This whole c&f only works w/ crazy chicks for me


Master Don Juan
May 24, 2005
Reaction score
I've found that alot of girls that Iam c&f, example: (girl asks me question, I give back a silly but ****y answer) with tend to wanna shy away from me, albeit they are all like hb 5's, they will avoid all contact with me. Then there is the hb's that are cute but shy. It doesnt work to well with them either. You see my problem is that I've gotten so used to the c&f that its like satisfying for me to have it in conversation, and its become a part of me and I guess it really ticks a chick off when you're always giving her a hard time, or not being predictable.

Then there is the party girl/semi-attention *****. Oh man does this whole skew of dj material work oh so well on theese chicks. For example the chick tries talking to you, acknowledge her then just continue talking to someone else. holy crap. Thoose 2 minutes of not giving her a drop of attention will ammount to her like flipping her boobs out to get you to look her way or make EC.Also This chick is also usually very loud or outspoken and can be very determined at times. Unfortunately i cant imagine having an LTR with any of the type of chicks this stuff works on, i can only imagine screwing them.

So i guess the moral of my story is this:
examine what type of chick it is LSE,SHY,AW,etc. if anything other than AW, you gotta just show general interest and then begin rapport, and be conservative. If it is the type of girl i mentioned in the 2nd paragraph, run the entire dj routine, and you can probably start fvcking before you even establish rapport.


Master Don Juan
Jan 15, 2002
Reaction score
You made some valid points, good to see you figured it out yourself in the field.

It has to do with self esteem. Those 5's you mentioned and the shy chicks have LSE. So when you get all ****y they do not feel qualified, see you as arrogant (and believe that they have no chance with you).

That said, even these girls, if they get the idea that you like them will still try to make you jump through hoops/test you - so you can't drop your guard.

C+F is overused by a lot of people. It is about throwing a couple of things into a convo now and again, not every comment. It doesn't help build rapport, which is needed to move above a superficial interaction. Also, it's key that it is FUNNY, not just ****Y (or you come across as a jerk - which can "work" with AW/damaged chicks but it's not a good path to go down regardless, you will just get into a cycle of negativity with them).


Jun 2, 2006
Reaction score
Only TRUE IDIOTS try to be ****Y AND FUNNY all of the time, many people on this site seem to be OBSESSED by this but it isn't the REAL KEY to WINNING over the GORGEOUS CHICKS, don't believe everything that you read in dating books.
The KEY to WINNING over the GORGEOUS CHICKS is in the way that you SPEAK, if you talk in a DEEP CLEAR LOUD CONFIDENT AND POWERFUL voice you will get the GIRLS, only be FUNNY if the situation is suitable to do it, it is IMPORTANT to have a SENCE OF HUMOUR but most GIRLS will think of you as being a real LOSER or a TURKEY if you overdo it. :kick: :cool: