This is probably a very bad idea...


Don Juan
Mar 17, 2008
Reaction score
... but I want to sleep with one of my roommates.

We already have a history together (we were never a couple, but uhh... :woo: ), but that was a long time ago. Things didn't go over so well at the end of the day (it was both of our faults), and we ended up not speaking to each other for almost a year. I'm not even going to get into how we came to the conclusion that it would be a good idea to live together, but here we are. When I agreed to move in, I had no feelings for her.

She's being really awesome lately, and I haven't had the urge to lose my cool, so everything is going great. Except for the fact that now I want to **** her so bad! She's been flirting with me too. Like brushing her tits against me, playfully hitting me, talking about how long it's been since she last had sex, staying close when we go out. And her attitude has changed. She's grown up, and I like the changes.

I haven't let on about what I'm really thinking when I'm around her. At all. I've been treating her strictly as a friend, because I didn't think it would be appropriate otherwise. I fear she might lose interest soon, assuming she even has any.

Should I do something, or just let it go?


Master Don Juan
Oct 11, 2005
Reaction score
Don't do it.

That is don't do it unless you can move into your own place very soon if things go wrong.


May 10, 2003
Reaction score
Northern Ontario
I tried it once, however I couldn't close the deal because of ASD from being roommates, even though I came damm close (penetration). However like Kontroller said, you have to be willing to move out if you want to proceed.

Just like work, the old expression is valid, don't sh1t where you eat. But it sounds like you eluded to already having sex with her in the past, is this true?

More importantly, the reason why your attracted to her is your LACK OF OPTIONS. Thats why your thinking about her so much and building up attraction in your mind.


Don Juan
Mar 17, 2008
Reaction score
MacAvoy said:
But it sounds like you eluded to already having sex with her in the past, is this true?
Correct, but it was only once, and we were drunk and it was awkward afterwards. I made out with her a few times before that, and maybe once afterwards, but that was right before we stopped talking. She started dating someone, but wanted to hang out with me all the time anyway. Then one night she started acting jealous just because I was talking to some other girl, so I cut off contact. She kept trying to get a hold of me for a while afterwards, but gave up until a few months ago.

But like I was saying, I think she's changed, or is at least trying, and I haven't exactly been frozen in time either.

MacAvoy said:
More importantly, the reason why your attracted to her is your LACK OF OPTIONS. Thats why your thinking about her so much and building up attraction in your mind.
Perhaps, but I'm honestly not as attracted to anyone as I am to her. It's always been that way.


Don Juan
Mar 17, 2008
Reaction score
And I'm not implying that I want to make a move on her or anything. I'm just thinking that maybe I should stop being so aloof, and let whatever happens happen.


Don Juan
Mar 17, 2008
Reaction score
She's behaving oddly now. She sent me some lame little "hi" on myspace the other day, so I clicked on her page. I noticed that she changed a few things, and saw that she switched her "orientation" from straight to "not sure". Not sure? This BS again? I really wanted to believe that she grew up, and would knock it off with the attention ***** crap, but I should have known better. She hung out with her old friends the other night, and some of whatever's gotten into them must have rubbed off on her. Bunch of fat, single moms, who go out clubbing to try picking up on blacked out fratboys. And if they fail, they probably all go off to lick each other out. Good grief!

What the **** kind of mistake have I made by agreeing to live with her? **** me! I can tell she's not far from going out and slutting it up again, and if I say anything about it, I need to grow up or open my mind or not judge her or whatever, but the minute she sees me talking to another girl she'll turn into an insufferable ****.

My friends warned me.


Don Juan
Apr 10, 2006
Reaction score
St. Louis, MO
LMAO... sux bro... I wouldn't try to hit it... you'll get 10 mins of pleasure at the expense of months of drama... just try to keep things civilized


May 10, 2003
Reaction score
Northern Ontario
1984 said:
She's behaving oddly now. She sent me some lame little "hi" on myspace the other day, so I clicked on her page. I noticed that she changed a few things, and saw that she switched her "orientation" from straight to "not sure". Not sure? This BS again? I really wanted to believe that she grew up, and would knock it off with the attention ***** crap, but I should have known better. She hung out with her old friends the other night, and some of whatever's gotten into them must have rubbed off on her. Bunch of fat, single moms, who go out clubbing to try picking up on blacked out fratboys. And if they fail, they probably all go off to lick each other out. Good grief!

