This site is no longer good


Don Juan
Nov 27, 2012
Reaction score
Why is this site now filled with low quality men?

Several years ago this site focused on improving yourself, making yourself a better person and tips on getting a higher quality woman you can be happy with.

Its now full of whining, bitter, hate filled, overly harsh woman bashers. You are no better than women that hate on men so get over yourself.

A lot of the posts people place here are so unrational and yet they convince themselves they kind of boggles my mind. I see alot of people have written there are no good women out there. There are...but the quality of good men nowadays is severely lacking too.

Im sure I will get creamed for stating this but it is an Internet forum and I think it needs to be said. This site needs to go back to the way it used to be. It used to be helpful. Now it fosters an environment of exploitative, entitled, hostile interaction that encourages each other to develop these negative traits more.

What you put out into the world comes back at you. Bashing women over everything will get you no where. I know several men will say they can bash women, be selfish and get everything they want...have yet to see an example of this in real life where it didnt bite them in the ass so good luck with that.

Down Low

Master Don Juan
Feb 21, 2012
Reaction score
The men here are of low quality? Let's see. Didn't you just post about your low-quality hood-rat cvm dumpster? You even said that you don't want a virtuous woman, you want one who has been well trained by plenty of other men:

georgetheman said:
Women who are virgins at 25 usually are not good at sex and are conservative...have fun with a crappy sex life.
I don't care if you want to play Cap'n Save-a-ho. Live Free X has it nailed and you're just being too proud and conceited to shrug off his good advice.

BTW, I don't appreciate the insult that the current / newer members are all trash and some long ago and far away posters were the good ones. Play the hand you're dealt or cash in your chips.


Master Don Juan
Oct 14, 2005
Reaction score
Auckland, New Zealand
Well if we are so rubbish then why are you still here ? Please leave and don't let the door hit you on the way out.

I bet my bottom dollar that as soon as you commit 100% to her by living together or getting hitched after a few months/years she will suddenly have the urge to change her lifestyle.

You're quick to defend her but have you even run by the questions LiveFreeX threw at you in the other thread ?

Smart/Educated/Funny ? You do know these prerequisites are for a woman screening a man right not the other way around ? You need to screen a woman on her behavior, her truthfulness and her background because they all hold telltale signs of what sort of person you're dealing with.

Bad part of town and getting raped .... twice send my bullsh!t rader off. Girls from the so called bad part of town learn to look after themselves at a very early age and only the most at risk girls get into gangs or get raped. Yes some do have their heads screwed on right but even then they don't make good wife's/mothers due to their inherent "men are a$$holes" view which comes from being around a neighborhood filled with lowlife thugs.

Back to that bit about her being smart/educated and funny .......... mate what about her cooking/cleaning and child bearing/rearing abilities ? Can she cook a few decent meals ? Can she clean up after herself and get ready for a night out with you without you having to wait for an extra hour or three ? Can she look after kids with a smile on her face instead of the "eww gross kids" attitude most women under 30 show ?

So many questions and all you have come up with is the same lines feminazi's have been throwing at us for years.

EDIT: From the way both of your threads are worded it seems that if you two do tie the knot it will be you that will be doing the woman's job and she the mans.


Master Don Juan
Nov 11, 2007
Reaction score
looks like you joined in 2012, oh and this month too so Im sure you know alot about how it used to be.. social media has adversely affected game and people are also making the mistake of spitting at girls OUTSIDE THEIR MARKET. Ex: do Mexican girls sweat you while Czech girls hate you? Solution: spit at more Mexican girls. the end.