This guy calls my friend (girl) 10 times and it worked. I'm shocked.


Senior Don Juan
Oct 20, 2005
Reaction score
One of my female friend went to a club. A guy hit on her and she gave him her number. Well, the guy called her once to hang out. She denied him because she was dead tired from work and didn't feel like going out. He called her the next day to ask if she wants to go to this party and my friend said sure and so they set a date. Well, when the time came, she fell asleep and so the guy was stood up. The guy then proceeds to call her up to 10 times. Well, she told me all this and I ask her how she feel about it.

She said "he called me that many times, he must really like me, I guess I'll hang out with him when he calls me again." I told her, "if that was me calling you, after the second call, I would throw your # away." She responded, "Yea, I know, that's what I heard alot of guys would do."

Btw, my friend is pretty hot.

I was just thinking, if we were in that guy's shoes, we would mostlikely next my friend. But who would have known that he actually got her from not giving up. What do you guys think about this?


Senior Don Juan
Oct 12, 2005
Reaction score
Chicagoland area
I was just thinking, if we were in that guy's shoes, we would mostlikely next my friend. But who would have known that he actually got her from not giving up. What do you guys think about this?

>>> Well it's not unheard of. I would say it's probably more the exception than the rule, obviously, as most girls would just get annoyed or start talking sh*t about the guy like , Oh god, now I have a stalker, I have to get my # changed , and all that type of stuff. But there are other cases where girls respond to a persistent "suitor". I've heard of it alot of times. I personally would NOT do this, what your friend's new friend did - I might have been that way like 8 or 9 yrs ago - but hey it worked for him. I guess persistence can pay off w/the right girl if you catch her at the right time. Plus maybe she really liked something about this guy too, so , it's all kind of a matter of time and circumstances; kind of like chance, you know? Anyway, if your friend's hot and you're already her good friend, did YOU ever think of trying to hit it??? Obviously you'll knock this new guy out of the box because you're already "in" w/her. Just a thought. ~Dino


Oct 28, 2005
Reaction score
this works. i met girl once. i forgot about our meeting and from this day she wasnt picking up my calls. i been calling like everyday for few motnhs. once she answered, and few weeks later we been together.


Senior Don Juan
Oct 20, 2005
Reaction score
I'm a guy, of course I thought about hitting it haha. But her personality isn't my cup of tea. She would be a good social proof for now.

Horse Whisperer

Don Juan
Sep 27, 2005
Reaction score
Perhaps your friend just likes the 'attention' she is ( or will be )getting from this chap = rather than actually fancy-ing him. Be interesting to see if anything comes of it!


Senior Don Juan
Oct 20, 2005
Reaction score
Originally posted by Horse Whisperer
Perhaps your friend just likes the 'attention' she is ( or will be )getting from this chap = rather than actually fancy-ing him. Be interesting to see if anything comes of it!
I'll try and update you guys on it if I remember, sometimes I tend to forget things. haha

Francisco d'Anconia

Master Don Juan
Jul 10, 2003
Reaction score
Galt's Gulch
Originally posted by Swoop
I was just thinking, if we were in that guy's shoes, we would mostlikely next my friend. But who would have known that he actually got her from not giving up. What do you guys think about this?
Getting a woman to go out with you takes no real talent; they'll go out with some guys just to toss them a bone. Your girlfriend thinks that he really likes her for calling so often, we'll see. What matters is whether or not he can boost her interest level so that she would want to go out with him more than once. Until that happens, just sit back and observe.


Master Don Juan
Mar 27, 2003
Reaction score
Originally posted by Swoop
One of my female friend went to a club. A guy hit on her and she gave him her number. Well, the guy called her once to hang out. She denied him because she was dead tired from work and didn't feel like going out. He called her the next day to ask if she wants to go to this party and my friend said sure and so they set a date. Well, when the time came, she fell asleep and so the guy was stood up. The guy then proceeds to call her up to 10 times. Well, she told me all this and I ask her how she feel about it.

She said "he called me that many times, he must really like me, I guess I'll hang out with him when he calls me again." I told her, "if that was me calling you, after the second call, I would throw your # away." She responded, "Yea, I know, that's what I heard alot of guys would do."

Btw, my friend is pretty hot.

