'This woman' is not the answer

So pimp its scary

Master Don Juan
Mar 9, 2003
Reaction score
In the C-A-N-A-D-A-Eh!
I see so many people on this board that are, at least saying, that they are ready to learn how to improve their game. Then these same people come back over and over talking about how they just got burnt (I've been guilty of that a few times myself, even though I do still have a few quality FR's that I'm proud of).

Why does everyone get so hung up on 'this one girl'? Unless you live in a but fck town with 10 people and a horse, there are countless women in your vicinty to at least practice on. I know that your goal is to get a girlfriend so each girl you meet is a potential girlfriend. You have that expectation, and you are likely to go through at least 10-15 girls before you find one that exceeds all others... why not think of the 10-15 girls as practice so that when you do find that one girl that exceeds all others (of the 10-15 others) you will have enough game going that you won't choke.

Expectations kill your chances... work on being more aloof, indifferent. This one girl that I ended up dating off and on for over a year, she was one of the better ones (at first untill my standards rose again). Anyway, the first night we met we were in a situation where you could have had sex but there were too many cblocks, but I was completely indifferent, I was mostly at the party to make sure my drunk friend didn't get into a fight (even tho we did), so we just talked casually. Next thing I know she insists that I take her number and email. A few weeks later after a couple msn convos she asks me out to the bar, we went ot her hotel room first. There were too many people for one car, so she says that she will drive in a few minutes. Once they were gone we started making out and she took my shirt off. Done.

The thing is that I didn't even care too much about how things turned out with the girl one way or the other. To this day she still does her best to keep in touch with me despite my insisting that it's over.

To really get anything worthwhile done, you really must get to the point where you must get things handled NO MATTER WHAT. Once you convince yourself that you will not let yourself get into that situation ever again because it's too painful, then magic starts to happen. Quitting smoking, when I quit smoking finally, I told myself "This has got to be done no matter what!!!" within 2 weeks of daily effort and half a pack of nicorette I was done and no more craving either.

Also, once you get that inprinted in your mind, you have to realize as well that you are looking to get better with WOMEN, not just get a girlfriend (that's why your here, your goals weren't large enough... let's make them bigger together). When you put it that way, this one girl is just a test subject, an experiment, a learning experience... NOT THE ONE!! Then, when the right woman does come along, you got your sh!t together and so does she, then you are ready for her. If you wouldn't have done what you did to learn, you would have fvcked up. Talk about fvcked up mental programming.

If you are out with friends, go prove a point to them with a girl, get used to talking to women first... making an ass out of yourself if you have to. Have fun with shyt, put a smile on the face of the mcdonalds worker... be more outgoing in general. Try taking a Myers-Brigg test, and take the time look up these words if you have to, but ALL the more beneficial traits to have ARE extroverted (outgoing).

About a week ago, I was walking with my neighbour, talking about sensual touch of women. (touching the side of their neck, back of the neck, shoulders, side of her stomach, back of the knees, etc.)When I saw this cute girl, I really had no intention of picking her up, but I told them to come with. (those of you that watched the DYD DVD will remember this one) I walked up to her, and like on the DVD I just said, "hi, I know this sounds odd, but I'm trying to prove a point to my friends. Are you willing to help out for just 2 minutes? Well, we were talking about how simply caressing a woman can feel intensely good for her. So, On a scale of 1 to 10 how good does this feel?" and continued to get her reaction most of it ranging between 6 and 8. Then I went to the back of her neck, she then started to shiver, then told me to stop. So I did, then I asked her rating... she dropped the others to 4's and 6's and put that at an 8. Then I just thanked her for her time and we parted ways, then she turned and said 'aren't you gonna ask me for your phone number?'

The point of all this is just get out there have fun with it and be seriously indifferent about the end result. You could even tell girls that they are cute but that you probably won't be more than friends with benefits. You'd be amazed at what straight up honesty will do... but you also have to be willing to watch them walk away because of it. GOOD! Isay, because you shouldn't have to mould yourself for the girl one way or the other... and don't pretend like you do either, you will eventually be found to be the fraud you are.

Good night all.


Don Juan
Jul 16, 2004
Reaction score
Why does everyone get so hung up on 'this one girl'?
Its because you think her looks/personality are unique. Well there's more reasons, but thats what seems to have got me hung up on a girl recently.
But I and oni-ti-tis suffers have to realise there's PLENTY MORE GIRLS IN THE SEA.
I cant stress that enough. I just need to be doing countless approaches and remember there is always someone better.

Anyway nice to see some of your insight man.


Don Juan
Jan 26, 2005
Reaction score
But these women ARE unique..... just like everyone else is :p

Nice post.

So pimp its scary

Master Don Juan
Mar 9, 2003
Reaction score
In the C-A-N-A-D-A-Eh!
Mikers, I understand that this woman is unique. Just like all the 3+billion others out there.

The thing is that you are NOT looking for unique. I remember the sluttiest girl that I ever fvcked... She was completely unique, and intriguing, but she also slept with about 20 other guys that I know, or know of.

What I'm saying is that a girl can be completely unique, but still have alot of the traits that you don't want.


Senior Don Juan
Jun 9, 2005
Reaction score
I remember the sluttiest girl that I ever fvcked... She was completely unique, and intriguing, but she also slept with about 20 other guys that I know, or know of.

So pimp its scary

Master Don Juan
Mar 9, 2003
Reaction score
In the C-A-N-A-D-A-Eh!
because I didn't know how bad she really was untill after... but yes, I used a jimmy hat.

About a week after, her bouncer of a bf came trying to knock the door down to eat me alive, for his cheating girlfriend... I'm glad that I can think on my feet when I need to, because I had the guy just about crying before he apologized for the mess and left.

Triple X

Senior Don Juan
May 12, 2005
Reaction score
But I and oni-ti-tis suffers have to realise there's PLENTY MORE GIRLS IN THE SEA.
Well suit yourself mate, but personally I prefer to look for them in the local bars and clubs.


(OK I'm trying to be funny. I'll stop now)

I think the best cure for one-itis is to look at the girl's FAULTS as well as her GOOD traits. Normally when you have oneitis you are so blinded with 'love' and infatuation that you fail to spot any weaknesses/faults within her. Or if you do, they are automatically dismissed.

If you have one-itis you need to realise that while this particular girl may have some huge positive qualities, she will certainly have negative traits too. Plus almost certainly the positive qualities she DOES have will be ECHOED by many other women!! This is the first step in overcoming one-itis (and getting back your freedom!!)


I'm Joe Dirt

Master Don Juan
Jan 7, 2005
Reaction score
Chicago, IL
To answer the original question, it could be because we really care for a specific girl.

Yes, there are a lot of girls out there, and we shouldn't get obsessed with one and try what else is out there, but if we already have what we're looking for why not focus on it and try to get it?

Its kind of like with TV shows. Everyone has their favorite TV shows, and they won't watch other shows that are more conveniantly timed to their TV watching habits, but will go to great lenghts like taping or TIVOing their favorites so they can watch those shows.

Why? There is plenty of shows on TV, why don't they just watch shows that are on when they have time for TV? Why do they have to watch their favorite shows they like?

Because they offer something the others don't. And until you find another show [read: another girl] that can offer you that too be it a special feeling in your gut or an orgasm there is reason enough for you to pursue her.