Tips on Overcomming Anxiety during an Approach


Don Juan
Jun 5, 2007
Reaction score
Since i have a bit of social phobia and OCD,i tend to get nervous,start to get sweaty hands,and my heart beats really really fast.The following methods are ones that i use to overcome anxiety

Quick Help method:
If you want to get rid of your anxiety fast,then i suggest talking to nearly every girl you see.Even if you don't know what to say just say hey.Try and start a conversation with them,you never know when your going to find a really hyper girl that could get you pumped

Side note:me and FullTimeHero went out one day and at first he was a bit tense.We walked into a store,were met a really hyper girl(HB 8).He talked to her and had a great time,i talked to the cashier and had a wonderful time to *she ended up being my consular* As soon as we left me and fth went into every store and talked to every girl we made eye contact with.One time neither of us had anything to say so all he did was grab a pair of girl shoes,set it down on the counter and looked at them.The lady said are you gonna buy them?He said no*pause*I just want to talk.When we left we went over the whole day,we got results that were a lot better than what we could have hoped for.It just goes to show that one person can make a difference :)

Breathing method
Inhale through your nose slowly and count to 5.Then pause and hold your breath while counting to 5.Fully exhale slowly through the nose or mouth.Then take 2 normal breathes and repeat.Keep doing this until you feel calm.

Picture method:
Most of you have heard of the idea of picturing everyone in their underwear to overcome the fear of shyness and nervous in front of a group of people.That doesn't work at all for me.What i do is instead of picturing the girl in her underwear i try to picture her doing something ridiculous crazy.Like i picture her running around on all fours like pigeon squawking,or i picture her running around saying my nuts itch.The idea is to try and picture her doing something completely crazy that will make you laugh.I like to use this before i talk to her,and i have a little smirk on my face to which she has no idea that i just pictured her saying in the most manliest of voices saying "i want your nuts"

The Buddy System
Remeber when you went on field trips and you had a buddy that you prevent you from getting lost?Well now your here 5 feet away from a really hot girl feeling lost since your by yourself and you have no idea what your going to do or say.How can you talk to her,easy you and your best friend will go along.Tell yourself that right now just behind you is your best friend,right over your shoulder.Your best friend is in fact your best friend right?,he understands you alot.So when your talking to the girl just imagine in your head your best friend is cheering you on,giving you support.This doesn't really work if you don't have a friend though

Ditto Yourself
I was obsessed with pokemon*ridiculous of course not*,their was this one Pokemon that was able to change into any other pokemon in the world.One day while i was at chick fil a,this girl (HB 7.5) was sitting down eating her meal.I thought to myself,my don't i try and act like ditto.Why don't i act like the way ive wanted to.So i thought to myself ok,your Jolly Rogers now your not you,your Jolly Rogers.i started to think what would Jolly Rogers do?So i got my meal and sat one table away from the girl *across from her*all in the most alphamale walk ive ever done.Even though it was like 30secs,it was still pretty alpha maleish.I sat down and she looked right at me while still eating a french fry out of her mouth.I laid back had an open body posture,it felt like it was all natural.I kept telling myself Jolly is in control now,let Jolly work,Sit back little man,and let the big boys come out.She smiled and i gave a little sly ****y kinda smile.i moved my finger to tell her to come over here.She got up and i moved the chair next to me,to which she sat down.Even though i messed up so much during the conversation it was still pretty amazing.The idea of the Ditto tech. is to picture your most favorite person and act like him.Think what would he do in this situation and how could he make it amazing.

Change your Inner Self:
On my first couple of weeks practicing talking to girls,id start to think about "worst case scenarios" or,over estimate what could happen.Then i go into a little state of panicking and i can't even bare to talk to her.I find myself saying stuff like "this is stupid".So instead of saying negative thoughts about myself and the situation i try thinking positive.On a daily basis i tell my self that girls are rabbits that want me to fcuk the $hit outa them.I tell myself that they are more nervous of talking to me than them,and i tell myself how much they want me.Also what really helps is if you remind yourself of how amazing you are.Say stuff like "Am freaking ridiculous amazing",or "Who could hate me?"I recently bought a book called the Anxiety and Phobia workbook.It explained so much on negative thinking and how it hurts people immensely.When i was done reading it and working through it i came to realize how some people can just act so cool and seem to have this positive amazing attitude around them.You have to tell yourself and remind yourself on a daily basis how cool you are,be ****y a little,write down your accomplishments with girls and life in general and give yourself a pat on the back.These positive statements helped me approach girls
"This girl wants to bang me so....bad!"

"This isn't so hard,phew this in fact will be easy!"

"Am unique,creative,and funny"

"Whatever circumstance am in,my attitude will effect its outcome.Right now that outcome is looking pretty good"

"I really am freaking amazing...."

"My friends think am cool/awesome/whatever why won't she?"

"This girl is actually,scared of me...aww"

"I am just as cool,amazing as the next guy!"

"This is stupid...what am i scared of girls are rabbits! If i can talk to bugs bunny then i sure can talk to them!"

"Am like a relentless salamander" - this one cracks me up,so am not scared

"you know this girl should be happy,she's worthy of talking to me"

"I can't believe am going to talk to this girl,she's so lucky!"
make up whatever you want as long as it is in first person,and its positive.


Senior Don Juan
Mar 26, 2006
Reaction score
smoke weed and you'll have no problem approaching

(just kidding. shouldnt rely on it)


Senior Don Juan
Mar 26, 2006
Reaction score
Kev07 said:
weed changes nothing for me, nor does alcohol for that matter
really? it does for me. i think it just means i have confidence problems. maybe ur tolerance is too high


Don Juan
Jun 5, 2007
Reaction score
i tried it twice,didn't like it.My friend does that stuff everyday...


Master Don Juan
May 28, 2007
Reaction score
Just don't give a sh*t. Try and if you fail move on. Not the end of the world.


Senior Don Juan
Apr 22, 2007
Reaction score
best tip is approach immeidatly and do not overthink, the longer you wait the more time you have to overthink and picture bad scenarios or you begin to create a script. You just need to say whats the worst thing that can happen, then approach them. Overanalztion and over thinking are the enemy, get it out of your head. The faster you appraoch the smoother the convo goes because for a women it's more spontaneous as oppposed to staring at her 4 or 5 times once she stares at you. Once she gives you the eye contact that says "Talk to me" it's best to go in full force within 3 seconds.


Master Don Juan
May 28, 2007
Reaction score
Yeah anxiety is a b1tch. Look into self affirmations or try writing down every negative/anxious thought and the positive thought that should be there. Sure as hell helped through depression.