Originally posted by squirrels
This forum, the dating "game", "clubbin' ", online hook-up sites, having to regard every girl as potential "prey", sex, dating...the whole 9 yards.
I'm just tired of it. It's almost become a hassle to even think about women.
I'mma stop thinking about it (or try at least). Honestly, it wasnt' meant to be this much work, if it was, people wouldn't do it.
Dude, I've been reading your posts for over 2 years. We've even given each other good advice in this time (I used to be Bugsquish). I watched as you learned more and more about women, game and DJing, giving some of the best advice in here at times. I know you have had some practical experience and it isn't all just theory.
But I have also noted that you seem to have a little bit of a split personality when it comes to gaming women. You can be confident and handle women naturally, but don't credit your sucesses enough. Instead you seem to be getting a little bitter of your failures and fearful of experiencing more failures - to the point where you are looking at emotional damage limitation. It's a downward spiral but one you can stop.
You are right to stop thinking about it. You're gonna depress yourself. You think about it too much and are so busy overanalysing that you don't have time to stop and enjoy it. Stop taking this all so seriously. Go out and enjoy your life, irrespective of women.
Staying on this site isn't doing you any real favours, you need to shut your computer down and get out into the real world. Socialise and expand you circle of friends because it is
much easier to meet a girl this way and be taken seriously. Cold pickups definetely aren't for everyone.