I was just thinking, if we were in that guy's shoes, we would mostlikely next my friend. But who would have known that he actually got her from not giving up. What do you guys think about this?
HAHAH I love posts like this when people realise that this KJ theory BS is just what it is.... BULL SH1T!!! HAHAHA

dude, ther are so many misconceptions about the game/girls on this site it would make your fvcking head spin. I believed them at first but after I went out and actually tried to game a lot of girls I realised how much BS is on here.

I have seen my friends call a girl up and have her not answer only to call her 3 times more in A ROW without waiting and have her answer the phone and go out that night (some of the times they didn't fvck the girl, but some of the times they did). And this was before they ever went on a date or anything other than when they first met

Also- you cannot next a girl you haven't f-closed yet (IMO).


Don Juan
May 13, 2003
Reaction score
the yawning pits of hell
this is an interesting post considering a situation similar to this happened to me..I got a lot of good signals from the girl..I called her, she wanted to hang out..I set it up, and on that day I couldn't reach her..called her again, set up another date and then she supposedly had a relative from out of town come by and then we set up a 3rd date and I could never reach her but I was too impatient and never called her back..hmm...makes me think..

Mr. Cardio

Aug 27, 2005
Reaction score
this is a perfect example of persistant and why it pays off. I told you, there are no RULES in dating, the rules are what hold US back, not PUSH us forward. You see a girl you want, go and get her number to get a date with her, that is the dating boost her attraction, or to make her horny, be in sexual state and be the alpha and dominant male......why is this so hard for people here, its the rules that turn men into keyboard jockeys, the rules make us afraid, the rules make us nervous around women. Think about it, the AFC, he is nervous when he goes to talk to a girl, why? Because of the RULES, that his mother gave him about being on his best behavior, etc, etc.....its the same here, with the don juan RULES, its all the same shyt, just different wording.

****y and funny does not get you pvssy. Challenge, mystery does not get you pvssy, these are things that ADD attraction to your already INTERACTION.

Being the dominant male is not a rule, its basically just growing up and being a man and acting like you got some sense, thats all.

Sexual state is not a rule, its nothing but being horny.

When you eliminate all rules and just be yourself, you will get the date, then throw in some ****y funny, mystery, and challenge, to boost the attraction level even further so you now have a potential life partner. Gentlemen, why is this so hard?


Don Juan
Apr 27, 2005
Reaction score
nice post cardio, totally agree...

i think people complicate things, when its really just having the balls to do it..

i saw persistence usually pays off, because the girl thinks, damn ill just give the guy a shot, and before u know it they're dating/sexing

Lost In Translation

Master Don Juan
Aug 30, 2004
Reaction score
well i disagree

his actions REEK of desperation

her reaction to his stench of desperation is not a normal reaction

therefore i perceive there to be other factors involved

lets look at a few of the possibles

Her mind :

1. if he rings me 10 times and will put up with me flaking this may be fun i can have a toy to play with and amuse myself

2. he is so desperate just to see me this will translate well into him paying for dinners and amusing me on the nights my other males friends are busy

3. he will probably buy me things to seek my approval

4. omg ! i feel so popular ! so many phone calls in one night ! i feel like a movie star !

5. i won't have to give this guy sex because i hold his soul in the palm of my hand

6. i am not leading him on i am just going out to dinner with him and letting him buy me things but only as a friend which i will convieniently forget to tell him until after i get what i want

7. i am able to tell my friends that some guy is calling me 10 times per day. becky is so pissed because her guys only call her 4 times a day max. she is so jealous of me. I LOVE IT THAT MY BEST FRIEND IS DYING WITH JEALOUSY !

ok i am going to stop there. there are probably 200 possible f*cked up reasons why this chick is doing this

yes it is possible that she likes him and is prepared to overlook the fact that he reeks of deperation

in my profeesional opinion we would have to know the man in questions credentials

usuaully women overlook the normal rules for rich guys , movie stars , drug dealers

some sort of theme

other than that it's a game and the 7 things i listed give you some idea of her game plan

guys sosuave isn't right 100%

and b*tches these days are that mental it's hard to keep tabs on them


desperation is not attractive to women

this rule is true and sosuave is right about that

for the rule to be untrue there has to be another factor

shame some of you are so f*cking dumb you think women melt in your presence and all the rules change just for you

Lost In Translation :D



Master Don Juan
Sep 6, 2004
Reaction score
Originally posted by Swoop
I was just thinking, if we were in that guy's shoes, we would mostlikely next my friend. But who would have known that he actually got her from not giving up. What do you guys think about this?
He didn't get her yet. Just beacuse a chick agrees to date a guy does not mean he got her. They haven't gone out on one date yet. It could be over on the first, second or third date and by that time he probably would spend some serious money on her ass and get nothing in return. Just like some guys use women for sex only, some women use guys to milk them out of their cash.

