Toasts TOP LOCAL'S FOR GREAT GAL'S! (Highly experienced players ONLY)


Sep 30, 2012
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Hey there Experienced Players Only! I hope you are all having a great day, driven by the knowledge of a constant abundance of access to the female sex organ on a regular and often forceful basis. Now, I created this thread to share with those Players on here a few tightly kept secrets to help you gain access without threat of legal action to the inside a woman’s underwear in some of the best locations for sex farming in any modern civilized society. All you highly tuned seduction engines on here already understand the value of using your surroundings to your advantage, and as my Nigerian cousin Akono always used to say “A loaf of bread can last me an entire week!”
Now on to the TOP LOCAL’S for GAL’S


There is only one thing attractive women love more than not having sex with you, and that’s CHILDREN! Women love a man who they can picture being a great father in the future…So why not make it easier for them to envision you in that role? As my Rabbi used to say, “Practice makes perfect!” So why not do JUST THAT! Spend as much time as possible hanging around the local school yard, and when given the option, try and interact with the younglings as OFTEN as PHYSICALLY POSSIBLE. This is especially effective when MILF poaching, as often those women are desperate to find a man of any value. If you have taken an interest to a particular MILF while roaming this great local, try and do some recon work from a hidden spot and see which child or children belongs to her. After that everything is as simple as disarming an IED on the Lebanese border. Wait for the end of the school session and find that particular child within the crowd, pretend you are their father, uncle, parole officer or any other suitable role and continue to handle the child in an intimate and loving way. That MILF shall be yours within MOMENTS!

Synagogue (Also known to the heathens as “Church, Mosque, Celebrity Center or MacDonald’s”)

Faith is a great thing, and so is sex…so why not combine the two? The reality is that Elohim WANTS you to have sex. In fact, there is no bigger wingman than GOD HIMSELF. So why not use him to your advantage?


Airplane you say? But how? Well, the answer is simple. What is the ONE thing women CANNOT do on an airplane besides use their BlackBerry? That’s right, LEAVE. Use this to its full potential, apply flirtation techniques such as….Playfully steal items from women such as food, handbag or blind fold if sleeping. Lean chair RIGHT BACK in a mischievous way if sitting in front of a target, us the ASSISTANCE button liberally to get the attention of attractive air hostesses. Enter female toilet when no one is looking and leave unlocked and wait for the next women to walk inside and THEN locking behind her. If on a long flight eventually one of your targets will succumb to your efforts, and if not there is always the baggage handling area where such techniques as taking their luggage and only giving back after intercourse can be utilized. Travel is a great way to meet women.


Women like a BAD boy. Especially one that is willing to defy society and live by his own rules. And what is the most obvious way to show women that you live life on your own terms AND get them to take NOTICE of you? Of course! Driving the wrong way up the highway! Now, this one is more of an investment than an instant fix. Often the helicopters don’t start to broadcast your activities until you have managed to evade the cops or cause enough havoc for long enough to warrant the coverage which is usually at least up to half an hour. So experienced players and drivers only please. The idea is that those women watching the coverage of your incredibly alpha activity will take note of the E-MAIL AND HOME PHONE DETAILS you are going to PAINT ON TOP OF YOUR CAR ROOF. After spending six months in jail you shall leave to a LEVEL OF SEXUAL ACTIVITY YOU COULD NEVER IMAGINE.

DISCLAIMER : This is a HIGHLY dangerous activity. Some men simply cannot handle the amount of sex they receive after such a move. BE WARNED.

The Gaza Strip (Only works if you are Jewish)

FORBIDDEN FRUIT. Trust me on this, as an Israeli of African descent there is NO BETTER PLACE to pick up women than within the land you are entitled to under the will of God. The reason the “Sex Strip” as I like to call it is such a hot spot for a strikingly handsome Black Jew such as myself is that I am the LAST person on earth a Muslim women’s family and friends want them to fornicate with. Which in turn, turns a women on so much that the embargo on her vagina is lifted faster than you can say “FLOTILLA!”

Your own wedding

You are NEVER a bigger challenge to women than on your Gay Days, but women are irrelevant on those nights and our targets require different techniques. But on the day when you are arguably MOST OPEN to having sex with as MANY DIFFERENT WOMEN AS POSSIBLE is ironically the day that you are your most desirable to other women. So let this work to your advantage, you have two choices. Either sleep with AS MANY women as possible on your wedding day, whenever that may be or do what my father used to do in his younger days. HAVE LOADS OF WEDDING DAYS! With the internet and technology, identification fraud and marriage licencing laws have become very easy to bypass, if anything it even gives you a great excuse to travel, usually it takes the authorities a long time to track you down and keep record of your activities. By the time your real wife/wives finally track you down you will have no doubt enjoyed the company of THOUSANDS of women within the comfort of your many bridal suites.

So there you have it! Some of the best places to get what is rightfully yours. Hope you use them to the best of your ability! And remember! As my Father used to say "One mans condom is another mans bullet proof vest!"

See ya!


Master Don Juan
Apr 19, 2002
Reaction score
Manhattan, NY
Wow. That is some serious trolling.

I don't even write that much when I'm legitimately helping people. You unemployed, bro?