

Master Don Juan
Oct 3, 2005
Reaction score
I have problems with doing stupid things. Such as not thinking. Or no common sense.

I know people think naturally but for me, this is an issue.

I am smart, but I can be an airhead.


Master Don Juan
Jan 2, 2006
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Out of the box
Go grab your balls and accept your responsibilities in life...

underpaid? family? education? fitness? future?

If any of those matter to you, than you have responsibilities. You become awkward and aloof if you don't take care of what needs to be done.


Master Don Juan
Oct 3, 2005
Reaction score

The problem is actually forcing myself to do things. I find it difficult to do things. Like talking to girls. The problem was I was afraid, I now talk to at least 3 day. Hopefully more.

Could fear be an issue?


Master Don Juan
Jan 2, 2006
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Out of the box
Fear of facing your responsibilities?

Nah, usually it's your too proud of being simple.

Being afraid of your responsibilities takes some real fvcked up thinking. Your a smart kid trust me, it's not fear that is your problem in your life.

With women and basic conversations YES it is fear. Fear developed by the lack of contact to responsible actions, you don't apply yourself in life, than people around you notice and they shun you. The shunting action makes you feel like your not appreciated or noticed, and it develops into general fear. The general fear is compounded by your decision not to act on your life, and people see you are both scared AND lazy, and you get double the action from both angles of your life.

What you've got to do is bite the first bullet. The second one should stop midflight if you think about the consequences.


Master Don Juan
Oct 3, 2005
Reaction score
Yeah, I see where you are comming from.

I didn't think of the consequences.

I took some bad advice.

1. People always said: Go with the flow.

2. My dad said: I like it simple.

So, now I see where I went wrong. Let me know if you need help on how to be funny.


Senior Don Juan
Nov 13, 2005
Reaction score
San Diego, CA
There are a few critical rules of life that you need to take in stride if you want to be truly successful:

-Take initiative. If you think something should be done, don't wait for somebody else to do it. JUST DO IT.

-Take responsibility. For yourself and the situation around you. You are in control, act like it.

-Dive into the unknown. Get out of your comfort zone and try something new. Only then will you know what you were missing.

-Take a Risk. Usually, people only fear the unknown. Confront your fears and overcome them.

-Be self-critical. Scrutinize whatever you do, and point out all your successes and mistakes. Don't beat yourself up if you do something wrong. Find a lesson in everything and make it a part of you.



Master Don Juan
Oct 3, 2005
Reaction score
I appreciate all of the help.

I feel I am a better person, because of your help.


Master Don Juan
Jan 2, 2006
Reaction score
Out of the box
Re: Yeah, I see where you are comming from.

Originally posted by crossboss
I didn't think of the consequences.

I took some bad advice.

1. People always said: Go with the flow.

2. My dad said: I like it simple.

So, now I see where I went wrong. Let me know if you need help on how to be funny.
Whoa whoa whoa, I NEVER said that was bad advice!

Now your dragging your family into your problems? That is simply pushing the blame of the lack of your responsibility onto them. The thing is as well, your parents gave you good advice. Go pick up a book, written by some guy with a really long weird name by the name of "achieving flow". Read taht and you'll understand what those people are telling you to do...

Going with the flow doesn't mean leaning back and letting it take you away. It means go WITH the flow, that means go in the direction the flow goes, strive for it, one of the only ways to succeed...

You see other people around you screwing up? I don't really think so from the way your looking at the world, I bet you see your world as being all screwy and everybody else just seems to 'understand', it's not like that, everybody since birth fights to understand the world. It's the people that fight with themselves and accept that things are the way they are and don't try to break the rules that are in place that succeed. Of course you can get around and bend the rules, you can never really break them without somebody screwing you over for a few extra dollars, or some head, or just that nice wallet you carry in your back pocket. It's all relative what the rules really are, but you've got to recognize whjat you see as being absolute, don't try to change everything out there, your life depends on that.

So than you look at what your dad taught you. 'keep it simple' he is right, once the fear and procrastination take over your mind, things start to fall into place that aren't supposed to be there at all. To become like others, barriers have to be broken. You've made many barriers in your own mind that restrict you from interacting with the world...

It's time you take responsibility for your own actions, whether mental or physical. Take responsibility for your family, to yourself, and to your friends. That doesn't mean become a pvssy whipped b!tch again, that means become a man and do what has to be done. You will start to encounter what you believe to be big obstacles, but stop for a second and ask somebody you trust and they'll tell you it's no big deal.

Go read the thread I made to the "mature AFC's" they'll show you what real problems are. They aren't simple girl problems, or money problems that some people think of. You've got to realize that the only real problems are when there are people's lives on the line.

Go back and read over what damian talks about. Read the DJ bible with a new lease on life. Realize that there is more out there, than you are even capable of being afraid of.

Remember there are people out there afraid of open spaces. They can't even go to school without freezing up. Than there are people like you who can travel the entire world, and don't even give a damn about those people because you are never going to meet them...

Live your life for those who can't...

oh yeah, almost forgot

Keep on thinking, just don't think about what YOU think is wrong. At least until you know you ARE wrong. Don't apologize for the petty things in life, it takes away from the larger picture.


Master Don Juan
Oct 3, 2005
Reaction score
You gave me a lot to think about..

I will take time to think this stuff over. Hopefully, then will I fully understand the concepts.