Another thing I have to point out. You are not a chick, so don't take everything your friend tells you as true. The information she wished to reveal to you are probably 1/3 true. It is the 2/3 of the story I am more interested to know. Most women do not tell their male friends when they do bad things. The story she wished to fabricate to you was half assed because she portray the man to look bad while she portrayed herself to be an innocent angel. You don't know the other 2/3 of the story. She could have made out with him or fvcked him that very night or that very week and that is why he is calling her all the time because he knows his got a slut on his hands.



Don Juan
Sep 27, 2005
Reaction score
Originally posted by Swoop

She said "he called me that many times, he must really like me, I guess I'll hang out with him when he calls me again."
That doesn't sound very enthusiastic. It sounds like she's going to use him for free entertainment. Girls don't care whether YOU like THEM, they only care whether THEY like YOU. What might be a better policy is to call once a week for 3 or 4 weeks before giving up. This won't take much time: just take one evening a week to call the 3 or 4 numbers you have on the back burner. I wouldn't call 10 times in one week. Not like I'm Master Yoda or anything, but that just sounds like a bad idea.

Lost In Translation

Master Don Juan
Aug 30, 2004
Reaction score
hammer time ( break it down )

Quote : Swoop
Well, the guy called her once to hang out. She denied him because she was dead tired from work and didn't feel like going out.

if brad pitt called her up would she have gone ?


maybe she was tired but if her interest level was high i think she would have still gone

Quote : Swoop
He called her the next day to ask if she wants to go to this party and my friend said sure and so they set a date.

she set a date locked in.

Quote : Swoop
Well, when the time came, she fell asleep and so the guy was stood up.

she flaked. she stood him up. interest level in the guy is 0%.

fell alseep is the classic line young women use these days because it's what Dolly and Cleo teach them to say.

Quote : Swoop
The guy then proceeds to call her up to 10 times.

does she feel guilty ? she stood him up. what is she trying to do to fix her mistake because *cough bull$hit* she fell asleep or maybe slipped into a coma and didn't wake up for 14 hours

oh thats right she is telling you and you are very understanding

Quote : Swoop
Well, she told me all this and I ask her how she feel about it.

She said "he called me that many times, he must really like me, I guess I'll hang out with him when he calls me again."

hahaha... she is gunna hang out with him when he calls her again ?

what was wrong with the all the other times ?

now the guy is proven a total AFC she wants to hang with him ?


Quote : Swoop
I told her, "if that was me calling you, after the second call, I would throw your # away." She responded, "Yea, I know, that's what I heard alot of guys would do."

now where did this young vixen hear this ?

her friends ?

Dolly and Cleo giving the young women a PhD

teaching them the counter game Don Juans use

we got it tough enough because of how well women are trained from 12 onwards in how to manipulate men

but now Dolly and Cleo are teaching counter terrorism ?

teaching them how to shut down men with game !

when will the war end ?

Lost In Translation :D


" stop being insecure " i hate that saying. it's a cop out for not having enough balls to confront a woman about what she is doing THAT IS WRONG or potentially damaging to a long term relationship. – Lost In Translation


Don Juan
May 13, 2003
Reaction score
the yawning pits of hell
Re: Persistence is the key with women

Originally posted by Jcrew
Persistence works with women.

I have tryed that constant phone call approach by calling a girl many times to get a date and I have succeeded many times.

Women can be flattered by men who are persistent. Actually i am in process of getting a date with a lovely girl i met a while ago after many rejected attempts from her due to schedule conflicts and not alot of interest. But i just told her i thought she was adorable and i really wanted to set up a date for coffee or a night out.

So i pursued her about a month with persistent emails(one every three days) and phone calls twice a week. Telling her how much i liked her, how much we had common interests, etc. The key is subtle persistence. You never want to throw a barrage of phone calls and emails to her like a machine gun. That never works. Instead she will grow tired of you and consider you a stalker.

Until you hear..... "Stop calling me," then dont call her anymore. Then it becomes harrassment after that. If she doesnt say that ..then you still have the "green light" with her

you guys are giving me hope with this one chick.


Master Don Juan
Jan 30, 2003
Reaction score
At home
1) AW
3) If you're good.. there's opportunity. Know what you are doing etc.