I honestly don't know WTF 90% of girls on Tinder are on there for. I've known hot girls who have been on Tinder for a year and they've told me (apparently honestly, because I see them multiple times a week and they don't seem to socialise elsewhere) they've not been on a single f***ing date from it.
They may as well rename the app Egow*nk and be done with it.
Admittedly I live in a fairly remote location, but I can swipe right on girls who wouldn't have a chance of getting a date with me in RL (I know that sounds harsh, but it's true) and I'm lucky to get 3 likes a month sometimes.
Every reasonable looking girl on there seems to think she's 20/10 and only 20/10 UBERCHADS can get a date with her, and she'll be damned if she's going to drop a precious like on any of the other riff-raff.