Told me she wants "private lessons"


Don Juan
Sep 20, 2010
Reaction score
What's up?

Last night I was chilling at home, when a friend called me and told me to get ready cause we're going out. Initially I thought "Meh.. don't feel like it, rather stay inside and play games"(like always lol), but he insisted so I said whatever I'll go. I had nothing to lose anyways.

Took a shower, dressed up, went to a salsa club downtown. The group consisted of 5 guys. There were quite a few HB's in the club, I tried to enjoy the moment and listen to the music not really caring about getting numbers or anything. I'm probably the most introverted of the group but after a few beers I loosened up a little.

I was standing there, beer in hand and moving to the music, when I turned my head to the right and saw this HB-8 checking me out. I mean, she made it very obvious.

I am painfully shy and things like this don't happen often for me, so I was like wtf is going on here is this for real? I didn't do anything.

But after a while I looked again casually and she was still checking me out. But this time she made a signal with her hand to make it ultra-obvious; I had to do something here or I would've regret it.

Took a sip of my friends whiskey-coke and told him "What the fvck ever I'm going" and started walking towards her. I introduced myself to her. The DJ was playing a latin beat, the music was loud, so instead of talking(not a big talker) I invited her to dance.:woo:

She said "I can't dance this (lol) I'm Moroccan" so I told her "Just dance like U would, just feel it". So then this Moroccan HB tells me "I want you to give me private lessons". I was shocked at her direct approach, I couldn't think straight so I handed my phone and told her to type in her number.

Then she told me "I expect a call from you" and I was like " Yeah.." (lol) and went to my friends again.

We stayed till the club closed and as we were heading out she walked past me and told me again somthing along the lines of "So we will meet again" and disappeared.

Don Juans, what do I do now? I'm 25 years old and have limited experience in the field. When do I call? What do I say? Does she want 'private lessons' or is this wo-man-ese for 'I want you to fvck me in private'?

PS: Excuse my English I'm from the Netherlands


Master Don Juan
Oct 22, 2007
Reaction score
Eastern Time Zone where it's always really late
bongo said:
What's up?


Last night I was chilling at home, when a friend called me and told me to get ready cause we're going out. Initially I thought "Meh.. don't feel like it, rather stay inside and play games"(like always lol), but he insisted so I said whatever I'll go. I had nothing to lose anyways.

Yes, plenty of nights, you get too comfortable and don't want to go out. But you never know what you might miss.

Took a shower, dressed up, went to a salsa club downtown. The group consisted of 5 guys. There were quite a few HB's in the club, I tried to enjoy the moment and listen to the music not really caring about getting numbers or anything. I'm probably the most introverted of the group but after a few beers I loosened up a little.


I was standing there, beer in hand and moving to the music, when I turned my head to the right and saw this HB-8 checking me out. I mean, she made it very obvious.

I am painfully shy and things like this don't happen often for me, so I was like wtf is going on here is this for real? I didn't do anything.

But after a while I looked again casually and she was still checking me out. But this time she made a signal with her hand to make it ultra-obvious; I had to do something here or I would've regret it.

Great. Much of this "game" is seeing the opportunity and taking it.

Took a sip of my friends whiskey-coke and told him "What the fvck ever I'm going"

That's a good attitude actually.

and started walking towards her. I introduced myself to her. The DJ was playing a latin beat, the music was loud, so instead of talking(not a big talker) I invited her to dance.:woo:


She said "I can't dance this (lol) I'm Moroccan" so I told her "Just dance like U would, just feel it". So then this Moroccan HB tells me "I want you to give me private lessons". I was shocked at her direct approach, I couldn't think straight so I handed my phone and told her to type in her number.

That was a great move.

Then she told me "I expect a call from you" and I was like " Yeah.." (lol) and went to my friends again.

Wow. Very high interest level.

We stayed till the club closed and as we were heading out she walked past me and told me again somthing along the lines of "So we will meet again" and disappeared.

Again, very high interest.

Don Juans, what do I do now? I'm 25 years old and have limited experience in the field. When do I call? What do I say? Does she want 'private lessons' or is this wo-man-ese for 'I want you to fvck me in private'?

PS: Excuse my English I'm from the Netherlands
Your English is fine.

Anyway, I would call one or two days from when you got the number. Call tonight or tomorrow night. Making a girl wait is like punishing her. Why punish high interest level? While some guys might say it's a bit needy, I say you need to strike while the iron is still hot. Plus, the alcohol and "club high" have worn off, so you need to get moving as soon as possible.

Ultimately, she does want to F you in private, but dancing is the pretext or "excuse." She wants to dance with you at your place or her place, then fool around and get naked.

My question to the other guys... "Should he invite her for a drink somewhere first, then invite her to his place for a "dance lesson?" or "[T]ake the more aggressive approach of just inviting her over his place right off the bat?"

I'm a bit conservative, so I would invite her for a drink first. But I'm on the fence here, given her very high interest level.


Don Juan
Sep 20, 2010
Reaction score
Really appreciate the feedback Mike.

I too shall wait to see if anyone has more feedback, as to what I should do next.

But something tells me I could've gone home with her that same night. But hey you got to start somewhere so let's see what happens.


Don Juan
Jan 11, 2012
Reaction score
Give it a couple of days and call her man, what have you got to lose?


Master Don Juan
Oct 29, 2007
Reaction score
Well if she didn't want to dance then the only way you could have gotten her home the same night is to say "ok then lets go to your place" straight on the spot. Don't think there's many other options. Anyway don't think about some complicated plan that might have worked to take her home, because in the heat of the moment, you can't make a complicated plan.

It might just have worked. She was being direct by giving the "come here", so it's perfectly acceptable to be direct too... and man even if not, you'd have felt like a true pimp :D

Anyway when you call her up, just don't do a coffee date. I guess you had a sexual vibe going. Assume from the start that she's sexually attracted to you, and plan the date accordingly. Maybe meet up somewhere and then go to your place, strictly for latin dancing lessions (and I assume your good at it). Have some music ready (and condoms)