This **** actually does work


Don Juan
Jan 21, 2003
Reaction score
just a real quick story to any AFCs that ain't sure if this whole DJ thing actually works. This EXTREMELY gorgous girl, a girl I usually would think I would have no chance with, a girl I usually would (in the past) compliment her on her beauty every minute, a girl I usually would.......well you get the drift. So anyways, I tell this girl to call me up a week ago....she doesn't. Then I tell her again to call me up this Thursday.....but instead she calls on Friday. So obviously her IL isn't very high at this point. Basically she calls me on HER free time and expects me to drop everything and talk to her. So anyways, I take her call but I tell her after a minute or two of talking, that she just called me at a bad time, and I couldn't talk. Then I offered to call her the next day. She agreed. Saturday rolls by, I was really tempted to call, but I kept myself in check and forgot about it. So I just went out and had a good time. I get home kinda late and behold!!!! I have two messages on my machine. The messages were just her asking me why I didn't call and that she was thinking of me. So thats my story, now for my question, should I make more time for her now after this or should I just keep blowing her off occasionally.


Master Don Juan
Mar 21, 2003
Reaction score
wait 2-3 more days. she will go crazy. DO NOT RESPOND TO THE MESSAGES, if i know some girls , they will put **** like "YOU ARE A JERK I DONT WANNA TALK TO YOU ANYMORE" on the machine. dont buy that ****.
call her up and say "hey, i wanna talk to you, lets go to movies/bar/bowling". tell her YOU are taking her. if she makes ANY sort of excuse say, this is all im offering, you either take it or good bye.

i pulled that with some girl yesterday on the internet... she was giving me some sh!t, so i said "hey, i really dont think u are all that interesting, good bye"... oh man if u only saw how hard that hit her;)