The Value of the DJ Bible (kinda long)


Don Juan
Apr 2, 2003
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Seeing how this is my first post, I must confess that I have been lurking on this site since January. I figured that there was sooooooooooo much on this site that anything I had to say, was already said. However, I failed to realize that my observations of others and myself down the road to becoming a Don Juan would be a valuable contribution.

So here goes. It was January and I was just coming out of my 'I'll just stay home' shell. (I spent the previous year and a half working my ass off in school and not going out at all really.) Anyways, seeing how it was a new year and I was no longer in my current program in school, I decided this would be the year I turned my life into something more desirable, more lively. I would commit to myself more so than I had ever before. Then I met a girl and got her number! She and her friends went out with me and my friends. It was a good night, we all got along and sh*t. Then that pitiful little wuss inside of me started calling the shots. We all know who he is. That's right, my AFC. Anyways, to make matters worse I found out that girl had a borefriend. I couldn't figure it out. All I knew was that I wanted her. I did all the things an AFC does. Thought about her every hour, imagined us going out, and all that other wonderful AFC crap. Being desperate for a way to get her, I came across this site. With such a huge array of new techniques at my disposal I was ready to sweep her off her feet. Anyways, to make that long story short, she still seeks me out. She always wants to go out with me instead of her borefriend. The BIG difference now is I don't care as much anymore if she wants me, it's all about IF I WANT her. Plus I've got 3 more girls I may decide upon dating again.

Ok so why'd talk about my experience? Well, I came to a conclusion recently that if most guys come here and reject the information that is handed before them and only a handful stay, it's because the others really see this site for what it really is. For example, I told 3 of my closest buddies about this and they complained that it's 'toooooooo long'. They also said it's only for getting laid. Far from it! For some time I couldn't understand it. Why all the skepticism and quick judgement? If they needed real proof of its validity, I was it. Not that I'm being arrogant but they KNOW something inside of me changed, and people responded to it. H*ll, they were even there (with jaws dropped) when girls/a few guys would approach me outta nowhere and talked to me out of genuine interest.

My point is, for all you guys who come here and are skeptical about the value of this site, it's your loss. Read it all if you have to. That way you'll see the whole picture, not just the small portions of it. You'll be missing out on a great gift to help guys in their battle against their former selves (and feminism).

"Oh it's too long. I don't believe some of this. Besides my gf says I'm already cool/calm/collected/confident/charismatic/charming" Yea right, I smell a liar. You are being patronized my friend. When she monkey swings from you to a guy with all the talent and skill you DO NOT have, come back to this site and learn why you got sh*t on.

You can go ahead and think that being a nice guy (or jerk) will help you get a great woman; or a fulfilling life for that matter. Or you can let go of your previous knowledge of human interactions(unless you've got a degree), specifically the interactions between males and females, and step into a realm of wisdom you never thought possible. A friend and I used to always talk about women and how we'd never figure them out. Sure we knew alot of them, but we were most likely in their LJBF zone. That's changed now. So what's holding you back, my friend? I know, it's your AFC. It's your current ideals about women, how to get them, and on an even higher note, your ideals of how to be happy.

Gentlemen, why let that AFC in you survive any longer than he has to? If you let him live any longer, you'll end up with more pain in your dealings with others, especially women. I say read this now (out of boredom if need be) and make good use of it NOW rather than to read this out of greed, desperation, emotional attachment, or at worst heartbreak. Maybe you'll save yourself or someone else from pains we're all TOO familiar with. Either way you'll become a winner. Trust me, you just will.

:D Personally, I'm glad I met THAT girl because I may not have found this site for awhile, maybe not at all. I came here out of necessity. Now, I don't give girls credit for my transition at all. I give full credit to my AFC because it was his actions/emotions that brought me here. In a sense my AFC brought me to a door, I stepped in and now he's only a memory, and the steps I take from here on in will lead me to that IDEAL we all refer to as the Don Juan. I'm staying on this path and I've got a long way to go. What about you my friend, don't you wanna be a winner? Will YOU take a step into DJism?