Things I've learned


Don Juan
Sep 30, 2007
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Hey guys,

It's been years since I came here but I just had some tips that I'd like to share.

I think that the nexting advice is thrown around too quick and I feel like this whole PUA thing is actually feminizing guys especially with the 'women should chase me mindset' which is actually what women do. Someone who got countless options most likely won't be chasing you. However, that does not mean you have to give up your life for her or throw in the towel whenever she says no or flakes. Just be persistent without being creepy and you can only learn that by being socially aware.

Another thing is that you should also learn how to get in her head and make her do stuff you want her to do kind of like a salesman basically.

Here are a few examples from my experience:

35y/o asian(I'm 25). Got her number at a party, texted a bit and called to set up a date after her travel.
(Short convo)
L23: So when are you free to go out for sushi?
Her: We can go on(date and time) but just so you know we're going as friends. Nothing more
L23: I wish we could but I'm not trying to be your friend at all. Do you find me attractive:
Her: You are a handsome man but too young for me(giggling)
L23: You see that but I don't. All I see is a woman that I am attracted to who finds me attractive and who knows, it could be the best thing to ever happen to us. Just give it a shot.
Her: Ok fine! I'll give you one chance. My friends gonna think I'm crazy for going out with a 25y/o.

I convinced her to come out with me and f closed her on our 3rd date before breaking up.

Another girl my age who I had been seeing but was withholding sex for a couple of times and I got fed up:

Her(while in her panties): stop! We shouldn't have sex yet.
Me: Why what's keeping you from doing it?
Her: You know I came out of a relationship not long ago(2months ago) and I don't want to jump in another one too quick.
Me(looking at her in the eyes): Have you ever thought about having sex with me?
Her: Yes
Me: Then why would you not want it to happen? I feel like you are afraid of what I might think of you afterwards.
Her: If we have sex too early it might mess with the process of getting to know each other.
Me: That would mean you have nothing else to offer besides sex(Now I flipped the script and not having sex with me would validate what I said. so she doesn't have much of a choice)
Her: Explains how she's recovering from a heartbreak bla bla bla then takes off her panties and we bone.

To sum up:
-Be a man and take what you want.
-If you're not needy, she won't think you're needy no matter how many times you ask her out
-If she gets your juices flowing, make it a point to bone her
-Take control of your life it's not her job

P.S. Some of you might say that I put the kitty on a pedestal but everybody joined this for because of pvssee aka 'self improvement'. The quality of females you're getting determines your status. You'll always respect the one who gets the finest chicks

El Payaso

Master Don Juan
Jan 16, 2014
Reaction score
l23 said:
P.S. Some of you might say that I put the kitty on a pedestal but everybody joined this for because of pvssee aka 'self improvement'. The quality of females you're getting determines your status. You'll always respect the one who gets the finest chicks
If that is what you have gotten out of this site then you need to go and read the DJ Bible five times again. Pu$$y is not self improvement and the quality of females you get doesn't determine your status. Attaching your status or feeling of self worth to a woman will only lead to disastrous results.

Self improvement is improving YOURSELF. Your job, your education and the people you come in contact with benefiting from you in a positive way.

Self improvement is not begging and chasing after a wet hole between a female's legs. She says jump and you say "how high?"

Begging that 35 year old woman and telling her why she should go on a simple first date with you is pathetic to be honest. That's just the beginning. If it goes anywhere, you'll be begging her and validating yourself to her everytime you want to go on a date with her, when you want to have sex with her, when you want to hang out with her, when you get into a relationship and it's time to make decisions etc.

The second story was just simple ASD.

Maximus Rex

Apr 8, 2005
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Villa Regis
Rex Disgrees

El Payaso said:
Begging that 35 year old woman and telling her why she should go on a simple first date with you is pathetic to be honest. That's just the beginning. If it goes anywhere, you'll be begging her and validating yourself to her everytime you want to go on a date with her, when you want to have sex with her, when you want to hang out with her, when you get into a relationship and it's time to make decisions etc.
Rex disagrees.

1) It was a test of excremental fortitude. The old chick was giving a lame excuse as to why she shouldn't be messing with dude. She wanted go out with dude anyway, but was worry about what her friends would say. How was it, "pathetic," when the strategy and tactics would applied properly and he got to know her carnally, seems like a win to me.

2) It was Sells 101. In sells they tell you a customers initial response is to reject what you have to offer, but you over there objections and ask for the sell again. That's all dude did, overcome her weak objection and asked for the date again. I've been watching a lot a RSD in field footage of late and more often then not the chicks are resistant to their advances. Those guys stay in set, overcome objections and eventually break the chick down. If you punch out at the first sign of resistance, you've made things that much more difficult for yourself, because you have to a holla that many more chicks.

El Payaso said:
The second story was just simple ASD.
You said that to say what?


Mar 12, 2011
Reaction score
Bro as soon as you say "35 year old" all game and pick up techniques go out the window. She will want to sleep with any guy before her looks dry up.

No game needed when they reach a certain age.


Master Don Juan
Dec 6, 2013
Reaction score
l23 said:
35y/o asian(I'm 25). Got her number at a party, texted a bit and called to set up a date after her travel.
(Short convo)
L23: So when are you free to go out for sushi?
Her: We can go on(date and time) but just so you know we're going as friends. Nothing more
L23: I wish we could but I'm not trying to be your friend at all. Do you find me attractive:
Her: You are a handsome man but too young for me(giggling)
L23: You see that but I don't. All I see is a woman that I am attracted to who finds me attractive and who knows, it could be the best thing to ever happen to us. Just give it a shot.
Her: Ok fine! I'll give you one chance. My friends gonna think I'm crazy for going out with a 25y/o.
If this is what you said word for word, I'd say your game with her was pretty bad. I guess I can't say I'm surprised it worked since she's 35 and you're 25.

l23 said:
Her: If we have sex too early it might mess with the process of getting to know each other.
Me: That would mean you have nothing else to offer besides sex(Now I flipped the script and not having sex with me would validate what I said. so she doesn't have much of a choice)
I don't understand how this worked considering it makes absolutely no sense. Was she stupid?


Don Juan
Dec 31, 2013
Reaction score
Don't think OP did anything wrong with these conversations at all. He didn't come off as desperate, just slightly persistent. Can't say it was the strongest game, but it worked.

Some women actually have the worst excuses for not going out with guys and sometimes a little persistence makes it worth it. I noticed especially young girls I meet in bars or clubs and get their numbers usually are kind of hesitant about going out.

Theres a difference between persistence and desperation and I think OP was just being persistent and got the results he wanted.


Don Juan
Jun 17, 2013
Reaction score
Trump said:
Bro as soon as you say "35 year old" all game and pick up techniques go out the window. She will want to sleep with any guy before her looks dry up.

No game needed when they reach a certain age.
Not true.