This is the truth


Don Juan
Nov 7, 2004
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Alright, here's what im thinking.. I'm 16, what ive noticed so far in hs is that most chicks, most insecure ones i might add, are attracted to dumbass jerks(not to come off as offending), and immaturity, i mean barley any chicks would want to hear a philosophical convo, or actually THINK about life. Unless its about drama/the OC... lol. Anyways ive come to this conclusion: Why bother to make getting with girls a priority in hs, ****, they dont get this whol DJing/kino - theyre too immature to understand you know? I mean its fine if it happens naturally, or if you wanna get with a chick, and it works out, then sure go on ahead, but just going out of your way and making it a priority, I wouldnt do. So what I think is, just buckle down, study, get ur **** done, come up with a good GPA, and apply to your dream college. If you get in, great - if you dont then find another. So when you get to college, thats when the real life starts - girls, weed, alcohol.. I'm just tired of the general society of hierarchal hs life. To me, hs is a joke, a prison. And sometimes its fun as hell, you know? Like i might come off as being anti-social and a downer, but im actually friends/aquainted with all the 'labels' fabricated by highschoolers - ghetto, nerd, neutral, preppy - what ever. I myself consider to be none of these, because we're all humans, we all go through the same bs, the same life - we bleed through the similar veins, I just hate isolation and all that, cause that just leads to ignorance and **** - but I just realize its apart of hs, and growing up, and that when it comes down to it - we're all human. So I say **** trying to go out of ur way and be in a LTR, or something(not that I'm against it, but its a distraction for me in that it'll slow me down and I wanna go to my dream college(Virginia tech)), gain self confidence in doing what ever gives you self confidence for the real world ahead - that way youll better deal with ppl, and chicks, you might even naturally come off as charming to them, and then just get around with the chicks there, smoke weed, trip off shrooms, expand ur mind -- what ever) and just wait patiently, suffer through this prison we call high school, and live the good life when ur makin good $ getting known by all the ladies, and you look back at HS and know that ur hard work paid off.

What do you guys think?

Michele l'Arcangelo

Master Don Juan
Aug 5, 2005
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I agree.

Let's say theres a Career Center here for juniors and seniors that don't like highschool, and want a headstart in life. Most kids in this career center are D-average kids - when they were in highschool.

It's stereotyped that in our highschool... that the kids at the career center are all "losers... that will never become popular in highschool, and will never talk to old friends again".

Me? I wan't to go to this career center and leave my highschool life of failing, and having F's in everything. Don't get me wrong, I'm much smarter than most kids in my class (cliche saying, right?). But, the longer I'm failing in highschool... the faster I'm becoming more dumb than kids in my class... since they are learning, and I am not.

My goal for this year is to... get all of my credits to be elligible to join this career center, become a certified nursing assistant, make at least $12.50/Hour (while I'm STILL a senior in highschool... compared to minimum wage working at some fast-food joint in town)... and to make THAT much while I'm still a senior? I can even leave the career center early everyday to work at my job (that means make money during school time)! That means I won't have a ****ty job while trying to pay off college loans! That means I get a free 21 credits while I'm still in highschool... and $2000 in a scholarship to our community college!

It may sound ****ty to you 20 year olds... but it's much better than being the "popular" kid in highschool, and "getting all the honeys". I rather be unpopular IN highschool, and have a REAL life AFTER highschool... than being popular IN highschool, and being a total loser AFTER highschool.

Anybody else agree with us?


Master Don Juan
Feb 26, 2002
Reaction score
Yea, high school wasnt great but you should have fun while you can. I didnt read you whole post but i just wanted to comment about your feelings about the social structure. Its gonna be like that even after you get out of high school. It wont be as bad because there will be more people out there, but for the most part people dont really change. People still care about being cool and all that garbage after high school. College isnt when life starts, its pretty much like a big ass high school with more acceptable behaviors.

Michele l'Arcangelo

Master Don Juan
Aug 5, 2005
Reaction score
I'm still in HS of course, so I may not "understand". But I think college should be where life starts. Yeah, get drunk and do your partying ****, but if you do bad in college... could you really have a well paying job, or anything like that? Wouldn't you rather have money when life starts than working you ass off at a ****ty job when life was supposed to start 10 years ago? Money is my issue... i rather have all the good **** when i'm supposed to.

and yeah i know the saying

Money doesnt buy you happiness... but I'm sure happy when I have money, aren't you?

And this saying

Money is the root to all evil... actually when you are rich, aren't you nicer... and more willing to give money? When you are poor, thats when you start becoming evil to act like you are rich.


