This girl has been dropping signs since 8th, but she has now stepped it up.


Don Juan
Aug 24, 2006
Reaction score
(were Jr's in HS now) As I type this, I'd say I'm about a 8.5-9.5 on looks scale.

I'll try to make it quick, during a college field trip, we were standing up, and she told me to stand by her, and then she wrapped her arm around mine and started pressing it up on her breast, and pusting har ass aginst my saide and all that. (infront of people) I've known her for 4 years, I know she is not a virgin, but she's not a hoe.

Next day after lunch she comes up to me and we talk for about 30 sec down the hallway.

Today, we were in the same class, and I just said hi to her as I was going to lunch. After lunch back in the class room she comes up, gives me a hug, presses her thigh up agianst my shoulder for a little bit, then backs off and we talk for a bit.

Then her 'healthy' friend kept begging her to come over to her so she can tell her about something, so she tells her to wait, gives me a hug, then goes over. (many think I was being ****blocked)

After class she left the room as fast as she could leaving her friend behind....maybe she had to go to the bathroom, or her friend said somethign to her.:rolleyes:


Don Juan
Aug 24, 2006
Reaction score
Spelunker said:
So.... what do you want us to do?
Its fairly self-explanatory at this point.
I hope.
I was wondering about her friend calling her over to "tell her something" and she speeding out of the class as fast as possible when the bell rung. blah, I'm probably just being paranoid I guess.

The Shocker

Senior Don Juan
Dec 28, 2006
Reaction score
With my parents
lay the pipe


Don Juan
Aug 24, 2006
Reaction score
Ain't this a *****!!!!! Heh, I might have messed up, but I learned.

Me: hay I hope this day been treating you well.

Me: say's something about why I'm pissed off, and she asks why.

Her: ah, cheer up (hug and pat on back)

Her: blah blah, I start work today, since my injury, I don't wanna go to work, I can't wait to get out of school.(I should have asked her what she was gonna do)

Her: You're going to math, seee I remebered.

Me:>_> I didn't here what call she said she was in yesterday.

*pats arm and leaves*

Maybe I'll put on the charming smile, and ask her how was her first day of work, then start to say some funny ish.