New Member
Greetings aspiring DJ's around the world, I hope life finds you all well. The following things have not gotten me laid.
1. Working out
I first started working out at the end of high school, because I was vain and wanted some muscle to show off to whatever girl I was infatuated with at the time. I looked up bodybuilding routines from the internet, magazines, personal trainers etc. I ended up spending hours in the gym, doing isolation exercises to define my shoulders, arm blah blah whatever. I didn't get big, I quit. Years later I returned to the gym, did squats, deadlifts, chins, dips. I ate a lot of food. Today I am not huge, but I am big enough that when I speak, people pay attention, and I look good. Going to the gym does not get me laid
Being in control of my career
After going to university and being completely disappointed with what was on offer, I left and took a reasonably high paying job in a corporation. Long hours, lots of responsibility, lots of ass kissing. I worked my ass off for the company, and slowly began to realize every day I became a little bit more like the medium/upper management crowd, i.e follow orders, keep the big boss happy at all costs, be a team player. I left and started my own business, I make less money, but I work my own ours and I get out what I put in. Being in control of my career does not get me laid.
Helping others
I started volunteering during my high school years as a music teacher. I taught those that could not afford it otherwise, because I could. Later on travelled to other countries around the world for 6-12 week periods working on projects from construction to education. Volunteer work gives me a good feeling. Volunteering does not get me laid.
Taking interest on others
Someone once told me that you can learn something from everyone, even if it's just that you don't agree with them. I listen to what everyone has to say when I meet them, regardless of their appearance. You can meet some wise people in strange places, and most people appreciate it if you pay attention to their story and remember it, it's not hard to do and will win you a lot of friends. Taking an interest does not get me laid.
Having a passion
I am a musician and I love to write and play, even if only in my bedroom, and when I get on stage it gives me the biggest high. Creating something of your own can be very satisfying, no matter the medium, and is a great way to express youself, as your work will be s individual as you are. Having a passion does not get me laid.
As I have stated, nothing I do gets me love, or sex from others, but it doesn't matter anymore. The only person you are certain to wake up with for the rest of your life is you, so make sure you treat yourself well, and be what you choose to be for yourself, and pay no attention to what others would make you, because they will make you for their own ends.
1. Working out
I first started working out at the end of high school, because I was vain and wanted some muscle to show off to whatever girl I was infatuated with at the time. I looked up bodybuilding routines from the internet, magazines, personal trainers etc. I ended up spending hours in the gym, doing isolation exercises to define my shoulders, arm blah blah whatever. I didn't get big, I quit. Years later I returned to the gym, did squats, deadlifts, chins, dips. I ate a lot of food. Today I am not huge, but I am big enough that when I speak, people pay attention, and I look good. Going to the gym does not get me laid
Being in control of my career
After going to university and being completely disappointed with what was on offer, I left and took a reasonably high paying job in a corporation. Long hours, lots of responsibility, lots of ass kissing. I worked my ass off for the company, and slowly began to realize every day I became a little bit more like the medium/upper management crowd, i.e follow orders, keep the big boss happy at all costs, be a team player. I left and started my own business, I make less money, but I work my own ours and I get out what I put in. Being in control of my career does not get me laid.
Helping others
I started volunteering during my high school years as a music teacher. I taught those that could not afford it otherwise, because I could. Later on travelled to other countries around the world for 6-12 week periods working on projects from construction to education. Volunteer work gives me a good feeling. Volunteering does not get me laid.
Taking interest on others
Someone once told me that you can learn something from everyone, even if it's just that you don't agree with them. I listen to what everyone has to say when I meet them, regardless of their appearance. You can meet some wise people in strange places, and most people appreciate it if you pay attention to their story and remember it, it's not hard to do and will win you a lot of friends. Taking an interest does not get me laid.
Having a passion
I am a musician and I love to write and play, even if only in my bedroom, and when I get on stage it gives me the biggest high. Creating something of your own can be very satisfying, no matter the medium, and is a great way to express youself, as your work will be s individual as you are. Having a passion does not get me laid.
As I have stated, nothing I do gets me love, or sex from others, but it doesn't matter anymore. The only person you are certain to wake up with for the rest of your life is you, so make sure you treat yourself well, and be what you choose to be for yourself, and pay no attention to what others would make you, because they will make you for their own ends.