this talk makes ppl second guess


Don Juan
Jan 23, 2003
Reaction score
This board has a plothera of information. However, after coming to this site, I feel like I am second-guessing myself too much. Or I am trying to remember certain things i should or shouldnt do.
My biggest problem is closin the deal, that is gettin the kiss and more, when its a girl I dig. If its just some girl I have no problem.

In high school i just asked a girl to hang out and we would and it wasnt hard. Then i came here and learned more but stopped doing the things i used too.

NOw, if i see a girl I think of something funny to say or make some observation.

A few months before sosuave, i would jsut approach without thinking and something would come to mind. I just asked to go do somethin or get a number and it worked.

SOmetimes i feel we all over-analyze. Today I had a situation to talk to this hottie i sort of have had short convos with. Instead, I thought of building repoire,blah blah blah. Because that is what im used to reading on this site.

While I am greatful for the information, sometimes I am overloaded with it and just fail to do this most basic things.
I should have just gone up and asked her her plans for the weekend and got the number.

Like in football, or any other sport, if you think too much you are done, you just have to react. You have to know what good advice is and what it isnt.

Too many ppl come here saying..should i ask her number? How should I? WEll, you BETTER ask, if you dont you wont ever hang out, and you should do it, by ASKING.

React, react, second guessing.
Jul 5, 2003
Reaction score
I think the information (at least the good information) on these forums and in the bible is not there to be followed to the letter. The more you read, the more realisations that you come to. The information is more about arriving at these realisations than the techniques. You should not have to use the examples, because they are just that, examples, and they are there merely as illustrative aids.

The essence of being a Don Juan is not following the guides in this board, but knowing what they are trying to teach you. It is simply too difficult to explain, so the information is displayed in the hopes that you will discover the full meaning yourself.

Good luck.


New Member
Sep 16, 2003
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on the flip side of his post i would like to say that i have been reading the articles and mostly the message board bibles quite frequently over the past month or so. i am usually a horrible learner from books and i found myself wondering how i would remember to apply all of this in real life situations. Well (suprisingly) i've found myself to fall quite naturally into C&F and roll on into playful kino with ease. i think more than anything this site gave me the confidence to try these things, although a few exact texts have been used as well. so i think if you really let some of the better tips sink in it will be easier to naturally apply them. it all starts with you though- tell yourself you're the man and "walk into the room with your berries in a wheelbarrel" as someone said before and you will naturally have the correct mindset to dj.

no regrets



Master Don Juan
Nov 13, 2001
Reaction score
This is very simple, but SOLID advice. Perhaps the moderator should sticky this for a few days, so that the more experienced men here can take note as soon as the log in, and chime in with a few of their thoughts to help the newbs or the nervous. :)

You see, the way I approach the game is like this.

When I go for a number or approach a woman, I don't EVEN THINK. I just do it. No plans, no nothing. No looking in the mirror. I don't even WANT to think if my hair is good or if I have something in my teeth, or if my zit is still red and tender. I'm usually nervous as hell (even after all these months and years of applying these techniques), but I don't let it phase me. My palms are sweaty, my heartrate goes up, but in the end - I'M EXHILARATED. Afterward, I retire to a private space and LAUGH. I even jump up and down and throw **** around, break a few things. LOL. :D

And most of the time, girls LIKE it when you're less than slick or perfect on your approach. Not totaly corny or lame, but a little of the boy-next-door nervous/shy quality is endearing. Not all of them want some rippling-muscles, Fabio/Antonio Banderas deal 24-7 (well, maybe they do, but they are more realistic about it). Even the really pretty ones. Sometimes, they just want a man they can relate to, not revere like a God (that's the female AFC tendency right there for ya).

It's like when us men sometimes dream and lust after the Pamela Anderson/Carmen Electra sex-bomb types, but most of the time we usually just sit there and day dream about a cute and smart sexy girl next door type, like Meg Ryan or Katie Holmes, or someone like that.

I've tripped, dropped my stuff, had a fleck of food between my teeth, etc. (I'm serious) when I've approached girls in the past. Sometimes, they can't help but crack up. It's endearing, and its a good ice-breaker. That is a good thing. Most definately.

Just know that as long as they are sexually attracted to you, there is little you can do little wrong.

Here's the deal though -

You see, the easiest part is getting the number. East-Peesy-Japanesey. :p

Like many DJs have said - getting the number isn't the hard part, since most girls hate to let you down hard. So sometimes they will even give you the number anyway, even if they aren't really interested, or have boyfriends.

THE HARD PART IS GETTING THE GIRL TO GO OUT WITH YOU... MULTIPLE TIMES. Even the first date isn't too hard, usually. This is what the "work out, get hobbies, learn how to "listen", tell stories..." stuff is about. Most of the DJ Tips come into effect during or after the first date. And GETTING the first date requires no "skill" or "technique". As if! :rolleyes: YOU... JUST.... ASK.

So remember that, and just plough in. I would take my instincts and guts over this stuff ANY DAY. ANY FVCKING DAY. :)


Master Don Juan
Nov 13, 2001
Reaction score