Tips from women


New Member
Nov 29, 2003
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This weekend I had a very intesting conversation with a woman. Her, a friend, and I were talkign about how to properly use kino (as both my friend and I are pretty lost on the topic), and she brought it to my attention that every move you make when you are interacting with a woman, from touching to kissing to f***ing tells a woman if you're looking for a ONS or a LTR. I have never really heard of kino being broken down so finely before, and it kind of shocked me to learn exactly HOW deeply entrenched I am in the LTR department, as I told her that I was mostly looking for a ONS, and she told me that I'd have to be careful, because every thing I do pretty much gets girls into relationship mode.

It was very eye-opening, and I haven't really seen it discussed anywhere before. Are there any other resources out there where i can find out how to change my ways, (at least temporarily, as I'd like to get into a LTR eventually, but right now I just want to get back to playing)?

But anyway, I'd like to open the floor to the discussion of Kino as a relationship-determining device. Do discuss


Master Don Juan
Aug 23, 2003
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Wow! Women can tell what type of KINO will lead to a LTR vs a ONS???

thats a new one.

From my experience, women size ALL men up either for sex or a LTR material.

It seems like if the guy comes on too strong, he is looking for a ONS. and some women dont want a relationship, so they welcome this.

Othertimes, a man will act overly nice, treat the girl like a endangered species or a work of art, this tells women the guy is looking for a LTR.

but the bottom line is Kino seems to increase a womans sexual arousal (unless you are very repulsive)

if there is any truth about this Id like to know


Master Don Juan
Nov 23, 2003
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no, this is just a bs theory that the women you were talking to have.

Have you ever sat and just listened to the reasoning they use? it's all out of whack. Go to the top level domain, and there's a part where they ask women how they like men. One woman said that should could tell if a man was angry by whether he had a cowlick . That's right, men with cowlicks are angry.

So you see, don't try to follow their lack of logic. Women are predictable and logical, but they aren't the ones capable of predicting themselves.