They always come back


Don Juan
Dec 21, 2013
Reaction score
So since the last break, I've gone nc almost 2.5 months now and just like clockwork I received a text from the ex today. For those who have followed me and "argument went wrong" thread this is the same girl. I've actually been really happy lately got some new plates and just been enjoying my time alone.

She text me some bs about "I hate how things ended between us and I thought we were closer than that, it's been on my mind." This is the same girl who barely a week after we split got with the same guy I had suspecisons of and you send me some sh*t like that now?! I haven't replied nor have any urge to. I have removed myself so emotionally away from that situation it's weird. I almost feel sorry for her. Last desperate attempt at seeking validation from me.

I feel like keeping nc until the very end, she put me the through hell and back. Any response I feel would give her some sort of "closure" what you guys think? I'm pretty sure she's still w this guy as well.
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Master Don Juan
Apr 2, 2014
Reaction score
Don't let her win by giving her closure for what she f*cked up knowingly.

Cerwin Vega

Master Don Juan
Apr 29, 2014
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Nn877 said:
So since the last break, I've gone nc almost 2.5 months now and just like clockwork I received a text from the ex today. For those who have followed me and "arguement went wrong" thread this is the same girl. I've actually been really happy lately got some new plates and just been enjoying my time alone.

She text me some bs about "I hate how things ended between us and I thought we were closer than that, it's been on my mind." This is the same girl who barely a week after we split got with the same guy I had suspecisons of and you send me some sh*t like that now?! I haven't replied nor have any urge to. I have removed myself so emotional away from that situation it's weird. I almost feel sorry for her. Last desperate attempt at seeking validation from me.

I feel like keeping nc no til the very end, she put me the through hell and back. Any response I feel would give her some sort of "closure" what you guys think? I'm pretty sure she's still w this guy as well.
Keep that ****ing hamster running. How are you feeling today man? Did you stop thinking about her as much yet?

I'm right behind you brother, 20 days of NC.
Me and my ex were 4 years together.
She started dating the guy she disrespected me with (which was the reason of our breakup) after a week of breakup, and my NC. Very similar story like yours.

She bombed my phone like crazy the first week of NC but then went cold turkey and stopped contacting me ever since. Her last voice message was something among the lines of:
"I planned for us to go on a horse riding on the beach at nightfall, then go to a restaurant and then have an amazing night at a hotel room...if you are still interested in getting back together then please contact me, I am very interested"
2 days later a friend of mine saw her with the guy she swore meant NOTHING to her.

It's really painful that such a close person lies and disrespects you, specially when it happens DURING the relationship (and most likely it begun there), makes you lose trust in people and women in particular.

Keep it strong, you're leading our NC newbs way!

El Payaso

Master Don Juan
Jan 16, 2014
Reaction score
Delete the text and continue living your life like you never even met her. Her hamster will spin itself to death.


Don Juan
Dec 21, 2013
Reaction score
No plans on replying, she wants closure and I'm not going to give her satisfaction of it.


Don Juan
Mar 14, 2014
Reaction score
Nn877 said:
No plans on replying, she wants closure and I'm not going to give her satisfaction of it.
That's what I'm talking about. Good for you man.

Induced Drag

Don Juan
Dec 8, 2013
Reaction score
Good for you. Stay silent. I'm almost envious of your situation. I haven't heard anything from my ex and it'll be six months tomorrow. I've moved on and I'm seeing other women and spinning plates. Although it'd be nice to know she'd like to try to reconcile with me. If only for my ego's validation.

Oh well, her loss. NEXT


Master Don Juan
Jul 12, 2004
Reaction score
I've been NC since my ex dumped me April 3rd, same circumstances. With the exception of saying "Hi" to her in person one day because we crossed paths and nothing more. I have ignored her and haven't texted or called. Deleted her on facebook, etc. She looked like sh!t recently too. She is a trainwreck that her new chode bf can handle. Not I!!!!


Master Don Juan
Apr 20, 2014
Reaction score
Dunno how many of these stories I've read now. But they all amount to this same sad scenario.

@Nn877, There plenty of other hotter birds out there for you. Just learn a few lessons to make sure you don't end up in that same situation again.



Don Juan
Dec 21, 2013
Reaction score
Man, you guys have no idea. This girl is relentless, so yesterday she shows up at the job to talk, she goes into how she felt and tried to pry why I did what I did. I don't go into detail and and basically tell her this isn't the time or place to discuss this.

