Third Part: Managing an Approach - The beginning


Don Juan
Dec 11, 2002
Reaction score
I will go through the entire approach thoroughly from start to close. Tag along and you may learn some really important stuff that you did not know from before. I thing I have approached more than hundred women this week so I may not have gotten all the clues down.

Part I – Where to Meet Women

This is very individual. First you have to think of what kind of girl you desire for yourself. If you want a nice good-looking and intelligent college chick, then going to the library may be a good call. If you instead want a very seductive and wild girl then spending time in the library looking for her will be a waste. Think to yourself, what qualities do you seek in your woman? Based on that mental image; think of what places such a girl would be in.

General places to meet women
  • The Library – Calm and relaxed atmosphere
  • The Street – Vast range of girls
  • The Shops – Go into shops based on the quality you seek
  • At Bus stops/Train stations – Especially at evenings it is easy to find people
  • Activities – Everything from Yoga and fitness to sports or stamp collection.
  • Coffee shops – You’ll be surprised
And for god sake, avoid bars!

Part II – Spotting Target

Once you have arrived at the place you wish to pick up women and spotted a girl (or if you spot one by accident somewhere else) Do the Boogerman’s test on her:

  1. What is the first unique you thing you can find about her. (Necklace, shoes, rings, hair-color, make-up, clothes, aura, excessive objects, environmental event (her missing bus for example), piercing, etc…)
  2. Does number one tell you something about her personality? (Maybe a band name, or if she dress in a certain way, display political symbols on her clothers, etc…)
  3. Do you see something that you can negative-hit on? (Length, clothing, shoes, posture, etc…)
  4. What is her current state of mind? (Does she look angry, neutral or happy?)
  5. Does the environment give me any advantages or disadvantages for me to approach? (if she is making a speech, or if she is talking to a friend of yours for example)
  6. Based on the above gathered information, what approach will fit for the current situation?

There is a slightly modified version of this test if you only have a few second to notice her then do number 1, 4 and a Boogerman approach. This will be covered later. I never use a wingman so I will not cover group-approaches or similar things; I work alone, never with any help from others.

Part III – Pre-Approach for beginners (advanced PU’s skip this part)

I feel that I rush these things a little, most guys do not have any problem with part 1 or 2 of this post; but approaching is another thing; it will take some mental strength to do it the first couple of times. I will suppose that you are a complete beginner to approaching and we’ll build it from that.

When I approached the first time I was petrified. There is no easy way to learn to approach people. I have put together The Boogerman 10 step Approach-ladder. It will give you some more confidence with approaching. Take the time needed for each step. You should feel comfortable with it before going to the next step.

  1. First you must get into the right frame of mind. Remember that you are a Don Juan, you should float above and radiate across the room like a blazing god. If you can’t do that then perhaps you can just walk. Walk up to a couple of persons and ask for the time. Do it to older men if you are afraid and then work your way down to the beautiful girls.
  2. Now instead of just asking for the time, pick a street name (or make one up) and approach people and ask for directions to that street. Again go from the old men to the most beautiful chicks if you are timid and shy. Don’t press too much.
  3. Now to get a little wacky! Go to a store in town and look for clothes (or just pretend to do). Take a sweater or anything and walk up to someone and ask: “Excuse me, forgive the interruption, I just wanted some advice. Do you think that this *** will fit me?” or something similar. This approach can be used later. If you find that they propose something else then you may find that you have a conversation going. Go from the least fearful to the most fearful.
  4. Whenever you are in an environment with people that is suitable for small talk like an elevator, a bus stop, a line, etc… then say something about anything. Talk about the weather, about the football game yesterday, the current situation in society. This is very non-intrusive.
  5. Now go to the library and look around. Watch for people and say that you are interested about the books that are in the section you are in. Say that you are unsure of what book to get; ask if they can recommend something.
  6. Walk up to someone and give him or her a compliment. “Sorry to interrupt you but I thing your shoes very nice and I just wanted to tell you that.” Or say something that fit AND you really admire about them.
  7. This is a mayor leap, but it is the most important one yet. Walk up to a person and just initiate conversation. It does not have to be a pick up style of it, just try to get the conversation going. Just say hi and say that you for instance are interest by their clothes, ask where they got them, or maybe some jewelry. Go from least fearful to most fearful.
  8. Use a pick-up line. You will not let your target know that you are interested in them sexually and that can be very intimidating to show for the shy. Try these: “Hi I just wanted you to know that you are extremely breathtaking!” “If Venus and Aphrodite could have a child together it would be you!” “If I would compliment your radiance then I fear that I would make the sun jealous.” I know they are corny, and don’t expect any good results, pick up lines are bad most often.
  9. Use some more blatant lines like ”Lets do the rock and roll baby” “Nice earring, wanna fukk?” “If I told you that you are the most sexy woman I have ever met, would you take me home and do me?” Don’t expect any good results. And for god’s sake, use these ones in a bar! (Use a metal-underwear;))
  10. Play the crash and burn. Use bad pick-up-lines like: “If I were a pig I would search for you under the ground.” Maybe not that bad, but just behave like a complete schmuck so you are rejected.

