Threesomes And Your Girlfriend--need Advice From The Pros


Senior Don Juan
Sep 17, 2002
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Hey everyone,
I have a DELICATE situation that I need help with. This might be more of a question for the true PIMPS out there, but I’m willing to listen to any good advice.
I’ve been with my girlfriend Mellisa for almost a year now. She is super cool and really cute. When my current roommate first met my girlfriend he got so frustrated that I was having sex with her that he would NOT let me even TALK about her around him. She’s that cute.
The more I’m around this girl, the more I start to like her and the more I think we are great together. We are actually planning on moving to another city together in about a month (but we’re not going to live in the same place).
Anyway, the PROBLEM and SITUATION I’m having is this:
Over the last TWO years I have really got my act together in regards to women. I used to be the BIGGEST AFC I knew. Since then, I have drastically turned my life around and have had three girlfriends in the past year and a half and have also dated numerous other beautiful girls, sometimes two or three at a time. Now that I’ve got my game together, and KNOW I can get hot girls to sleep with me or be my “girlfriend”, it’s been really hard to settle down with one girl, EVEN THOUGH I really like the girl I’m with. I see hot girls EVERYWHERE and I go crazy thinking of the fact I could have them, but want to be loyal to my girlfriend.
A few days ago I was talking with my girlfriend about our sexual fantasies and what we would like to do. I found out she is more “open-minded” than I thought. (My girlfriend is a girl who looks “wholesome” and like a “good-girl” but she is actually super kinky and sexual and willing to try new things.). When we got to the part about MY fantasies, I brought up the fact that I would like to have a threesome—with another girl. I thought for sure she was going to say “NO”, but she didn’t. She said that she had actually fantasized about having threesomes before, but had never done it. BUT, she said that she wasn’t sure if she could have a threesome with ME. She thinks it might be hard for her to see me having sex with another girl in front of her and that she might start judging how good-looking the other girl is and get jealous. She didn’t say she wasn’t willing to try a threesome, but was a little apprehensive about the situation because she likes me A LOT and doesn’t want to hurt our relationship. I told her I would never want to jeopardize our relationship, but it’s still a fantasy I would like to fulfill.
If I could have regular threesomes with my girlfriend, with various girls, I would never have to deal with the problem of wanting other hot girls and being frustrated with being in a “monogamous” serious relationship. This would be the PERFECT relationship, as far as I’m concerned. I realize this isn’t a typical relationship, but actually living out your fantasies isn’t typical.
How can I go about delicately creating this situation and convince my girlfriend that I still only want to “BE” with her, but would like to share our sexual experiences with other girls? Does ANYONE have experience with this type of situation? How can I make this situation work? Thanks in advance for the advice.


Senior Don Juan
Feb 11, 2004
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P-Town 503
Damn, dude...your talking about one of the most tricky situations possible. It's like opening Pandora's box when you talk to a chick about a threesome....Here's why, plus, my advice as a guy who's done it (and delt with the consequences):

1) If your going to be 'serious' with this girl, just say no. You may as well just go behind her back, there's less red tape. Drop it and don't bring it up again. If she 'lets' you do it, even with a good friend/trusted person, you'll NEVER hear the end of it. If you guys ever fight, she'll throw that shit in your face fast as hell. She'll always wonder if the friend was better, wonder if you guys will use it as a license to cheat, blah, blah, blah.

2). Once you bring that up (unless she's seriously sexually 'liberated'), you just planted the seed of doubt. She'll think all you want to do is screw other girls.

3). Ask yourself if your cool with the situation being reversed!, how about if she wants a threesome with a dude? Of course, we know this won't happen, but still, that's the same feeling she has, more than likely.

You might have better luck, chief. that was my experience, though.

Personally, threesomes are fun....but I'd never consider getting 'serious' with a girl who would have a threesome, just like I'd never get serious with a chick who'd let me hit it on the first try.


Senior Don Juan
Feb 1, 2005
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yeah, what he said

do it if she's not a potential LTR
don't if you're serious with her


Don Juan
Jan 10, 2005
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I have had several threesome's with my girl(well ex girl at this point). We have been together for a long time and the threesomes never really caused any issues for us. They are hella fun but at the same time it is a bit overrated. We had a playtoy girl for awhile that would come over, hang out and we would get it on when we felt like it. That was pretty cool. I agree its not for everyone, most girls get freaked out watching their man screw another girl, then again, some girls get turned on by it. Hell, I knew a guy who used to like to watch his wife get banged. Whatever floats your boat. I cannot imagine wanting to watch that myself but people all have their own sexual issues.

I find its best to had threesomes with a girl that neither of you are really close to, that way she is more of a play toy than a close friend or whatever.

p.s.- I would NEVER have a threesome with another dude, its a double standard but I don't care and every girl I have had threesomes with has been ok with that.


Senior Don Juan
Dec 31, 2004
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Some fantasies are better left as that, a fantasy. Your girlfriend already stated that she would get jealous. She could do it but not with you. I guarantee you that if you talked her into this she will have problems and your relationship may never recover.

I've seen many couples fall apart due to the greed of the man. And when this thing happens the women get into each other and forget about the man. So that sad dummy is left with just watching on the side lines.


Don Juan
Jan 10, 2005
Reaction score
I was on the other end of that, it usually ended up with my girl getting sleepy and going to bed after some threesome action which left me to have the other girl to myself all night. I agree that it probably isn't the best idea in the world although its fun as heck!

Its usually a little akward the next day. If you do it, do it when your all on E so you have an excuse for your behavior! ha. :)