Alight, so normally this isn't an issue, since most of the time, you're only there to get a number. But what happens if you're "stuck" with the girl?
For example, if you're both waiting for the bus? People say i'm a good conversationalist, but it's still quite possible for me to run out of things to say, especially to a person i know little about.
So i think it would be a good idea to make a list of questions i could ask a girl to streer up conversation. So if i suddenly run out of things to say, i can fall back to list mentally, and go on without pausing.
This usually happens when you're "branching" topics (one question, then more questions arise based on answers), but end up running out of leaves, and having to start a whole new branch.
For example, if you're both waiting for the bus? People say i'm a good conversationalist, but it's still quite possible for me to run out of things to say, especially to a person i know little about.
So i think it would be a good idea to make a list of questions i could ask a girl to streer up conversation. So if i suddenly run out of things to say, i can fall back to list mentally, and go on without pausing.
This usually happens when you're "branching" topics (one question, then more questions arise based on answers), but end up running out of leaves, and having to start a whole new branch.