I really hope that you have learnt something now and that you are much more confident about approaching women. Do not go to the next part unless you feel you are ready.

Part IV – Approaching made easy

Depending on the situation sometime it is good just to stay where you are and sometimes you just have to run into action directly. Always validate and be analyzing about everything. Watch for an opening and move in directly, without a thought.

a. Boogerman approaches

Excuse me, can you…? This one is worth gold. You can apply it everywhere. It breaks the current state in the woman you like and you ask her to do something for you.


“Excuse me, this may seem a little strange, could you hold this for me one second?”

STOP! Stand still! Very good if she is in a hurry, it is a command so naturally she will stop because it is so sudden. If she wonders why you told her to stop, say you just lost your contact lence and ask her to help you or “I just wanted to meet you and I didn’t know how to make you stop, I panicked you know. *smile*”. Just say stop and maybe add some body language.

Bump and fall This is hard to master; you have to bump into her and then fall to the ground. Naturally she will wonder if you are okay. I understand if you do not want to use this. You may make a fool out of yourself. You can do the bump without falling or just blocking her way.

b. Other Approaches

My friend "Hi *** how are you doing? *act surprised* Sorry, with your clothes and your hairstyle you looked exactly like a friend of mine *act disappointed* You really enjoy deceiving people like that don’t you *smile* I use it often and it works for me, it is the only reason why I have added this. A variation of this could be faking like you know the person. “*in a surprised tone of voice* Hi, I can’t believe it is actually you! How are you doing nowadays?” Maybe you can add later: “*in the same tone of voice* I don’t know who you are, and you do not know me; but isn’t it fun anyway?”

Amateur Sketching Take a notebook with you and walk up to a person and just start to draw. Make the most ugly possible drawing you can, draw like you were totally drunk and then go forward to her and say with class. “You inspired me to artistic greatness.” And give it to her with a smile.

Gay approach Got this one from a friend of mine. Act like you are totally gay, talk with a gay voice, and do a little feminine movement. Walk up to her and say “Hi, I just wanted to ask you where you got that *piece of clothing*.” Then when she tells you then continue the conversation, about one minute in, stop all gay acting immediately and act Don Juan. Mostly it gets a laugh. The gay thing removes all resistance. If possible, change while saying a sentence, say half of it gay and then transform into Don Juan.

I do not use so many pre-made approaches so I will not write out so many of them. Instead of using these you should learn to improvise approaches. Remember the Boogerman test? You can just walk up and do a friendly conversation with her. Then add the seduction later. (my favorite). She will not notice. If you want more specific examples about approaches, then ask and I will answer.

Second Part: How to Influence and become more attractive


Master Don Juan
Apr 22, 2002
Reaction score
Excellent post, lots of good examples. You seem to be a very experienced DJ. I would like your ideas on how to do street pickups though please, also have you ever successfully done a street pickup?


Master Don Juan
Mar 10, 2002
Reaction score
Vancouver, BC
I am going out tomorrow and I'm gonna use the "bump and fall" approach as often as possible. I think this would work well especially if you act injured after the fall.

Here's a different approach that I like:

Walk up to her like you know her and try to give her 5, as if she is a male friend of yours. Then after she looks at you confused and wondering who you are, you start a conversation with her.


Senior Don Juan
Dec 31, 2001
Reaction score
I am going out tomorrow and I'm gonna use the "bump and fall" approach as often as possible. I think this would work well especially if you act injured after the fall.
lol you guys are so funny.

Good post overall.

