tinder lay


New Member
Jan 30, 2015
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I hit a girl up on tinder last night, had a little convo asked for her number then invited her to watch Netflix and drink. we watched Netflix, drank I put my hand around her like half way through then I made my grab the chin makeout move at the end of zoolander. Took her into the room, had sex. she didn't annoy me as much as previous hookups have but I know I don't want to date her. I know shes going to start liking me because im saying all the things I know she wants to hear. should I tell her I don't want to date, or keep her in the dark until **** hits the fan? oh and I took her to chick fila the next day (kind of a date I guess).

El Payaso

Master Don Juan
Jan 16, 2014
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If she brings up being exclusive or being in a relationship, just be frank and say you're not ready for a relationship yet and you can understand if she wants to leave.

This will demonstrate you're not scared if she walks away and she will be disappointed and even more curious that you're not willing to fight for her. She will think in her mind that she's not good enough for you or that you have someone better elsewhere. She will want to stay on as a result to prove you wrong even if it means a f*ck buddy relationship that she didn't sign up for.

It's sort of like when women LJBF men. Just do the reverse on her but sex wise. Good luck.


New Member
Jan 30, 2015
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UPDATE: we had sex again this weekend. I had been blowing her off at the basketball game with the my phone is ****ed up excuse. I didn't have anything better to do so I invited her over and took her home in the morning. we were texting the next night and she said "are you sure babe" with a follow up that say "oops I didn't mean to call you babe". Im still trying to beat around the bush here so I responded with "its cool beans", "oops I didn't mean to call you beans".


Feb 9, 2015
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richardhoneygram said:
I hit a girl up on tinder last night, had a little convo asked for her number then invited her to watch Netflix and drink. we watched Netflix, drank I put my hand around her like half way through then I made my grab the chin makeout move at the end of zoolander. Took her into the room, had sex. she didn't annoy me as much as previous hookups have but I know I don't want to date her. I know shes going to start liking me because im saying all the things I know she wants to hear. should I tell her I don't want to date, or keep her in the dark until **** hits the fan? oh and I took her to chick fila the next day (kind of a date I guess).
Something doesn't add up in your story. There was no lay.


Master Don Juan
Mar 21, 2003
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so to summarize:

you're lying to the girl, playing with her feelings so you can have easy sex
she is developing feelings
you are too much of a wuss to say "uhhh sorry i just wanted to screw and you were easy, I am sorry I should have been MORE CLEAR about MY INTENTIONS."
so the girl is catching more feelings.

have fun enjoying this blow up in your face and hurt her.

You're young, we've all been there done this. I'm saying you can bring this up, and should've alread brought it up to cool her temp a bit. Unless she's desperate for validation and knows the game..then don't bring it up and brush it off... i brought it up one time even before sex, then during sex, then again, she got mad, told me she knows and me bringing it up is making it weird and left. But then chased me around for weeks.


New Member
Jan 30, 2015
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I wouldn't say that im a wuss, I just don't want to bring it up and then have her not want to bang after that. so im holding off the convo as long as possible so that I can have sex for as long as possible.


Master Don Juan
Mar 21, 2003
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richardhoneygram said:
I wouldn't say that im a wuss, I just don't want to bring it up and then have her not want to bang after that. so im holding off the convo as long as possible so that I can have sex for as long as possible.
ok so dont pump up the feelings... no baby talk. so she gets the point and brings the convo when she's feeling she needs to know and then tell her honestly what you're looking for. she might even be down.