan
Feb 16, 2005
Reaction score
Davie, FL
Re: Re: Too good?

Originally posted by Thraxeh
i would say 5 is extremely skinny 6 is skinny, 7-8 is normal, 9-10 is good looking body.

getting below 5 is being fat
Then it's a 5. ;)