However, the best approach is to say something relevant to the situation. (an icebreaker)
For example, if you are walking down the street in a city and you see some guy doign something weird, make a comment about it to her. Now.. go from there.

Another simple line is (do this when you get eye contact first) is: "Hey, my name is **, what's yours?"


Don Juan
Dec 11, 2002
Reaction score
Guitarwhizz wrote: "Excellent post, lots of good examples. You seem to be a very experienced DJ. I would like your ideas on how to do street pickups though please, also have you ever successfully done a street pickup?"

You know, I have only made 15 posts, you must be 25 times more experienced. :D

How to do street pick-ups. Well let me tell you about the first time I did it. I was talking to a friend of mine, and while we spoke she said she liked something, naturally I backed away looking at her like she was a wierdo to tease her. The fun thing was that my leg was stretched out behind me, and the moment I did this a nice looking girl (6 I think, 8 is the most beautiful I have seen in real life). So she tripped on my leg and fell to the ground. So I helped her up and apologized, she said it was ok. We talked, my friend understood what I was doing so she left. The accident lead to a burger in McDonalds and a nice phone number. :) No I don't suggest you go out and start tripping people. ;)

People are generally unaware of the people around them when they walk down a street. The first thing to do is to get the attention. Place yourself in the middle of her way so she has to notice you. Say "stop" or "excuse me one second" don't say "hi" because she could just say "hi" and walk on. One fun thing you could do is. "Hey, your shoelaces is untied." She will look down. Then she will wonder why you said that. Do something C+F. You break her state of mind and that is always good.

"I am going out tomorrow and I'm gonna use the "bump and fall" approach as often as possible. I think this would work well especially if you act injured after the fall."

Are you sarcastic? :D

"Walk up to her like you know her and try to give her 5, as if she is a male friend of yours. Then after she looks at you confused and wondering who you are, you start a conversation with her."

Nice one. :)

"However, the best approach is to say something relevant to the situation. (an icebreaker)
For example, if you are walking down the street in a city and you see some guy doign something weird, make a comment about it to her. Now.. go from there."

I agree with the first sentence. Commenting other people is a no-no. Always focus attention on the lady. ;)

"Another simple line is (do this when you get eye contact first) is: "Hey, my name is **, what's yours?""

This one can be useful, it however violate the "ask for name if interrested in you"-rule.


Senior Don Juan
Aug 26, 2002
Reaction score
Love this post! Well done Booger!


Master Don Juan
Apr 22, 2002
Reaction score
South Carolina (Charleston)
very good post, and nice name btw boogerman ;p.
a few things: i dont think ill be tryin 8 and 9 on ur list for stepping stones to confidence....(im only in hs). also in numbers 3 and 5.... are you supposed to ask a person in the store/library(like someone that works there) or just a random person there(ie not a person that works there)??


Don Juan
Dec 11, 2002
Reaction score
:D The smile says it all guys... *tear in the eye*

Lost: The name is me in a nutshell, ugly as hell, but hard to get rid off :D

No, they HS chicks are a little too immature to understand those pick-up lines. I think? If you don't want, then skip them. Go directly to ten. ;)

3 and 5 you should do with a stranger who does not work in the store.

Mack Of All Trades

Master Don Juan
Dec 5, 2002
Reaction score
Boogerman, Excellent job. You seem way more experienced than your 16 posts. Anyway, I got a nice tool I like to use to get the C+f routine started as soon as I meet the chick.

If she looks into my eyes: " Excuse me, but I couldnt help but notice that you were staring at me. I think that I deserve to be treated better than a piece of meat"

However, my FAVORITE line I like to use whether she looks into my eyes or not is...

" Excuse me, but i couldnt help but notice that you were staring at my butt!" Usually, the chicks jaw drops and she cant believe what I said! I then proceed to find out about the chick and then get her #.

Hope this helps....

Mack Of All Trades

Master Don Juan
Dec 5, 2002
Reaction score
Originally posted by Lost
very good post, and nice name btw boogerman ;p.
a few things: i dont think ill be tryin 8 and 9 on ur list for stepping stones to confidence....(im only in hs). also in numbers 3 and 5.... are you supposed to ask a person in the store/library(like someone that works there) or just a random person there(ie not a person that works there)??

Im also in HS, but I still put my butt on the line everytime I go "hunting". If you need confidence, start by saying Hi to everyone you see. Then, progress to engaging people in short convos.