Things are looking up


Don Juan
Sep 27, 2005
Reaction score
Well, things are looking up, thanks largely to the advice I got on this board. This week, I have:
-- 3 dates w/women from personals (one down, 2 to go)

-- One more with a hot older woman (warm PU from a local cafe) that I'm currently setting up (haggling over scheduling)

-- Closed e-mail addr. of a HOT little babe from the neighborhood (another warm PU). Have been warned that she has a BF, but it's not my job to worry about every c0ck in the henhouse :D

This sure takes the sting out of getting blown out last Saturday. So far there's a lot of action w/o a lot of motion, but it's a confidence boost nonetheless because I have never been able to do this kind of volume ever. Hopefully I will end up with 1 or 2 steadies to get through the cold winter :D

Here's an odd but true fact: craigslist personals are a lot more effective for me than more technologically advanced sites like match or eharmony. I can go into more detail about this if anyone cares.

Thanks guys.


Senior Don Juan
Nov 13, 2005
Reaction score
San Diego, CA
Awesome. Good to see some accomplishments around here. Keep us updated on what happens, eh?



Don Juan
Sep 27, 2005
Reaction score
Thanks guys! First datelet last night with a 23-yo HB6. (That's what I'm calling these meetings: they're not really full-fledged dates). Not quite as slim as I prefer but pretty face & generally pleasing to look at. Seems like a sweet kid, easy to talk to, no awkwardness, though not very interesting. Not a very sexual vibe either, but we were 2 total strangers after all. Got her # & discussed going for a motorcycle ride this weekend if the weather holds out. Tried to rectify a mistake I made with the last girl by being genuinely interested in finding out who she is. I'll call her in a few days. She's not my dream girl, but she's a good girl.

Got another one tonight with a teacher who seems a lot more interesting but is closer to my age & more likely to have some baggage. We'll see how it goes.

Random observation: women who try to do excessive prequalification, or who hem & haw about actually meeting, are not worth it. Stick to the ones who will just meet you at a cafe w/o giving you a headache.


Don Juan
Sep 27, 2005
Reaction score
Oh yeah--I also wanted to say that the ads being posted by my fellow man are really unbelievably bad. Here are some choice titles:

Looking to meet people who like to smoke!
So, who wants me?
Un****ing believable
Are you a Redhead?
Looking For That Special Someone
Any Fun In Cary Tonight?
girlfriend is overseas for a while...
Man seeking some companionship tonight
feeling trapped
Looking for a Friend
I have never had a long term girlfriend

And these guys wonder why they don't get any replies!


Don Juan
Sep 27, 2005
Reaction score
Update: just got back from 2nd datelet and this one is a no-go. There's just no chemistry, you could feel it right away. She is very conservative/stodgy w/o much sense of humor, & I am a freak w/my freak flag flying high. To me, it felt like I was out w/my mom. I can only imagine what it felt like to her. (She probably thought I escaped from some institution :D ) All this sounds more horrible than I really mean it to--I think she's a fine woman, but she and I don't click. Toward the end, she released me from my agony by saying so--I was fumbling for the right way to say it--but she said it in a very classy & ladylike way. See? They're not all bad!


Don Juan
Sep 27, 2005
Reaction score
OK, this thread is turning into my own mini-journal. Hope it helps somebody. (Maybe it will be fun to read years from now).

I e-mailed the woman from last night just to say thx 4 coming out & don't get discouraged: no chemistry is the norm due to the random nature of on-line hookups. No fault of either party involved. I figured no harm in showing a little class. She replied with a little note of her own & was sweet.

Tonight I meet a girl who started testing me relentlessly right out of the box. Here are some examples:

Her: I really need you to be smart.
Me: I have an MS in math, whereas you are a poli sci major. The real question is, can YOU keep up with ME?

Her: Make me laugh & we'll go from there.
Me: What's in it for me? If I make you laugh, will you make me a tasty grilled cheese sandwich? I need some quid pro quo.
Her: {tells funny story about the trials & tribulations of learning to make grilled cheese}

Her: Are you cute?
Me: Hell no. Cute is for poodles. I look like a Shaolin monk.
Her: A what kind of monk?
Me: Actually, I look more like an enforcer for the Hell's Angels. But don't worry, my bark is worse than my bite :)
Her: OK, which Hell's Angel should I be looking for?
Me: The one who looks like a fire hydrant made of muscle. {Brief physical description follows}

OK, this girl is feisty as hell--she's either gonna be a lot of fun or a complete disaster, not much in between.

Meanwhile, my ad snagged 2 more leads. The 50-YO hottie hasn't gotten back to me yet (she runs her own business, she's very busy). She said yes to going out but wanted to go out tonight, which I obviously can't do.

This Sunday, will try to take the first girl for a motorcycle ride around the lake--this may be the last weekend this year warm enough to do so.

I haven't heard from the little blonde hottie that I email-closed at the cafe, & I have a gut feeling I'm not going to.

The beat goes on...Wish me luck.


Master Don Juan
Aug 27, 2001
Reaction score
Good work man, but a 50 year old hottie is a oxymoron.


Don Juan
Sep 27, 2005
Reaction score
Ha! Ordinarily, yes. But that's the amazing thing about this town--even the old ladies are hot! (I think having all those college cuties walking around raises the bar for everybody). OK, I also admit I have a bit of an older woman fetish, but I think even you guys who automatically reject anything over 35 would say she was pretty, despite being too old for you.

Anyway, onward. Date last night: she was plain, round, & masculine in a way that's hard to describe. We connected intellectually (she's very smart) but no sexual energy at all. I LJBFed her in the gentlest way I could word it. I could perhaps expand my social circle.

It's getting pretty clear that HB6 is about the best case scenario for personal ads. HB7 and up simply don't need them. The 23-YO from Tuesday was definitely the best of the lot.

After the datelet & went to a local bar to relax but the sarge receptors in my brain were to fried to do any approaches. I just wanted to drink a gin & tonic & go to bed.

The replies have stopped trickling in from this ad. There are 2 more women I haven't met yet, but it's really time to get back to live sarging. Tonight I am going contra dancing. I have no idea what the hell that is, but there's a free lesson first, & it should be a target-rich environment. I'll also call the 23-YO later to take her riding Sunday.