Master Don Juan
Feb 26, 2002
Reaction score
Originally posted by MikeS
I'm still in HS of course, so I may not "understand". But I think college should be where life starts. Yeah, get drunk and do your partying ****, but if you do bad in college... could you really have a well paying job, or anything like that? Wouldn't you rather have money when life starts than working you ass off at a ****ty job when life was supposed to start 10 years ago? Money is my issue... i rather have all the good **** when i'm supposed to.

and yeah i know the saying

Money doesnt buy you happiness... but I'm sure happy when I have money, aren't you?

And this saying

Money is the root to all evil... actually when you are rich, aren't you nicer... and more willing to give money? When you are poor, thats when you start becoming evil to act like you are rich.
My friends and i would get drunk every weekend in hs and do drugs and all that good sh*t. The kids who went to church and thought it was soo bad to drink are the ones who started in college if they did start. Theyre gonna be the ones doing bad because they get wasted all the time. You dont HAVE to go to college, theyre other options out in the world. How does having money make someone nice? They would be more inclined to be an ******* because they think theyre better than everyone cause they have money. Theres more important things than having good grades kid. A college diploma is great and all but it really isnt that much.

Michele l'Arcangelo

Master Don Juan
Aug 5, 2005
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like i said i dont know much about the college world.

but i know that if u want to be somewhere someday, having the diploma will definitely help you more.

i didn't mean that getting drunk and **** in college is bad... my bad in making it sound like that.

but it definitely will not help you out. of course partying and **** is fun. i never said don't do it.

i'm just saying college matters. and grades should matter more than getting some "action" from girls from your school


Don Juan
Nov 7, 2004
Reaction score
Keep the drinking/weed in balance - You can never truly achieve success without balance. Study hard, party hard.

Grades are your future these days. You don't wanna be working a ****ty job, making little money cause of the **** you did back in hs? It's called karma.

And yes, money is the root of all evil. Money can be used metaphorically... as in greed. Which is true, greed is the root of all evil.. cause think about, if all forms of greed were erased.. theird be no evil.. but since we're humans, we can only dream.

And im sure when youre poor, you show more appreciation for the life you once had, or wish you had.. i dont think you would become evil... And it depends what type of person you are and what you base your principles/values on when you possess a large amount of money. Money used wisely is the way to go, dont let money turn you into something youre not, you gotta keep yourself in check.

And yes a diploma doesnt mean that much, but when im up for a job interview and they see my resume, and the **** ive majored in, depending on what im trying to do, and what college ive gone to, im sure thatll make a difference compared to someone else whos up for the same job.

In the end, its all about creating oppurtunities to make that paper. You just gotta be aware of what those oppurtunites are.

-It's just like in the movie Scarface, the scence where Al Pacino says, "First you make the money, then you get the women." Same thing here.. First you get the confidence/foundation//know-how, internally, then you can **** around and do what ever.

Michele l'Arcangelo

Master Don Juan
Aug 5, 2005
Reaction score
Originally posted by Ambience420.
Keep the drinking/weed in balance - You can never truly achieve success without balance. Study hard, party hard.

Grades are your future these days. You don't wanna be working a ****ty job, making little money cause of the **** you did back in hs? It's called karma.

And yes, money is the root of all evil. Money can be used metaphorically... as in greed. Which is true, greed is the root of all evil.. cause think about, if all forms of greed were erased.. theird be no evil.. but since we're humans, we can only dream.

And im sure when youre poor, you show more appreciation for the life you once had, or wish you had.. i dont think you would become evil... And it depends what type of person you are and what you base your principles/values on when you possess a large amount of money. Money used wisely is the way to go, dont let money turn you into something youre not, you gotta keep yourself in check.

And yes a diploma doesnt mean that much, but when im up for a job interview and they see my resume, and the **** ive majored in, depending on what im trying to do, and what college ive gone to, im sure thatll make a difference compared to someone else whos up for the same job.

In the end, its all about creating oppurtunities to make that paper. You just gotta be aware of what those oppurtunites are.

-It's just like in the movie Scarface, the scence where Al Pacino says, "First you make the money, then you get the women." Same thing here.. First you get the confidence/foundation//know-how, internally, then you can **** around and do what ever.

nice, took the best out of all the replies and made the best reply yet... i agree to most of this.

i agree with the money-principles thing... its how you handle youre money.

out of topic... but all the money talk i was talking about comes from 'Rich Dad, Poor Dad' my bro listens to it... and i hear it too.. its a really good thing.

Poor people will always be poor, if they win a lottery of $20 million, they wikk be poor still. They will blow their money on cars, etc. (liabilities) and be back in debt.

Rich people will usually always be rich, they will invest their money into assets, and never be in too much debt.
