Tom Brady = the man


Don Juan
Jul 9, 2007
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i agree, he literally has it all! first off is SUCSESS, looks, charisma, swag ect... money and fame isnt in the equasion.


Master Don Juan
Jun 19, 2006
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LOL, I think she just looked electrified because her eyes were so wide from looking straight up.


Master Don Juan
Jan 22, 2005
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LJC said:
As a Pats fan, the whole GQ element Brady brings into my football disturbs me. I want the QB of my favorite team to spit nails. If only he could knock some b*tch out cold with a right hook...
Haha, yes!!

Im not a Pats fan, and I cant stand Tom Brady. He doesnt seem like an a$$hole or anything, he's just too perfect. Brett Favre should use his old man strength and whoop his punk a$$.


Master Don Juan
Apr 21, 2006
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paintballz said:
i agree, he literally has it all! first off is SUCSESS, looks, charisma, swag ect... money and fame isnt in the equasion.
And a big chunk of child support...which means he is not as smart as people think.


Don Juan
Feb 6, 2006
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The dude is losing his hair! I use to see him in SOHO over the summer. I think his GF is horse faced. Anyone see her before she got that big beak of hers fixed?


Master Don Juan
Oct 14, 2004
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HAHA, she definitely wanted his **** Sunday night, no doubt.

Tom Brady is also a huge DJ believe it or not. The Boston Globe asked him how he goes about dating and he said, "Never let a girl know you're interested right off the bat. She should leave the date wondering, 'What's wrong with me?'". No wonder he's so successful with everything.

Of course the media scolded him for saying that but that's the price we pay. Goddam I love the Patriots.


Master Don Juan
Apr 21, 2006
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thefonz said:
HAHA, she definitely wanted his **** Sunday night, no doubt.

Tom Brady is also a huge DJ believe it or not. The Boston Globe asked him how he goes about dating and he said, "Never let a girl know you're interested right off the bat. She should leave the date wondering, 'What's wrong with me?'". No wonder he's so successful with everything.

Of course the media scolded him for saying that but that's the price we pay. Goddam I love the Patriots.
Dude...he gets all those dates because he is FAMOUS and a MILLIONAIRE.

Very RARELY a person under those circunstances could be considered a DJ. I like Brady (my favorite player too)...but no DJ goes into getting himself in such child support situation. It is indeed VERY stupid.


Master Don Juan
May 16, 2003
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Latinoman said:
Dude...he gets all those dates because he is FAMOUS and a MILLIONAIRE.

Very RARELY a person under those circunstances could be considered a DJ. I like Brady (my favorite player too)...but no DJ goes into getting himself in such child support situation. It is indeed VERY stupid.
I disagree here.

Of course, all famous and rich guys are going to get hot girls, but there are those rare male celebs who seem to bag all the hottest women. Brady is an example of this. Derek Jeter is an example. Justin Timberlake is another. For a few more classic examples: Warren Beatty and Scott Baio.

I think after you take a look at this link you're going to agree with me:

Some famous and rich guys simply are naturals or have learned how to adapt the DJ mentality. Guys like Timberlake, Beatty and Brady have the best of both worlds: They are naturally good with women and they have fortune and fame.


Master Don Juan
Apr 21, 2006
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MikeYikes122 said:
I disagree here.

Of course, all famous and rich guys are going to get hot girls, but there are those rare male celebs who seem to bag all the hottest women. Brady is an example of this. Derek Jeter is an example. Justin Timberlake is another. For a few more classic examples: Warren Beatty and Scott Baio.

I think after you take a look at this link you're going to agree with me:

Some famous and rich guys simply are naturals or have learned how to adapt the DJ mentality. Guys like Timberlake, Beatty and Brady have the best of both worlds: They are naturally good with women and they have fortune and fame.
It is THEIR choice. Some want to bag all the "hot women" and others simply don't want to.

But thing you will need to certainly learn in life...VERY RARELY "rich and famous" goes hand on hand with DJism.

Brady was NOT naturally good with women BEFORE he became a football player. Same goes with the vast majority of those actors and famous people.

It is amazing how you guys fall for this crap. You want to be impress? Watch the man that clean toilets for a living and then manages to get laid with HOT women.


Master Don Juan
May 16, 2003
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Latinoman said:
It is THEIR choice. Some want to bag all the "hot women" and others simply don't want to.

But thing you will need to certainly learn in life...VERY RARELY "rich and famous" goes hand on hand with DJism.

Brady was NOT naturally good with women BEFORE he became a football player. Same goes with the vast majority of those actors and famous people.

It is amazing how you guys fall for this crap. You want to be impress? Watch the man that clean toilets for a living and then manages to get laid with HOT women.
I'm sorry, but you are wrong, and I don't like the tone of your post or really any of your posts for that matter. One line sticks out to me "it's amazing how you guys fall for some of this crap". You have no idea how many times I've rolled my eyes at stuff I've seen you write on here.

Have you read The Game? I'm not asking because I'm going to refer you to some pickup strategy. I only ask because there is an excerpt from the book where Courtney Love describes being picked up by Warren Beatty. I'm paraphrasing here, but she says he would show up late for dinner dates and when he did finally arrive he would do things like critique her dress and blow his nose and hand her the Kleenex. The result was her wanting him more and more.

You're older like myself, so you should remember the early 90s when Courtney Love actually looked pretty good. She could have had a slew of other rich/famous guys, but instead she was fawning over some washed-up and wrinkled 60-year-old actor.

I'm sorry, but that doesn't happen because a famous guy simply chooses to play women as you try and suggest.

Beatty is a natural and he has money/fame. Timberlake is a natural who has money/fame. It's not as simple as you say it is where a famous guy just "decides" to game on multiple girls at once. I have a very hard time believing that a 60-year-old Sean Connery could have had Courtney Love wrapped around his finger in the early 90s.

EDIT: Your response is still bothering me. Do you really think there are male celebrities out there who are simply saying "Ahh.. screw it. I can have all the hot and famous babes in the world, but I'm just going to kick back and stick with one"? Granted, there might be a couple of guys who are religious or something and holding that mentality, but there are very few famous men who are going to prefer to go steady with Jessica Biel instead of dating/fvcking Jessica Alba, Mariah Carey and Jessica Simpson all at the same time. Derek Jeter has accomplished that, but you don't see similar headlines about Johnny Damon doing that. Why? Because Damon is a reformed stoner who probably has no game.

This an aside note, but from reading your threads you need to learn how to discuss not argue. The general tone of a lot of your posts is kind of annoying. I have news for you, your 2,684 posts in a little over a year's time doesn't make you a guru who can talk down to people. It probably makes you a KBJ more than anything else.
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Master Don Juan
Oct 14, 2004
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Latinoman said:
Dude...he gets all those dates because he is FAMOUS and a MILLIONAIRE. misread my post. I didn't praise him because lots of chicks want him. What I was saying was that he has a DJ mentality. Read it again.