Theoretical Questions...


Don Juan
Dec 24, 2005
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1. If a tree falls in the forrest and no one is around to hear it does it make a sound?

2. If a bridge is built nine-tenths of the way beautifully but the remaining one-tenth of the bride is crap, is it a good bridge?

3. If you see can see someone from one point can they see you too?

4. Can something ever truly disappear?

5. If you fell into a bottomless pit would you end up on the other side of the world, neglecting the hot toasty earth's core?


Don Juan
May 11, 2006
Reaction score
1. If a tree falls in the forrest and no one is around to hear it does it make a sound?

Yes. Sound is not established by the ears. Sound is carried by waves. Even if no one is there, the sound waves must bounce off of matter some how. So, in fact sound is still there.

2. If a bridge is built nine-tenths of the way beautifully but the remaining one-tenth of the bride is crap, is it a good bridge?

Good is subjective. It depends on what good pertains to? Good as in sturdy? Good as in beautiful? Good as in safe? The question is not complete.

3. If you see can see someone from one point can they see you too?

If depends on where they are and the meaning of "can." For example, I "can" eat, but I don't have to. Its a matter of choice based off of location. Can is about choice and ability.

4. Can something ever truly disappear?

Yes. In my mind there is a picture. Now, I stopped thinking about the picture. It is gone. It has dissapeared. It no longer exists.

5. If you fell into a bottomless pit would you end up on the other side of the world, neglecting the hot toasty earth's core?

This one is a little difficult. I would say no, because of the earths gravitation pull and rotation. The center of the earth is pulled on greatly. Either you would be ripped apart or you would pulled extremely hard. Im not too sure about this one though...


Master Don Juan
Nov 5, 2003
Reaction score
1) if a crime is commited and not reported did it happen? yes
2)the bridge will collapse so its a POS
3)not always
4)I think yes
5)no such thing as a bottomless pit unless you are in space


Master Don Juan
Nov 15, 2004
Reaction score
1. If a tree falls in the forrest and no one is around to hear it does it make a sound?
Of course it does.

2. If a bridge is built nine-tenths of the way beautifully but the remaining one-tenth of the bride is crap, is it a good bridge?
It's not a good bridge. If someone 5hits in a jar of mayonnaise, it is still good mayonnaise?

3. If you see can see someone from one point can they see you too?
Not necessarily.

4. Can something ever truly disappear?
Some things can. Even though the smell of a fart can linger, it eventually disappears.

5. If you fell into a bottomless pit would you end up on the other side of the world, neglecting the hot toasty earth's core?
Show me a bottomless pit first, and I'll answer your question.

cant think of a user name

Master Don Juan
Sep 20, 2002
Reaction score
1. If a tree falls in the forrest and no one is around to hear it does it make a sound?
Technically yes (sound waves), philosophically... questionable. How do you define "sound" from a philosophical standpoint? Is it only sound if it is heard? You could argue that philosophically humans invented the concept of "sound" as to what they can hear (but then again, another human invention, science, has told us that sound is vibrations in the air which would be caused by the tree no matter who was there to hear it).

2. If a bridge is built nine-tenths of the way beautifully but the remaining one-tenth of the bride is crap, is it a good bridge?
Assuming that the bridge's purpose is to let vehicles/people cross safely, then you could say it is not a good bridge as 1/10 of it is built craply.

3. If you see can see someone from one point can they see you too?
You mean like the cameras behind the walls in BigBrother? LOL. Through one of those police interrogation room mirrors? Not necessarily.

4. Can something ever truly disappear?
Ask your physics teacher. Supposedly, everything in the physical world never really disappears, it all goes somewhere. But beyond the physical world (eg. as someone mentioned, a thought in someone's mind), how can you know if anything really disappears or not?

5. If you fell into a bottomless pit would you end up on the other side of the world, neglecting the hot toasty earth's core?
If you end up on the other side of the world, the pit isn't so bottomless is it? Is it possible that with the acceleration and momentum you generated from falling down the pit, you'd come close to coming out the other side, but gravity drags you back in, so you continue rebounding from one end to the other? Doubtful!