Thoughts On Sexiness, of Men And Women.


Master Don Juan
Aug 6, 2004
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Sexy isn't necessarily a SOCIAL word. In terms of what's SOCIALLY acceptable and advertised, sexy has come to mean...

-Big boobs
-Thin waists
-Round arses
-Nice legs
-Clear, soft skin
-Pretty eyes
-Healthy, stylish Hair
-A lack of clothing, or the less the better.

+ To some degree, women themselves have THINNED down, which is sad to me, because it's artificial. Once they hit college, live on their own, or get into a LTR, they'll balloon up. It's like putting good bait on the hook, but tasting bad. However, it's one thing to wear a suit to work, it's entirely another to worry profusely about "getting dirty" because you're new Gucci or Armani clothing "might get ruined." The nature of man itself is to be useful, or used. We're utilitarian, ready to work, assist, lift, aid, or help in a pinch. This isn't to direct social moors or attitudes, but to enlighten one about sexiness versus non sexiness.


A hot girl wearing scantily-clad clothing, tits busting out, arse shapely formed in her tight skirt, is NOT, I repeat NOT, sexy.

Sexy, inherently, is a feeling INSIDE the person. A sense of self-confidence in one's BODY. You're ok with who you are NOW, and will be ok WITH who you become. If you're truly obese can care nothing for you, you're attitude can't be one of sexiness, because you've become sloven, wanten beast.

The girls of today, some anyways, MIGHT appear sexy, like they mimic a pornstar, BUT are they really?

That's like getting a HOT chick, who doesn't know a DAMM thing in bed. How often has that happened to you guys?

On the flipside, I've met and been with hot girls and then the 8's or 7's, and an 8 or 7, who's cool with herself, LOVES her body, HER butt, and generally herself, SHE'S SEXY. She's cool with her body. She's ok. It's not a fake attitude either. Because it comes from within.

There's nothing worse than a HOT girl, who's picky about her body. If she's HOT now and picky, if she ever gains weight or was prego, how will she feel? Will she withdraw sex? Will she become hesistant to be naked around you, UNDER the lights?


Sexiness isn't OVERconfidence, or bragging about how BIG something is or isn't, about muscles. It's about SEEING your body for what it is, what you've been given, and that YOU solely have the ability to change that.

HOWEVER, if you're sexiness is based SOLELY on what you LOOK LIKE versus how you FEEL, then women, and men, are only sexy for a mere FRACTION of their life. Because looks don't last. But the attitude, the feeling, and who you are inside, DOES. The air, the aroma, the way you carry yourself, comes from within and spreads ******dly.

There's LOTS of women who buck the trends of what society deems SEXY, and they're far SEXIER based on who they are than those girls who fall in line, because THEY like who they are, what they wear, and what they look. Instead of TRYING to fit in, they dress and behave and look how they feel. They change their looks based on them. They're ALWAYS comfortable where they exist, because they're not motivated to LOOK a certain way, because the looking a certain way inevitably leads to a disconnect between the external and internal feelings.


Ever see the show MADE on MTV, on girls who wants to be girls because they're TOM BOYS to the nTH degree?

The BIGGEST transition for these TOM BOYS isn't the clothing or makeup, but the walk, the feeling, how the interact with boys, and how they feel about what they wear. Any tomboy-girl, who acts like a boy and dresses like a boy will inevitably attract lesbians. Or close-to-gay guys. But change the underlying feeling, and the TOM boy miraculously becomes a beauty. And many USED-to-be tomboys becomes beautiful girls (or lesbians) and quite the sex divas.

I was checking pics on Suicide Girls, which has become something of a Phenomenon, yet the girls aren't Beautiful in the traditional sense. What makes them "beautiful", is their honesty and trust in themselves, faith in their body, and love of the body they possess now.

Even some thuggish styles fly on certain guys because it looks natural. So what, it might look immature, but on the right person, it flies. Thing is, you have to be right person inside to fly with it.

But comes from within, it isn't about TRYING to be it. It's wearing what makes you comfortable. My bro is a musician, and some of the stuff he wears, I'd never come close to, but he flows in it, girls dig him, and he gets the girls who like his flow, easily, because he's with it, he's comfortable and into it.


As nice as Makeup is, it's fake. It's like dressing up your car, or accessorizing. It ONLY works on the pretty, which is those who don't need. For those who can't fly with it, it just COVERS up the mistakes like MAACO paint on dings. Inevitably, you have to take the makeup off, and it doesn't hide or accentuate anything. It's like art.

The cute, feminine chick is the sexy one. Not as a matter of WHAT she looks like, but WHAT SHE IS. There's lots of girls who dressed with a nice rack, or nice style, but it's her inside sexual attitude that made her sexual out.

