Think Success! ~ MUST READ


Master Don Juan
May 9, 2005
Reaction score
On The Road to Self-Improvement
The mind cannot distinguish the difference between fantasy and reality!

Read that again!

The mind cannot distinguish the difference between fantasy and reality!

Whether you are visualizing success in your brain, or whether you are actually experiencing that success, your mind does not know the difference. Create the visualization with such detail, the mind will not know if you are actually experiencing it, or if it is a visualization. To the mind it is all the same.

The mind cannot distinguish the difference between fantasy and reality!

The second key to success is: Thoughts are creative.

Our UNIVERSE is governed by the most powerful law that exists; The Law of Attraction. The Law of Attraction states that whatever you think about, you bring about. Your thoughts are sending a frequency to the universe. The universe then finds a way to match that thought into reality. Your thoughts create reality!

Look at everyone around you. Look at the rich. They attract money because they think about money. Look at the sick. They attract illness because they are constantly thinking about sickness. Look at the poor. They are constantly thinking about how they don't have money.

The universe then takes these thoughts, and manifests them into reality. It works every time, with everything.

The third key to success. Feelings are creative.

When you think about success, you must feel the success. Feel the joy! Feel the love! Feel the excitement. You must not feel the lack of what you want. You must feel the the feelings of having what you want right now!

Remember, the mind does not know the difference between fantasy and reality. Your creative thougths and feelings must be so strong that you are CONVINCED that, that is the way things must be. They must be so strong that even though you don't have success (yet), in your mind you already do have success!

That is all you need! You brain. Your thoughts. Your feelings.

1 - The mind cannot decipher reality vs. fantasy.

2 - Thoughts and feelings are creative.

3 - Manifest reality by visualizing and experiencing the end result, right now!

4 - The stronger your visualization, the faster the universe will attract your desires. Make is so real, your brain won't know whether it is fact or fantasy.


Don Juan
Jun 6, 2006
Reaction score
Seeing is one thing, actually hapening is another. Guess you could PK/magik you'r way there but other than that...

Still nice post.


Master Don Juan
Jun 3, 2005
Reaction score
I think you should name people when you take their exact words and post them. (the secret of concious co-creation)

Nonetheless, this advice is as true as it gets, folks. And it can't be repeated often enough :up:


Don Juan
Nov 17, 2006
Reaction score
Think positively. It helps tremendously. No one wants to be around a negative person.

art of

Don Juan
Nov 9, 2006
Reaction score
There is definately some truth in a bit of what you said. Positive people are more entertaining to be around, and tend to attract more success. I also believe that thinking positivly helps you find the solutions to your problems.

As for Jessica Simpson popping up in my bed the day after I watch the Dukes of Hazard, I dont think its going to happen.

Its fun to believe that the law of attraction works, but the fact of the matter is you dont create your reality through thoughts, you do it through actions. If you really want to shape your reality do it through self improvement and hard work, not prayers.