Hi, I'm new around here. I'm a 26 yr old avg. guy who was in a relationship for 7 yrs! Anyway, I'm back in the game, and I've found the way for me to kill it with the girls at the bars. Instead of doing the eye contact, approach the girl and introduce yourself routine, which does work, sometimes, I simply look for a girl I'm interested in, move to her general location, then just take a minute and look around to find something to talk about. The other night, I saw a girl that smoked winston's, so I just said, wow, you don't see people smoking winston's often. Another time, there was a bachelorette party, the girls had penis headbands on, I turn to the hottie next to me and say "that girl has a penis on her head." Simply put, that's the easiest, non threatening way to approach, and the chics think, "wow I met this cool guy", instead of "yeah, I got picked up last night at the bar". It works for me, just thought I'd share.