I don't know what to do guys this has really been bugging me, I don't want her in my life but I'm also not an assh*le type of person to tell her to fook off. Her quest for answers is unreal and just want to move on. Seeing her made me remember things and not gonna lie set me back somewhat. I work in a mall so it wasn't like she just showed up at an office or something but still. Even called me last night I didn't answer.


Master Don Juan
Aug 1, 2013
Reaction score
my ex dumped me 1 week before xmas over some something stupid... i went no contact on her ass!

3 months later she sent me loads of emails that i deleted without reading.. she sent me a hand written letter, which i binned without reading

she then got her 8 year old daughter to write to me... in the hope i will give in to this new tactic

i did not bother reading the letter... i still do not have another woman in my life, but no f@cking chance am i going back to that life

man that was one painfull breakup & the loneliest xmas & new year ever spent!!

i'm still not hundred percent over this chick, she comes into my mind quite often

dude ignore this chick... don't give them any validation... they deserve nothing!

think of the pain she caused you


Master Don Juan
Nov 25, 2012
Reaction score
Nn877 said:
Man, you guys have no idea. This girl is relentless, so yesterday she shows up at the job to talk, she goes into how she felt and tried to pry why I did what I did. I don't go into detail and and basically tell her this isn't the time or place to discuss this.

I don't know what to do guys this has really been bugging me, I don't want her in my life but I'm also not an assh*le type of person to tell her to fook off. Her quest for answers is unreal and just want to move on. Seeing her made me remember things and not gonna lie set me back somewhat. I work in a mall so it wasn't like she just showed up at an office or something but still. Even called me last night I didn't answer.
Dude fvck her feelings. She doesn't deserve anything more than an assh0le (lol at being able to say ass but not *******) response from you. Be selfish, do what's best for you not her. She sure as hell doesn't give a damn about your feelings if it doesn't benefit her. The only reason she's creeping around is because prospects aren't looking good for her. If she was in a happy relationship she wouldn't even be thinking about you. Carry on as if she never existed.


Don Juan
Dec 21, 2013
Reaction score
JoeMarron said:
Dude fvck her feelings. She doesn't deserve anything more than an assh0le (lol at being able to say ass but not *******) response from you. Be selfish, do what's best for you not her. She sure as hell doesn't give a damn about your feelings if it doesn't benefit her. The only reason she's creeping around is because prospects aren't looking good for her. If she was in a happy relationship she wouldn't even be thinking about you. Carry on as if she never existed.

Yeah man I am being selfish, it's crazy how these exs somehow know, not even a week ago I was feeling a LOT better and just overall happy but sure enough she just pops up outta nowhere. I still think abt her from time to time but seeing her really didn't help. She text me some crap this morning about I hope you're happy and I still respect you as a person. Well saying she misses me wasn't the only thing she came into to tell me and that has been a mindfuvk

Basically she showed me text messages abt asking her out to chill and that he had a thing for her, from my close friend that he sent her the other night and the crazy part is I was with him, well I thought she was lying and using it as some elaborate excuse to see me, but it's his number. So I approached about it and sure enough he did, hard convo to have and severely severed our friendship. On top of seeing her plus that news made one h3ll of a day yesterday.


Apr 26, 2006
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Northeast Florida, USA
Mauser96 said:
Tell her to stay away from you or you will get a restraining order.
Yep, do this. She sure as hell would have no problem getting one on you if tables were turned and you were stalking her. And what's good for the goose is good for the gander.


Don Juan
Dec 21, 2013
Reaction score
Mauser, trust me I am. She's toxic and I have too much going for me right now to backtrack. Grass ain't greener on the otherside and she knows it.


Master Don Juan
Jan 3, 2010
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New Jersey
She could easily cost you your job if she keeps that stuff up. I'd have to agree with the "restraining order" advice. That is just straight up disrespectful.

I'm willing to bet she wants "answers" now because that guy is no longer seeing her so she's reverting to last known phase... which is you.

Everything she is doing now is proving exactly WHY you SHOULDN'T be with her. This shouldn't be setting you back, this should be validating every reason why you shouldn't be with her. Every time you feel "set back", just remember that guy was all naked up inside her not too long ago.