gods gift to women said:
Hi guys,
I've been dating this girl for about 6 weeks now. I've played it pretty good for the most part. I think she might be losing interest because I'm playing too hard to get. I only call her once or twice a week and only see her once or twice a week. At what point do you start calling more and hanging out more?
You didn't indicate why you believe she's losing interest. Why? What is happening?
If she's interested in who you are, she sometimes will indicate that she wants to spend more time with you. You can gauge this by pushing incrementally a little bit more... but only if that's what you want as well. And only in small steps. You do not want to crash and burn. It's always better to leave her wanting a little more than to give her more than she wants. And she should work for your time, with the result of you making yourself more available to her. Call her and tell her something fun you are doing this week. See if she tries to invite herself. If she doesn't, tell her you'll talk to her later. If things do not move ahead, back up a little bit. Keep trying to gauge this yourself. There's really no way to find out how much time she wants to spend with you unless you gauge it. But you should only gauge it if you actually do want to spend more time with her. As always, the main focus should be yourself - fling, ltr, marriage or otherwise. A healthy relationship occurs naturally as both people want relatively the same thing.