What the **** kind of mistake have I made by agreeing to live with her? **** me! I can tell she's not far from going out and slutting it up again, and if I say anything about it, I need to grow up or open my mind or not judge her or whatever, but the minute she sees me talking to another girl she'll turn into an insufferable ****.

My friends warned me.
My lack of options hit the nail on the head. She has you wrapped around her finger and she hasn't even given you so much as a whiff of her pvssy again. Look how she's got you all wound up just by changing her status.

However her change in attitude is PERFECT for you. You've seen the red flags before you made a move, now you KNOW not to make a move. She hasn't matured like you dreamed she would, so simply move on. Why was it a mistake to move in with her? You sound like you wanted her to move in cuz you thought she matured and you could start a relationship with her? Thats not how you start a relationship with someone.

Now that she's living with you, you want to go out and find some new targets and stop beating off in your room thinking about her.


Don Juan
Mar 17, 2008
Reaction score
MacAvoy said:
My lack of options hit the nail on the head. She has you wrapped around her finger and she hasn't even given you so much as a whiff of her pvssy again. Look how she's got you all wound up just by changing her status.

However her change in attitude is PERFECT for you. You've seen the red flags before you made a move, now you KNOW not to make a move. She hasn't matured like you dreamed she would, so simply move on. Why was it a mistake to move in with her? You sound like you wanted her to move in cuz you thought she matured and you could start a relationship with her? Thats not how you start a relationship with someone.

Now that she's living with you, you want to go out and find some new targets and stop beating off in your room thinking about her.
She didn't move in with me. I agreed to move in with her, and her two roommates. I'm friends with one of the other roommates, and she asked me a while ago to move in. I kept it in the air, but didn't say yes because of my history with this other girl. A month later, the one which this topic is about called me up and asked me to move in. We talked about it for a couple of days, and I ultimately agreed. My lease was ending, and I wanted to get out of the city. She's been acting cool, and I've already pretty much lived with one of the other roommates (she's my old-old roommates GF), so I knew what to expect from her. The rent's cheap too. I don't think I even considered anything sexual with this chick when I agreed to this.

I just wish she'd knock it the hell off with the mixed signals. I mean, one minute she's talking to me about curtains and house plants, and the next she's slapping my leg and talking about how long it's been since she's gotten laid, or she's asking me to get another place with her after this lease is up (ya know, like a "friend"), and the next she's rubbing my arms and telling me how big they are.

The one day she left me at somewhat of a loss. We were just hanging out in the livingroom, talking to one of the other roommates, and she just randomly blurted out, "Yeah... I already ****ed one of the people in this room.... haha...aaaaaaaahhhh... I'm gonna pretend I didn't say that.... but yeah, I hit this...". What in the ****?

And as far as "finding new targets", that's easier said than done. She'll find some way to turn into a jealous *****.

For example:

A few years ago, she gave me one of her many "I just want to be friends" speeches. The following week I got drunk and ****ed one of her friends. This little thing we had lasted about 5 days before I lost interest in this other girl. The end? No.

As soon as she found out about us, the aftermath was rediculous, and lasted months. Seriously, months!

"You can do better than her."

"She has a history of sleeping with guys at the drop of a hat, but if you're happy with her (I wasn't even interested by this point), that's cool."

*Three months later*

"She has a habit of just going out to clubs, taking off her clothes for the nearest guy, spreading her legs and saying "**** me!"."

"I'm only telling you this as a concerned friend, but I think you should get tested for AIDS.". Which was followed up with, "I'll only sleep with somebody if they show me that they've been tested.". Why would I even care about this nonexistant practice of hers?

You get the point. And every other time I even look at somebody else she starts up with similar ****.

So anyway, I guess I'm going to need to establish some boundaries. It's getting hard not to develop some sense that she wants to **** again or something, but I know she's just playing games.

What do I do?