I've even seen ever-so-slightly chunky girls, with huge racks, round butts, become sexy, just because SHE WAS OK with who she was. You know this girl won't really get fat, because she isn't FAKING her size like LOTS of girls UNDEREATING, not in college, or yet to suffer physiological hell via pregnancy and an LTR that packs on pounds uncontrollably.

But it's not the arrogant attitude one would make it to be. It isn't "I'm better than you, or have bigger muscles, or bigger tits," or anything. It's I LIKE MYSELF. I dig my body. (Not in some Stuart Smalley way). But in confidence of and acceptance of you. Work on that. No one can change the world's socially acceptable and evolutionary biological models for sexual reproduction, but women, in and of themselves, are sexy, if they're ok with who they are AND like sex.

The minute her's, or your own sense of attraction or sexiness comes based on how your physical appearance matches with that of the nearby A&F model, or her's matches Victoria secrets, you're doomed. Such rankings lead to artificial feelings and feelings of inferiority. So sad.


My Aim was to BROADEN and DEEPEN people's thoughts on what sex, sexuality, and sexiness was. To reclaim their OWN sexual attraction, to themselves and to the opposite sex. Some might just base it on what's accepted socially, but it isn't. Because I've know girls who dig sex and dig their bodies as good or bad as they rank, and it's evident they're sexual. You do want fvck them. And isn't about the size of the butt, or tits, but the girl and her face, and her eyes. What are they saying?

What are you saying through how you feel?



Master Don Juan
Mar 26, 2003
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I think one of the sexiest women on earth is Angelina Jolie. Whether she's wearing a leather dominatrix getup (like Mr. & Mrs. Smith) or standing at a podium infront of the UN, she always is stunning. It's how she carries herself.

Seriously, she could be wearing a moo-moo and still be hot.

I like where you're going with this train of thought A-Unit. Sadly most girls will never read this.


Don Juan
Dec 27, 2005
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yet the girls aren't Beautiful in the traditional sense. What makes them "beautiful", is their honesty and trust in themselves, faith in their body, and love of the body they possess now.
I liked this phrase......and ur oppinion about beauty.
To bring some arguments...
Beauty concepts have changed a lot during the years...did u notice Venus's belly and strong hips when u look at her statue "Venus from Milo"? By some standards now she would be considered fat...yet, the statue probably represents Aphrodite, the sexiest and one of the most beautiful godesses. It must have been her style, her atitude that made her so.

And more...Cleopatra was not a beautiful woman, yet she managed to conquer the conquerors of the world. How? By her charm...and trust! Ahhh..and I've heard she was good in bed :p

...these happened centuries ago.....does the rule still stand? It seems so....but many things have changed

But there is another thing....all the magazines, the standards, all the hotties that go on the streets, everybody talking about loosing weight, envy between gilrs "she is more this, more that than I am", surgery to make ur face and body "perfect".....these are all factors that just make ur confidence go down.....
Remember, we are a product of our times...and what do our times tell us? They don't promote naturalness, but in the end, we'll go by following the rules imposed by others...


Senior Don Juan
Feb 11, 2004
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P-Town 503
You know, I find alot of very random things to be sexy in women.

-I've always like dark hair, the blacker the better.

-Blue or green eyes, sometimes dark brown.

-I'm definitely a boob man, but anything more than a 36D is too much for me and will probably end up problematic in the future, hehe.

-Shredded jeans and a tight t-shirt is always a big plus.

-Nice boots are cool.

-I don't mind a little 'thickness', but not too much. I don't want some anorexic ass chick I'm gonna split like cordwood :D

-piercings and tattoos are hot, IMO.

Really, for me it's about 80% attitude/personality. I'd rather be with a 7 who's rad to hang out with and doesn't make me want to shoot myself in the face than a 10 who does.



Senior Don Juan
Feb 11, 2004
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P-Town 503
Oh, hell.

I missed your mention of SuicideGirls. I actually know several of them since SG is based out of Portland (where I live), and Fresno. The ones I know work at Dante's, a bar in downtown.

I find the 'punk chick' attitude to be attractive because I like girls that aren't little prissy asses. I've always found a chick who can get dirty to be attractive and sexy. Plus these girls are cool as hell and I always have fun when we hang out.


Master Don Juan
Oct 3, 2005
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The city that sleeps. Sometimes.
by the way, i've posted this before, and ok, ill post it again.

i would take an 8/9 with class, substance and sexiness over an empty shelled 10 any day of the week. Not to say that i wouldnt take a 10 with all those qualities, they are just a bit more rare.

i know it sounds dumb, but i wouldn't have traded my ex for any model or whoever, because in addition to looking as good in her lingerie, she had tons and tons more to offer, from education to personality to sexiness and even how good she was in bed.

but yeah, things change, love goes away, c'est normal, c'est la vie.

Mr. Unique

Master Don Juan
Dec 16, 2005
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When I think sexy I think adriane lima, she looks like a younger version of anjelina jolie, the eyes and the skin get to me.