Originally posted by Sammo
Be a man of action, impress people with what you DO not what you SAY. What things can you do? Expand your social circles, become more attractive, get a life, flirt and have fun with all girls you come in to contact with, etc. That should get you started.
By the way buddy, read the bible, theres no easy couple of words. As men, it comes natural to us to want a simple answer i know, but just improve yourself and it will come. You reap what you sew.
There are many phrases that will increase her intrest... I use a few specific, token-strands of conversation in every approach. They will not get you #'s, but collectively, having a few sure-fire phrases is another step towards victory.
"I can't have you thinking I'm easy, now. I'm not some piece of meat, some sex to you can use over, and over, and over... I'm more than that, and I wan't someone who can appreciate me for who I am on the inside" - your target will virtually piss herself laughing. Say it whenever she ASSUMES you like her, or you can bait it yourself "I'd invite you to the movies, but we should just go to coffee" and then break into the line.
"Don't sas me... if theres anyone in this mall/car/wherever you SHOULDNT sas, its me, honey."
"The last time I <whatever>, a sexy woman took advantage of me..."
"Are you trying to seduce me?"
Those are just a few oh the specific phrases I use quite often in pickups. I also have a vast repitoire of stories from my life that are absolutly helerius. If nothing I have fits, I make something up, simple as that.