Thoughts on this site


Don Juan
Apr 3, 2008
Reaction score
What are people's thoughts on the purpose of this site?

I have been reading and taking advice from this site and coupling it with going out and putting the advice into action, which in my eyes is one of the main purposes of it. You read the stories, successes and failures of others and then are able to 'fine tune' your own way of approaching girls and obtaining numbers. I think it is important though to have both, it parallels with the idea of not being able to read how to ride a bike, you have to go and practice. So, there is a lot of advice on how to approach and start to date/have a relationship with someone.

The other purpose of this site, in my eyes, is to highlight to those who havent been fortunate/unfortunate enough (whichever one you think) to have been treated badly, by a girl who has BDP or major emotional problems. You get dragged in, and for some reason are addicted to the drama and emotional unpredictability that goes with dating someone like this. I have been fortunate enough to have dated a couple of women like this and have come out the other side better and stronger, so in my eyes it has been a beneficial experience, in some ways.

I suppose the point I am trying to make, is that this site is good for building confidence and some tips on what to say, but most of the time it is not what you say but how you say it. There are emotionally healthy women in the world and as long as you (as the man) can lead, maintain mutual respect with the woman and is confident it should be a winning combination.

Anyone have any thoughts???


Master Don Juan
Nov 23, 2005
Reaction score
Miami, FL
it serves it's purpose. i'm in debt for it for all the knowledge i've learned. that said because there are so many viewpoints you have to seperate the wheat from the chaff so to speak. not everything you read is really going to be all that useful. so remember that before a particular dialogue doesn't go the wrong way and you're shouting, pouting and read to swear off the site as being wrong and useless.

oh and put to practice what you learn. just reading won't do **** for you unless you want to be an educated fool.


Jul 28, 2009
Reaction score
North America, probably an airport
I've looked at this as a place to learn to enjoy women as a pursuit without having them screw up my head, my heart and my soul. And from both positive and negative examples here, I am getting that.

To those who just want to sport women, good luck with that. That's not me. I love women! I am learning how to be myself and enjoy the women I meet. So far as I'm concerned, the Four F Club is for junior high school.

To those looking for how to manage spinning plates or 'The One', good luck with that as well. I am seeing several women that meet my standards. And I am having the time of my life. This site is teaching me how to do that despite the fact that I was married for 24 years and before believed in 'one at a time'. Now, I keep an eye out for the types of women that I would like to get to know despite the fact that I'm having a great time today.

To those mysoginists that rant about evil, stupid women, I feel badly for you. You can accept that women are way different than men, that they are totally different creatures from us and just accept that and enjoy them for what they are - various beings with conflicting emotions, thoughts and behaviors that operate on a completely different set of thoughts, beliefs and behaviors. Men operate that way too. We just understand ourselves and men better because that's what we are.

So, this site is all of it, school, laboratory, perspective for you to find how to have women in your life on your terms. There isn't one way to do this, there is your way as informed by the many here.

Adapt & overcome,
Aug 12, 2009
Reaction score
I have found lots of different attitudes here. Some are as tictac says, ranting about evil stupid women. I am curious what brings men to that negative view, I have a good idea, but some seem to carry it to extreems.

I have also found some men here that intrigue me with their views, so I click on thier name and read their posts. Tictac, you are one of them.

I think this site is here to help one another, but sometimes I wonder, I just read a posts where a guy got bashed really bad for his view. His view in my opinion was not wrong, just different from others.

Post and read and take the information and learn from it I suppose, the ones that post useless information, just ignore it.