today is a new day for me


Don Juan
Feb 2, 2005
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I will no longer rely on techniques only, but rather work on my INNER game, the most important game there is. I realize that I can not change the actions of another person. Therefore Snooping, fretting, worrying about if she "loves me like she used to" or worrying at all is counterproductive to my life and my relationship with WOMEN. I am the prize, and I will teach myself to truly emit this attitude without relying on techniques but rather relying on how I TRULY feel about myself. This means I will enter a road of self improvement in every aspect of my life (hobbies, exercise, meeting new people, developing SOCIAL PROOF).

Building attraction is a game, and "love" is only a four letter word. Love is conditional, unless it is in a rare form when two people are truly meant for each other, and even then, it is conditional. It's a woman's duty in this God given environment to decide her mate. It's a man's duty to be the alpha so as many women as possible will choose HIM. A woman will choose who she wants to be with based on her criteria. Every woman, whether they say it or not, biologically is attracted to a man who is ALPHA. A man who possesses confidence in its most truest form. A man who is affectionate but not needy. A man who can leave her at any moment if disrespected beyond a threshold. A man who other women love. A man who has goals and prospects that he places HIGH priority on. A man who DOESN'T TAKE **** from ANYONE. But most importantly, a man who has fun and knows life is just way too short.

I am going to dedicate my life to becoming this man.


Don Juan
Nov 24, 2003
Reaction score
The Fountain of Youth.
It sounds like you aren't too far from embodying it. I think the key to being an Alpha is the confidence, which only comes when you pass the tests that life, or others put in front of you.

Good luck!