this led to the sex (and a question)


Master Don Juan
May 27, 2007
Reaction score
ok, so i'm always trying to improve different areas of my game. the weakest link for a while was my online game. so i've been working on this area lately... i know some people on here frown on the online thing, and i have too.. but what the hell? it's something different... plus i'm starting to become well known around here lol and that makes it very hard for me to do what i do without leaving town (which i hate to do)...

so i've been working on the online thing... and scored my first lay last night... she was exactly what her pictures showed and then some (her breast looked small in the pics, but big when exposed). for those who are interested, here's how i got to her:

1) i sent her (and many other girls) a funny bukokwski like poem (that had 'i'm the selector of women' elements in it). it's pretty complicated humor, so any girl that gets it - is normally going to be able to get anything else i say. this is by design, because i fail miserably with unintelligent girls (i've also found that unintelligent girls typical aren't good in bed) i typically do this in the morning and then get home and read the responses...

2) i sort through the simple responses of "i liked the poem' or 'you're real talented' for longer responses. This girl sent me a few sentences on how she loved it and how attracted she was to me (she was black/rican and also mentioned that she likes white guys but has never been involved with one; i made some kindda joke about that in my response).

3) the poem is long and the inital response to whatever she writes is long. everything after that is mostly 2 sentences of less. i don't follow any rules of not being online for too long (like some suggest)... so i'm entirely capable of exchanging emails with girls for hours on the end. so i did that with this girl 3-4 nights in a row... got loads of information out of her... kept her laughing... had her saying all the 'never meant a guy like you' stuff... she also mentioned that she had a boyfriend and would feel bad if anything happened... i ignored that and went about my business... then i did what i had planned... i cut contact with her for one simple day...

4) while my contact was cut she sent me 4 emails and begged for my number (which i to this day have not given her).. i emailed a response to only one of her emails and told her i'd been busy and that i'd email her from work the next day.

5) we talk and make plans for her to come over once i get off work and do some household chores... here's the email that sealed the deal... once she got there - within 10 minutes we were all over my house... i'm posting this and the information above because maybe someone will find it helpful, after this i have some questions about other things:

me: "i need to get my work done so that when you come over there's no distractions when we're trying to get it in"

her: "We ain't tried to get it in yet! lol"

me: "haha... and whos fault is that?"

her: " already know WHO"s fault this is! Don't you have a mirror
there or something?"

me: "why? you gonna look in it? ha"

her: "Whatever!!! I'm innocent!"

me: "just like O.J. and Manson."

her: "No you didnt!!!!!"

me: "neither did you... but you want to lol"

her: "Only cause you made me want to! LOL"

me: "Only cause you made me want to make you want to! lol"

her: "What? I never! LOL"

me: "you never what? thought i'd figure it all out? i'm sherlock holmes, trying to finish the job so i can smoke my pipe and smile LOL"

her: "You wanna smoke somethin alright. LOL"

me: "or leave something smoking LOL"

her: "That's your specialty. LOL"

me: "most the time. sometimes my specialty is falling asleep lol"

her: "Wow...I noticed that lately. LOL"

me: "stop noticing stuff... stalker. what's your specialty?"

her: "I like it...that's special enough. LOL"

me: "tru... lol and your schedule is flexible; i just need a pen to write in it"

her: "I am flexible aren't I? I heard about your pen mister LOL"

me: "wanna write with it?"

her: "sure LOL"

after that, i just went back over the plans for meeting me, gave her directions, etc...

so here's my questions...

as i said above - i've been weeding out the girls who respond with short uninteresting answers... should i be doing this? i get about 2-3 responses a day from interesting and sexy (7+) girls... but get about 30 responses a day from the uninteresting ones... and the follow up to that is: what's the best way you can think of to respond to one of those "i liked your poem" or "you're very talented" responses...


New Member
Apr 30, 2007
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whats up with all the LOL`s ? That doesnt even look like a very "inteligent" conversation but whatever gets the happy elves together eh ?


Master Don Juan
May 27, 2007
Reaction score
esu2 said:
whats up with all the LOL`s ? That doesnt even look like a very "inteligent" conversation but whatever gets the happy elves together eh ?
as unintelligent as it may seem to a man... or a fairly intelligent women - there are many women who just do not get non-typical sarcasm or even something as simple as using a metaphor (i honestly don't know too many women who would get 'your schedule is flexible; i just need a pen to write in it' as being a metaphor for ****ing them... it'd most likely get meant with a "what are you talking about?")... .

as far as the LOLs... it's more of less my way of showing that i'm smiling when i say something (i imagine she's either actually laughing out loud or she's just using it to show she's smiling too; you gotta understand this was after many hours of talking, we had developed a feel for each other at this point and how to communicate effectively between us)...

in real life - i hardly ever laugh, i mostly just smile... but doing too many of these :) in text looks gay after a while... and sure all the experts say 'dont' lol' but i disagree...