This question might sound weird to all you, but... What is UGLY?


Don Juan
Feb 11, 2011
Reaction score
I've seen a lot of posts about how looks are important and people debating about it, etc...

Excuse me, but, what exactly is ugly? Better yet, what do you guys think women find ugly in men?

Is it the way our hair is cut? Too big of a nose? Ears are too big? Is it being overweight? Are we not blond enough? Is it not looking like Brad Pitt or Matt Damon or Matthew Mccoughnehey??

What is it?
May 14, 2011
Reaction score
Surely its a whole picture.

You can have big nose and look good or big nose and look ugly.

Overall face shape is most prominant feture I can think.

Then things such as:

bad teeth
bad breath
drity clothes
bad dress sense
scruffy trainers
bad haircut
lack of hygeine

Can all make a dude ugly

A dude can have bad acne but still be good looking a dude coudl have perfect skin but be ugly etc..

If you do following:

dress well
clean body, face, teeth
nice haircut (fml cause my hair is thinning)
Smell good
Reduce bodyfat
Stay fit

you have taken away any outside factor that can cause ugliness

NOw, all that can make or break you is your face shape. Which is genetic.

But a dude with an ugly face who does all aboe will have more appeal than a good looking dude who smells off poo, has bad breath, bad teeth, scruffy clothes etc..

However a good looking dude will always be better looking.

Overall main factor in ugliness or not is same as when yuo look at a girl..her face shape...its genetic...face is either ugly or average or hot or cute....


Don Juan
Jun 4, 2011
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On a higher level
Really, most people aren't even ugly, just not unattractive or fun to look at due to the fact that looking at them evokes no emotion (you don't love them, you don't hate them, you nothing them). I think people lose points simply for being too bland, too generic, lacking aesthetic appeal and/or having a one-dimensional personality. And that's just when you're close to neutral, it gets worse when you have noticeable defects like rotting teeth, really bad acne, dressing poorly, bad breath, a really big nose, etc. The more of these defects you have that makes you look bad and the less attributes you have that makes you look good, the more "ugly" you are perceived to be.

But in truth it's all relative. A girl might say a guy is ugly when what she really means is that he's not handsome ENOUGH, meaning it's not that he's ugly but rather he's just lacking sufficient appeal. In some social circles, not being primed and close to perfection is the same as being ugly, while other social circles may be more tolerant and define ugly to be someone who is definitive unattractive.

But if you're still not sure maybe this might be considered as ugly:


Master Don Juan
May 5, 2010
Reaction score
Only the mirror can answer that question, my friend! ;)

Hahaha! Just fucking with you, man. I'd have to say that one is ugly if the majority of the people of the opposite do not find you physically attractive.

Wanna find out? Close a hundred girls and if 51+ of them don't dig, I'd start looking at plastic surgery. :D


Senior Don Juan
Jun 28, 2008
Reaction score
I wish there was something more i could do looks wise I'm a roofer by trade so pretty fit by most standards but I have a bloated Steve Bucemi'ish face that some chicks just cant get past.

If you wanna date a Barbie you better look like Ken