Theory about chicks on tinder


Aug 22, 2017
Reaction score
IMO 90% of chicks on tinder are looking for someone living on his own while they live with parents so they can escape their home with minimal effort.

Girls been spamming my inbox for weeks, 2 days before scheduled meeting saying they will eat my semen, then flaking on meeting, and 2 days later removing my number.

This is the only area that I lack in, and I often hear dissapoinment when I say i live with parents.
"Uhh u live with parents? Ehhhhhh"
Or no reply after that message

While they live with parents or eventually with friends, so shouldnt be dissapointed at all.

very barely i meet a chick living on her own. and if she doesnt, then its very likely you will get replaced for someone who does.


Senior Don Juan
Dec 21, 2016
Reaction score
Market decides, sadly. If there are enough guys on tinder or around your area that has their own place, you lose ground. If you are good enough looking ofc you could live with your mom and still get it done, but it will never help you.

I am living in a small city with some friends in a rented house, location is crap so I ALWAYS have to drive to another city when I match with girls. It really is crap but taking a step back until I get this education thing done until summer.

Location game - try to get to a bigger city and live by yourself. Younger students often live with others so its a big plus if you got your sht together. Funny thing is, when I had my own apartment I had such crappy tinder photos and game that I barely met any girls. Now that I leave with others for the first time in my life at nearly 30, I am decent with women and get matches on tinder but they live far away too often. Still getting laid a lot more than when I lived alone!

I guess my point is that with better tinder pictures I got better results no matter where I lived. Its ALL about looks, you really have to become good at analyzing them and seing them from the outside. Ask girls what they think, try different bios etc.

Also remember to not be embarrased when you take them home to your place if it is sht. Mention that it is temporary, but be cool about it anyway.


Master Don Juan
Aug 10, 2008
Reaction score
Los Angeles
very barely i meet a chick living on her own. and if she doesnt, then its very likely you will get replaced for someone who does.
Lately I've been quite appalled at these women I meet who still live at home especially these girls in their late 20s who aren't still in school or paying off some type of debt. It's like get your sh*t together.


Apr 26, 2006
Reaction score
Northeast Florida, USA
At least half of the recent online dates i have had recently have lived at home. They've all had jobs but then had some other excuse... The funniest one was the one who told me she made bookew bucks but has to pay her ex-hubby alimony so it forced her to move back with mom and dad. That was so darn funny!!! I don't hold it against the woman unless she tells me she lives at home but then continues to try and brag about how independant she is. If she's gonna tell me she lives at home then she better just keep the Miss Independant speak to herself cuz I don't wanna hear it.

If I lived with my mom right now I would 1) Make my #1 priority in life to get out from the situation over all other 2) Probably go ahead and date and not disclose it until after I got the first lay. Then if she flakes after that, at least I got something for my effort.

I haven't lived with my parents since I was 23 and I am now 44. IMO there is no shame in it so long as it's TEMPORARY. I'm talking 6-18 months max. Life can be hard in these times and sometimes people need that relief, and I get that. I don't think its wrong to do temporarily for anyone.