Tim Duncan not Alpha Enough to Keep Wife from Cheating!


Don Juan
May 25, 2013
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Tim Duncan is not attractive but he is a famous and rich NBA athlete. He was passive, shy, boring, and unassertive.

In fact, Duncan never kissed a girl or drank a beer until he started to become a star basketball player his sophomore year in college. As his star potential unfolds a cheerleader at his school with a boyfriend cheats on the boyfriend with Tim Duncan and then later starts officially dating Duncan.

Such a romantic story that years later Duncan marries his college sweet heart. The one and only girl he had ever been with. However, his college sweetheart had a history of cheating including when she started the relationship with Tim Duncan. Don't forget that if she is willing to cheat to be with you, then she is willing to cheat on you when you are together. As the saying goes...a cheetah never changes her spots.

Duncan pursues his passions of playing in the NBA, playing Dungeons and Dragons, playing video games, going to Renaissance festivals, worshiping Harry Potter, etc.

Non of those things made Amy's vagina tingle so she kept riding the **** carousel and looking for someone man enough for her.

Duncan's big mistake was ever getting married. At least he got a pre-nup though.